She's the reason why I've started this Assassin's Creed OC thing. And this was one of the first games I started playing, which is how I got obsessed with Assassin's Creed in the first place.
( The sword is actually a French halberd, the big picture to the right )
Voilette Robideau was born on the third of Avril, 1768, to Charles Robideau and Babette Robideau (neé Brier). The family lived in Saint-Denis, close to Paris, and is the city where monarchs are buried.
Her father thought that they wouldn't survive, due to how much pain her mother was in, and according to the local doctor, Voilette was born dead. Though, fortunately, both her and her mother survived.
Growing up, due to her father still attending university, and the family being farmers, they starved for couples of days a week due to not being able to fend for themselves. All of the farming they did would soon go to the French soldiers who came back from the American Revolution. Though, when she was 12 years old, fortune came to them once he graduated, as he got a job in the inner government in Versailles.
Babette died giving birth to Voilette's brother, when Voilette was just 4 years old. Charles, then, would name him Lucas. For those 6 years until she was 13, she would mainly take care of Lucas, making sure he would be fed every day even as he grew up.
When Lucas was old enough to help around the farm, their father would be gone for months at his new job, until one day, he came home with an aristocratic woman, Justine, who would soon be their step-mother.
Justine would do anything to get to the highest court, to Marie Antoinette herself. She would be sleeping with many men that had those sorts of connections, and they would vouch for her. Because of this, she would also bring home some of them to the house when she knew their father wouldn't be back for days. During the times, and when she wasn't around, Voilette would be sexually abused, doing whatever the men wanted her to do. Lucas tried to defend her honor and person, but failed as he was also abused by them, but not sexually.
When Voilette became 15 years of age, her father, during his travels, caught a horrible fever, passing in bed at home. Lucas, at just 11 years old, would now have to be taken care of by Voilette alone, as Voilette now had to listen to her step-mother.
Through some connections, Justine was secretly a contact of the French Rite of the Templar Order, knowing François de la Serre himself. So with these connections, they were able to move out of the farm in Saint-Denis, and into a nice house in Paris.
Justine didn't help out more than that, and Voilette was forced to fend for herself and Lucas, doing whatever she could to make that happen. She also became a lady of the court, making it to Paris and Versailles connections. Also during this, she became friends with Arno Dorian while Élise de la Serre, his childhood friend, adopted sister, and soon lover, was away.
In 1988, Lucas was already 15, getting his proper education and living somewhere with no worries, while Voilette had to keep an eye on Arno, seeing that he picked being in the slums of Paris rather than in the luxurious streets it had to offer. This was also the year that she found out Charles was a deep contact with the French Assassin Brotherhood, and was initiated into the Brotherhood months later. From this, she would be mentored by one of the other Master Assassins as Pierre Bellec was out of duty for the time being.
~~~Assassin's Creed Unity Events~~~
In May of 1789, she went to a ball with Justine to celebrate Élise before she went back to Paris. During this, she was also there to watch Mirabeau, one of the other contacts of the Brotherhood, and to also watch Élise, wanting no harm to come to her. Though, she accidentally witnessed a romantic scene between Arno and Élise and quickly went to the outsides of the palace instead.
Hiding behind some pillars, she witnessed François's death, but not who did it. Though, when Arno was framed for it, she quickly escaped back to the palace and had Mirabeau leave the place at once with her, regretting to help Arno with that scenario.
The next time she met Arno was after his ceremony, and from there, she was asked to be his swordsman and partner, even though Arno tried to persuade the Order that he's fine without her.
For a few missions, she assisted him with the Women's March Movement with Théroigne de Méricourt, but not the others after that, as she had her own problems to deal with. She would send him letters though about current events that he might be able to do, but he never wrote her back.
Some of her missions dealt with some not so popular historical figures, and even contacting her brother to see if he needed anything.
On the 4th of January, 1791, she would meet Arno again with Bellec to take down Arpinon, a Templar extortionist. With this, he was accompanied by Charles Gabriel Sivert. After the assassination, she agreed with Bellec that they shouldn't go after Sivert, but when Arno started persuading the Assassin Council that he should do this, she changed her mind, helping him out with this assassination too.
She would then meet him at the Café Théâtre, telling him that he should take ownership of the place, and that there are many other Cafés that can be used as safe houses for the Brotherhood, if he's interested. This brought their friendship closer, and she would be a close contact of his, to where he would start write her letters back, giving his opinions on her missions. Sometimes, he would come to assist her on these little missions.
