The copy problem
3rd person POV:
Yn: Ughh...
His eyes fluttered open as they try to adapt to the light.
Slowly sitting up, Yn began rubbing his cheek which still stung a bit with pain.
Yn: Ow... What happened...?
Yn: Makoto-chan~
(Flashback end)
Yn: Right...
Looking around, Yn noticed he was no longer on the street, but instead, a worn-out apartment. Specifically, a no window bedroom.
The door to the room opened and Makoto herself entered, with an ice pack in her hand.
Makoto: You're awake?
Makoto:(mumbles) It usually takes longer to recover from my punches...
Makoto: Whatever... Here.
She walks up to him and pressed the ice pack against his sore cheek she had punched.
Makoto: This should help with the pain.
Yn: Th-thanks...
Makoto: Come on, I'll explain the situation.
Yn: Sure, I love when situations are explained to me.
Getting up from the mattress he was lying on, Yn followed Makoto to the next room.
(Opening theme)
(Akuma's office)
Ran leaned out the window with a cigarette in her mouth.
Ran: So where's Yn?
Akuma: On a mission with his fellow chickens... And an old acquaintance of ours.
Ran: Who...?
Akuma: The gal with the fists that long for justice.
Ran: Makoto.
Akuma: Ah Makoto-chan~
Akuma: It feels like yesterday when she was my student...
Akuma: And now I'm reminiscing with my other old student... They grow up so fast.
Akuma:(sniff)... Hey, Ran-chan, you want to have a little training session like in the good old days?
Ran: I rather quit smoking.
Akuma: Aww... Don't be like that.
Ran: I'll be however I want.
Akuma: Anywho. What do you think about Makoto?
Ran: Why are you asking me, I was already out of your hair and working with the shadow council.
Akuma: You still met her enough times to remember her name and personality.
Ran: Tch...
Ran: She has a strong moral compass and no tolerance for wrongdoings.
Ran: By the books but willing to forego them if it's for the greater good.
Akuma: But can that old chicken teach these new chicks something?
Ran: Perhaps she can teach them to find their moral compass to follow.
Akuma: My thoughts exactly.
Ran: So you invited me here to get a second opinion that aligns with yours?
Akuma: Maybe.
Ran: Tch.
Ran:... Let me ask you something.
Akuma: Yes?
Ran: Did you hear how Kuro attacked Yn and that girl again?
Akuma: Of course I heard it. I hear all, like a Norse god.
Ran: Well it got me thinking... He wanted the Mao-Muhon. But why?
Akuma: It is a powerful weapon that belonged to Kira. Many desire to take the blade for themselves.
Ran: But why does Kuro want it? It apparently has to do with his oath to the council, but how?
Akuma: Why don't we ask them?
Ran: I'll let you do the talking. Just tell me how it went.
Akuma: Fine, fine. I will get to the bottom of it myself.
(Makoto's stakeout base)
Yn and Makoto entered a living room, where they found the other students in the class of the chicken.
Yn: Did you all get punched in the face too?
Kora: That was only you, dude.
Yn: Oh... What an honor.
Grabbing a pair of binoculars, Makoto approached a window and spied on the K.T building.
Makoto: Now that you're all here, let's talk.
Makoto: Who are you all?
Hana: We are Ryga high, students of the chicken.
Makoto: And Akuma sent you all, I presume?
Hana: Correct.
Makoto: He also told you all to call me Makoto-chan, didn't he?
Yn: It's actually "Makoto-chan~".
Makoto: Do not think that I will not punch you again.
Yn: Got it.
Makoto: What mission did he give you all?
Gerald: Find you and aid in your mission.
Paya: We have some knowledge of the golden fruit they have.
Makoto: Hmm... Here's what's going to happen.
Makoto: I don't need all of you at once, that will make it harder to hide.
Makoto: A few of you are going to take turns helping me out.
Makoto: Constantly changing the spies will throw them off.
Hana: Understood.
Vina: Hey... Can you like... Tell us the current situation?
Makoto: A year and a half ago, the infamous assassin himself, Kira, attacked the company and brought it to its knees.
Hana: Kira?
Makoto: The one and only... Or was at least. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Gerald: Who hired Kira to attack the K.T?
Makoto: No one. From my investigation, Kira seemingly went after them for his own interests.
Makoto: Later, he hunted their old leader because of the Shadow Council desire, but that seemingly was unrelated.
Paya: So why did Kira attack them?
Makoto: That was the question I needed to be answered.
Makoto: So I infiltrated their ranks and found out what the reason Kira attacked them.
Gerald: What was it?
Makoto: They were trying to clone him.
Yn: That's some sci-fi shit there.
Makoto: Using the shadow clone technique as a base, they've been cloning him to mass-produce Kira level killers.
Kora: That's insane!
Makoto: Yet they've still done it.
Makoto: You boys got a close look at one of them.
Yn: You mean the red and white ninja lady?
Makoto: They call her Thirteen, as in the thirteenth clone of Kira.
Hana: Her? But Kira is a male.
Makoto: They've clone him but the clones aren't perfect.
Makoto: As of now, they're only genetically identical. They lack all his memories, skills, experience.
Makoto: They only know the skills programmed into them.
Makoto: Luckily for us, it's a lottery if the clones come out well enough to be of actual use.
Hana: What purpose are they cloning him for?
Gerald: An army perhaps? An army of unbeatable assassins could accomplish anything.
Makoto: It doesn't matter what they want to do with it, because we're going to destroy their entire operation so they won't ever be able to do this again.
Everyone: Right!
(Ending theme)
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