Broken memories
3rd person POV:
With an earpiece on his ear, Yn spied on the K.T industry building on a very high and close to it.
Makoto:(on coms) What do you see?
Yn: Office workers...
Makoto:(on coms) Gerald?
Gerald:(on coms) I can see a large aura deep in the center of the building like last time however its position or status has not changed whatsoever.
Yn: We've been doing this for days, why don't we just sneak in?
Makoto:(on coms) Easier said than done. Everyone in there knows what I look like.
Yn: Then we'll go in.
Makoto:(on coms) I'm not sending children to do my dirty work. I forbid you to go.
Yn: What are you? My mother?
Yn: Unrelated question, do you have children? Perhaps one that is missing?
Makoto:(on coms) What?
Gerald:(on coms) She's not your mother, you fool...
Yn: I'm just making sure.
Makoto:(on coms) How old do you think I am?
Yn:..... Pass.
He goes silent and continues with his staring contest with the K.T building.
Not realizing it, until now, Yn found this scenario familiar somehow.
Chalking it up to one of the movies he's seen, Yn ignores the sense of familiarity and continues spying.
(Opening theme)
(Unknown time and place)
Sitting down in silence, the great Kira listened to his father's words.
"K.T is an organization consisting of ex-clan member who is using science to research Chi." The father said.
With a stoic expression, Kira simply waited for an explanation.
"It seems as if they've got a sample of your blood. And are using it to create copies of you." The father explained.
Kira silently stood up and looked at his father. He then spoke.
"Did you give them my blood?" Was his only words.
"No." Responded his father.
Turning around, Kira left without saying another word.
As he walked through his village to get to the exit so he may hunt down those who wished to copy him, Kira noticed all the stares he was getting from the villagers.
This was no surprise to Kira. Since he was young, the villagers were barely able to catch a glimpse of the prince.
And now that he was wildly known as the greatest killer, seeing him was to them a great honor.
Like a celebrity walking by, they stared in awe. But they also were careful in what they did, for he was a fantastic assassin.
Some of the villagers offered him bread, but he continued walking.
A few offered him fruit, but he paid them no mind.
One even presented a bottle of alcohol to him, but he ignored them.
The rest bowed their heads to the assassin in respect.
With the exit insight, Kira continued to ignore everyone until he sensed something being thrown at him.
Quickly tilting his head to the side, he allowed an Apple to fly past his head which he then caught.
All who witnessed this were in shock, at this event. Everyone's eyes turned to the blue-haired lady who threw the apple.
With eyes stained with tears, and anger that made her entire being shiver, the woman was a mess.
" dare you just walk past me like that!? Have you even paid your respect to her!?" She growled.
Kira simply glanced back at the woman with a glaze that turned her anger into fear.
"Don't waste my time again." Were the only words he said before continuing on his way.
A few days later, Kira was now on a tall building looking over the K.T headquarters.
Leaping off the edge, Kira crashed through a window of the K.T headquarters.
All the office workers were left shocked.
Observing all the works, their reactions, body language, and their looks.
Deducing that they were all ex-clan members, Kira took out his sword, The Mao-Muhon.
With one swing, the shards that made up the blade expanded out and sliced off the heads of all the works.
All except for one. A woman who he approached and grabbed by the wrist before holding a blade up to her neck.
"Do you know who I am?" Kira asked.
She nodded.
"Then you know why I am here. Show me the secrets of this facility." Kira demanded.
She began leading him through the building. The security members that tried to stop him quickly fell.
Soon enough, the woman brought him to a heavily armored door which she was unable to open due to her low status in the company, her usefulness to Kira had ended, so he ended her with a stab to the heart.
The Mao-Muhon's blade separated into its shards which floated in front of Kira.
Making a few hand signs, Kira blasted a fireball. With the shards now burning with heat, Kira sent them flying into the door where they ripped apart the inserts before cutting a hole into it where Kira could enter.
Entering their little lab, he found a woman and several pods with people growing in them.
Kira approached the computers while the woman approached him.
"Why hello there mister Kira, I'm so glad you came to visit our facility." She said as Kira ignored her and began scanning through all the files and computers while the shards of the Mao-Muhon orbited around the area.
"I understand that you're quite upset with us for trying to clone us, but I urge you to try-" Kira interrupted her.
"Do you know why you are alive?" He said emotionlessly.
"I-is this a literal or philosophical question?" She shuddered.
Kira glared at her.
"I'm afraid I don't know how to answer your question..." Was all she could say
Kira then spoke."You are alive because I've allowed you to continue living... For now."
Seemingly getting the information he needed he turned towards the woman and began walking up to her. The woman in fear walked back until she hit the wall and was forced to look Kira in the eyes.
"Where did you get my blood?" Was Kira's question.
"... Your father." She said knowing full well his wrath was worse than Kira's father.
The Mao-Muhon then reformed and Kira sheathed the blade. The legendary demon blade then flew out of his hand, down the hallway he came from.
"Are you not going to kill me?" She asked confused at the situation.
"I've taken no contract for your head. So whether you live or die is none of my concern." Kira explained.
"But I refuse to allow this to continue. So if you survive, then don't make me come back, or your fate will be worse." He threatened before poofing into smoke, revealing to the woman she was dealing with a shadow clone.
On the rooftop where the shadow clone leaped off along with several other clones, Kira made to make a distraction, stood the original.
The Mao-Muhon flew into his hands just as several large explosions went off in the K.T building, setting it ablaze.
With that taken care of, he now had someone else to deal with.
(Present day)
Yn: Zzzz...
Kora: Hey!
Yn: AGH! What, huh!? Oh hey.
Kora: Did you seriously fall asleep. Don't you know how important this mission is?
Yn: Give me a break. We won't find anything spying on the outside.
Kora: There's nothing we can do about it. We're supposed to do what she says.
Gerald: False.
The two look to see Gerald who arrived on the scene.
Gerald: We're supposed to help her on this mission. Not do as she commands.
Yn: In that case... You guys wanna take a peek inside?
(Ending theme)
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