For her residence, it's not as big as a Café, but it's somewhat big enough to be called a "poor home" by other people. She uses this home as her own headquarters, and to gain her own income. Here, she would also train herself smarter and harder to become a better assassin, which is where the income comes from; She's a personal trainer for other Assassins of the Brotherhood.
The next time she and Arno met was when she found him at the Cour des Miracles, and she met the historical figure, Marquis de Sade. After Arno took De Sade's advice on following his target, she had the following short conversation with De Sade:
( Dialogue Text )
"So you are the lovely Voilette Robideau. Enchanté."
The Marquis kisses her the back of her left hand, hoping it would make her blush, yet that didn't happen.
"I've heard your stories, Marquis. Don't take this the wrong way but, I don't have any intention of being one of your... troublesome little ladies. If you'll excuse me, I must assist Monsieur Dorian with his task. Excuse moi."
When she tries to walk away, he instead pins her to a nearby wall. His breath makes her really uncomfortable and also his stance, and the way he smirks like a predator catching his prey.
"Arno surely doesn't need you now. Besides, a lady like you shouldn't be into these kinds of things."
"A lady takes pride in what she is interested in. I am interested in these sorts of things, and surely you'll agree when I say I was trained to learn what he has."
"Mmmmm you're a little teaser, aren't you?"
"Alphonse, I won't say this again. If you don't back away, my boot will be shoved straight up your derrière, and you won't like it."
"Kinky~ I like you a lot more now~"
She rolls her eyes at his flirting remark, actually doing what she said she would, keeping a hold of her necklace as she pushes him away. He groans in pleasure though as he lays down, his ass sticking up on the air in pain.
"You are the worst flirt I've ever met in my life. Désolée, but I really must go. (I am sorry)"
( End of Dialogue )
When she went to find Arno, he had already done his task of assassinating Le Roi des Thunes, and Marquis de Sade took over that role. Hesitantly, she went back with Arno to De Sade to learn about that fact and that he has a pin with a poison tip made by a silversmith named François Thomas-Germain. She took the pin from de Sade, and quickly rushed away before de Sade could do anything else, to Arno's confusion.
She went to the Council to report this to them with Arno, and placed the pin in a safe and secure place with Arno, telling him also why she ran away so fast from de Sade.
While Arno was busy finding Germain, she was busy finding a deeper contact within the Templar Order, an associate who knew her step-mother, and gave her a vital information after she threatened to stab his neck with her dagger. She went back to the Council with this info, and from them, she also gained the Phantom Blades, a mechanism for her Hidden Blades that shoots darts at her enemies.
She stayed away from Assassin missions for awhile to spy on her step-mother, to no avail, which the spying happened for a few days. The Council asked her to come back after the spying failure, which she quickly rendezvous there with Arno, who had a blindfolded Élise with him. This sparked a bit of jealousy inside her, however, but did not go a hostile movement like the other Assassins did. She tried to introduce herself to her, but was met with the Assassins who berated her for trying to make friends with the enemy. Her only reply to this was, "Keeps your friends close, but your enemies closer." To which they agreed and let her converse with Élise.
After these events, and being somewhat acquainted with Élise, she went to visit Mirabeau, one of the Assassin mentors, at his home, only to be met with Arno and Élise yet again, seeing that he has been murdered. She did not accuse Élise of the murder though, and wanted to help them with finding the real culprit.
Finding out that the culprit was one of their own people, she followed Arno to the Sainte-Chapelle, where another short conversation took place:
( Dialogue Text )
"Arno! Arno!"
"What, Voilette?"
"Please be careful up there. Who knows what might happen."
Voilette says this worriedly and affectionately.
Arno is surprised by her emotions, and while he's climbing up, he only smiles down at her and says,
"Don't worry. I'll come back alive to see Élise again. The council might not agree with all my methods, but with this, they'll understand that she's to be trusted."
He continues to climb up, and his mind only on Élise has Voilette somewhat confused and mad. She tries to be a helpful, friendly assassin and yet he only notices Élise. How Voilette wishes to have her bright, ginger hair.
( End of Dialogue )
When he comes back alive, he tells her that it was his own mentor, Bellec, that murdered Mirabeau. She doesn't try to comfort him, knowing that he'll only brush her off. Though, her faith in the Assassin's slowly wear out when they punish Arno for letting two Master Assassins die, when one of them wasn't even his damn fault.
