Merry christmas, (Y/n)~!
Modern! Altaïr X Reader
Altaïr: why me, nerd?
Cira: shut up, Alty
Me: I want to make fun of him..
Random stupid picture.
You looked outside your window sadly, watching as the snow fall. It was a terrible day for you. It was the 24 of December, your favorite day of December. When you saw your ex kissing someone else. You broke up with him of course, but now you were all sad. You've ignored all your friends, even your most trusted friend Altaïr. Honestly, you should've told him what was going on, but even if your ex cheated on you, you didn't really wanted Altaïr to give your ex a 'Bad Time' (Don't kill me Papyrus.). So there you were, sitting at your bay-window, watching the snow fall all alone on christmas eve. You felt like crying, and you almost did if a certain someone didn't walk to the door. The door was harshly knocked on, making you flinch. It was your ex, and he didn't seem too happy. Why? Why did he come back? To say sorry? Nah. To hurt you? There is a 100.000000001% chance he would. You unlocked the door slowly, only to dodge a knife attack (Chara's here holy crap!), luckily you had Altaïr to thank. "What the Hell, (b/f/n) (boyfriend's name)?!" You cried, dodging his attacks more. "You told your friend to threaten me, didn't you?!" (B/f/n) screamed, able to slice your shoulder. "W-What?! N-No!" You screamed back. "Yeah right!" He snarled, running after you when you ran to your room.
You locked the door tightly and went to get your phone with shaky hands. You dialed Altaïr's number and waited, beginning to cry everytime (b/f/n) banged on the door then stabbed it. "Hey (y/n)! What can I do for ya?" Altaïr asked as if everything was normal. "A-Alty, H-Help m-m-me..." You cried. You know you couldn't see it, but you felt as if his whole body had stiffened. "What? What is it?" He asked worryingly. "I-I-It's h-him---AHHHH!!" You began, but screamed when the door was burst open. "ALTY HELP ME PLEASE!!" You screamed, the phone and your breath being knocked out of your chest since (b/f/n) tackled you, and you watched as your phone hit the ground and cracked the screen all the way, unable to see anything on it. He held your arms above your head and place the knife's tip directly above your heart while you could hear Altaïr yelling what was wrong before stopping and hanging up. "I guess he doesn't care as much as you thought. Now, should I stab you in the heart and get this over with, or torture you and watch you painfully and slowly bleed out?" Your ex asked, bringing the knife to his lips. "N-Neither! P-Please!" You sobbed, tears crawling down your face like a waterfall. You had to admit, you were a very sensitive girl. (B/f/n) silenced you by cutting your arm slowly, and it indeed was painful. You were sure your screams could be heard all the way to China. "Don't bother waiting for your 'hero'. I jammed your door so no one can get in." He said, laughing like a maniac.
That's when a christmas eve miracle arrived. Altaïr crashed through the door with so much force, it hit your ex, temporarily knocking him out for a short time. "(Y/n)! What did he do to you?!" Altaïr asked, running up to you and kneeling down next to you, picking up your head to check for an injuries, and pulled you body close to him, cradling you gently in his arms. His gold eyes (yuss!) flashed at your ex as he ran off, but Altaïr placed you on your bed and ran after him, coming back an hour later with flecks of blood on his hoodie. "He was a Templar, no doubt." Altaïr grumbled, looking through your closet. "W-Why are you looking through my clothes?" You asked. Altaïr chuckled and kept searching. "I remember I left my black hoodie here last time we played video games, so your bound to have it....aha!" He said pulling out something. "You found it?" You asked, tilting your head. "No, but next to time you change, I think you'd look good in this," he said, pulling out a (f/c) frilly bra. "A-A-A-ALTY!!!!" You blushed tomato red, shaking your head violently while Altaïr laughed his butt off. "Okay! Okay!" He laughed after you forcefully threw pillows at him. He put the bra back and found his jacket, changing into it. "Now, lets treat that wound. Go ahead and get some rest, this mit take a bit." Altaïr said, giving an innocent sweet smile that Ezio taught him. Ezio said calm and sweet smiles calmed you down when you were stressed cause you were that type of person, and every time Altaïr did it, you would feel safe. You nodded your head and laid your head down, closing your eyes and falling asleep to Altaïr gentle humming while he wrapped your arm....
"Wake up sleeping beauty." A voice said, shaking you gently. You opened your eyes slightly to see Altaïr right next to you, grasping one of your hands while he held (f/c) wrapped present in the other. By the looks of it, he looked like he actually woke up minutes ago (which he did.). "Alty what are you doing?" You asked, rubbing your eyes that actually sent chills and butterflies into Altaïr's spine and stomach, but he shook off the feeling. "Just....take it...." He tried-and failed- to stifle a yawn. You took the present and unwrapped the gift. You gasped when you saw it was a/an (f/p/t) (favorite phone type). "Oh my god, Alty! D-Did you buy this for me?" You asked, eyes big and round with joy. "Heh, yeah I did. And this is kinda hard to say, but....." He trailed off, pressing the turn on button on the phone to show the lock screen image: 'hey (y/n), will you go out with me?'.
You looked at Altaïr for so long, he took it a different way. He looked away and you swore you saw tears in his eyes. "It's fine if you don't want to--AGH!!" He began, but you cut him off by tackling him in a hug, but he was stronger than you so you didn't even knock him down, only make him lose his balance a bit. "Are you kidding? I'd love to go out with you!" You smiled. Altaïr smiled wider than you and kissed you on your lips, then rested his head on your forehead. "Merry Christmas, (y/n)~" Altaïr purred out. "Oh wait! That reminds me! I got you a gift! Close your eyes!" You said, getting up and walking to your closet. He closed his eyes like he was told, and you walked back up to him, placing aomething on his head. "Okay, open your eyes!" You said, holding a mirror in front of him. He looked into it and laughed. Why? You place cat ears on his head. "(Y/n), you'll always be my little kitten." Altaïr sighed happily, leaning forward and kissing your nose, making you giggle like a child.
"Merry Christmas, Alty. I love you."
"Love you too, Kitten."
To be honest, I had this done without my bolded notes on Christmas, but I forgot about it. Don't kill me.
(1289 words. O^O)
Anyways, once again, Merry Late Christmas! Hope this was a good enough gift for all of you.
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