That night, she goes into a deep argument with the other council members, trying to tell them that Arno is to be trusted, and that he doesn't need to be treated like a dog. Instead of listening to her, they also tell her that they will not be doing an alliance with Élise, and that she needs to stay out of Arno's businesses. Frustrated, she goes to the Café Théâtre to find Arno, and has a deep conversation with him about how she's currently feeling about his situation.
Though she is asked by the Council to stay away, she doesn't listen at all, and this is proof when they gave her the same task they gave to Arno.
On August 10th, 1792, there's a riot on the Palais des Tuileries led by the Sans-culottes, and she assists Arno in infiltrating in. Their mission is to grab great letters of correspondence, that are made by Mirabeau to the King of France, that will comprise the Brotherhood if these letters are placed in the wrong hands. When a young army officer interrupts their plan, both hers and Arno's blades are out and about to assassinate him, But because the officer had a gun, they retracted their blades and he let Arno go. They told him that they're not after what he's after, and it amuses him that Voilette is interested in these types of plans. She helps the two get out of the palace using the king's secret elevator, and they both notice a familiar figure that came in to the king's study room. From the officer, they learn his name is Napoléon Bonaparte, and the man they saw rushing towards them is a captain of the National Army, Frédéric Rouille. Bonaparte agreed to help the two in finding more information about Rouille for Arno in his quest to track down Germain.
On September 2nd, they find Bonaparte again and he tells them that Rouille is planning on attacking the Grand Châtelet prison. From this information, they quickly go to the prison to find that Rouille and his men are already killing prisoners and guards there. Angered, Voilette already does most of the task of killing the fellow Templars there, and lets Arno assassinate Rouille.
Arno then asks for her assistance in helping to rescue Georges Danton, a leader of the French Revolution, that very night, along with ending the Austrian spy ring that appeared in Paris.
Other missions during these periods of times of hers included helping her brother, Lucas, with assisting Bonaparte and Joachim Murat in the artillery. Bonaparte highly approved of Lucas' intelligence, and Murat considered Lucas more of one of the soldiers, which pleased Voilette. She rescued her step-mother, Justine, from being kidnapped by some hot headed revolutionaries, but Justine didn't thank her at all, and Voilette left her in the street close to her house, to Justine's disapproval.
Many stuff after this was to keep training, but also keep deep contact with Lucas through Bonaparte himself. Justine's contacts were getting assassinated by the day, thanks to Voilette and Arno, and from this, this costed her reputation. She learned from the Brotherhood that Justine was forced to leave Paris and live back in Saint-Denis, but that only made Voilette more anxious.
During the uproar of the Revolution, she had to temporarily close her training center, but became a somewhat mercenary assassin, helping out anyone in need. With Arno, she assisted him in invading the Palais-Royal, assassinating and regaining the place to the pubic and Assassin order.
On October 31st, 1792, she was present assisting Arno and Élise in finding and assassinating Marie Lévesque, who's job was to make the people starve and more enraged about the monarchy due to lack of food. While Élise left to find Marie's whereabouts, she decided to stay with Arno to find the grain shipments. She and Arno investigated the docks of the Hôtel de Ville, until they found a barge containing the shipments by Marie's men. When Arno found the schedule of where the grain is supposed to show, he showed her the paper, and from that they set off to their destination, Luxembourg Palace.
At the palace, they reunited with Élise to tell her their information. As she reveals hers, they learn that the Templars want to have the middle and lower classes turn against the King by hoarding said grain. The three then infiltrated the palace where Arno assassinated Lévesque, and she had a glance of Justine being at the palace.
After leaving the palace, she followed Arno in the escape plan made by Élise as she was chased by the Templar extremists. After he managed to make it onto the hot balloon Élise 'borrowed'. From there, she would leave them be in the night, and return to her home to end the day.
The next day, she manages to meet Arno again and he's asleep in the hot balloon that has now fallen to the ground. She wakes him up to give him a letter that she finds out from that it's from Élise, saying she had to go. She helps Arno up and from there, they went to their separate ways with Arno saying, "Be careful. We'll meet again, I'm sure of it."
On January 20th, 1793, Arno and Élise meet up with Voilette at the Louvre to see Marquis de Sade to talk about a certain Louis-Michel le Peletier.
( Dialogue Text )
" Ah, Arno and Voilette! Which is a more incisive commentary on corruption in the bishopric? Seven nuns seducing a parish priest into debauchery, or an enourmously-endowed Benedictine sodomizing a goat named Pius?"
De Sade is writing in his book, moving his quill around in a flow of which he's speaking, and looking up at Arno.
"No force in heaven or on earth will make me answer that question."
Arno answers the question disgusted. Voilette, however, puts her hands on her hips,
"Thank you. Marquis, we need your help."
"Hum? Oh. Then can you answer the question?"
"I would rather beat the shit out of you."
Marquis does a little chuckle, holding out his hand towards Voilette.
"And what next?"
"Break your neck, slice off your fingers and hands, and watch someone as crazy as you, or more crazy, fuck them, as your corpse does a little dance."
"Ooooo! A dominatrix! I wouldn't mind you getting on top-"
"Stop there. I can do worse than that."
"Oh do tell."
"Non! I've already done enough as it is!"
De Sade just chuckles more before trying his way of charming Élise to where Arno asks him about where le Peletier is.
" I believe he often takes meals at a certain café near le Palais-Royal. I believe you can find him there."
"If we don't, I'll be back."
"Really? Well then, I hope I'm mistaken."
He glances over at Élise who says,
"No, you won't."
"Thanks for the information, De Sade. Go fuck a horse on stilettos or something..."
"That sounds wonderful! I might do that."
"And I'll laugh when it kicks your balls and flings you across the room."
Voilette goes to leave, smirking at Arno as his face looks like he's seen De Sade naked.
"And I thought you were a lady, Voilette."
"I am. Just not towards him."
"You've slept with him?!"
"No! I'm not that insane! I'd rather lick a guillotine blade already covered with blood than that. Or sleep with you."
"Now, now, I don't want that."
"Yeah yeah, you have Élise I know. I'm just saying that as something I would rather do."
They walk away to arrive at the Palais-Royal.
( End of Dialogue )
When they arrive, they infiltrate, assassinate Le Peletier, and then leave the Palais. Arno, when Élise left, told Voilette that he needed help at the execution tomorrow, to which she agreed almost immediately after he said it. He didn't tell her why he needed the help, he just asked.
21st of January, 1793, was the day that King Louis XVI was executed. At the execution, she and Arno found François- Thomas Germain and learned from him that he wanted to give the power to the people, and have Jacques De Molay, a legendary Templar Knight, avenged. Germain makes his escape, and Arno and Élise are separated after Arno risks his life to defend her instead of going over Germain. To Voilette's disappointment, she had to ask Arno to come to the Council, knowing what was going to happen when he does.
Then, the thing happens. She is witnessed to see Arno be kicked out of the Brotherhood due to assassinating people without permission and finding leads and intel on the Templar Grand Master to which they told him to stay out of. For Voilette, they gave her a warning, one to stay away from Arno and no contact with Élise.
The only thing that is recorded from her between this time and the 7th of June, 1794, was assassinating more of her step-mothers friends or leading them to be executed due to the fact they moved their way up by love affairs, some which are very scandalous. Also, she opened back up her training center, and caught some glimpses of Arno who was busy doing his own assassinations.
On the 8th of June 1794, she meets Arno and Élise again at the Festival of the Supreme Being, which is being hosted by Maximilian Robespierre. Arno wanted to assassinate him but Voilette agreed with Élise on taking another approach, seeing that he's well guarded. She helps Élise, after Arno locates Robespierre to discreet him in public, and ruin his reputation. She assisted Arno as well to find some incriminating evidence to help with this, finding a list of deputy names written by Robespierre.
On the 27th of July, Robespierre was arrested by the Convention, to Arno and Élise's surprise, but not to Voilette's. With Arno and Élise investigating on Robespierre's whereabouts, Voilette was already looking through the district for Robespierre, and she found him in the Hôtel de Ville before Arno did, much to his surprise when she's standing by the door without a care in the world. Élise came soon after, and together they gained the info from Robespierre to where Germain was held, though she quickly disliked the way Élise handled the situation, with her shooting Robespierre in the jaw.
At the location of where Germain was held, the Parisian Temple, she is the one assisting Arno in finding Germain, and when they get to the top of the tower, she's hiding behind the walls while Arno goes in for the assassination, she sees the golden light of Germain's Sword of Eden, which has Arno take cover as well. For the two of them, she throws a smoke bomb at Germain's area and tells Arno to go, but again, he's stopped by Germain's sudden disappearance. This has her irritated, but continues to go with Arno to find his new whereabouts.
They find him in the underground of the temple where Élise is already waiting. As she and Élise help Arno by distracting Germain, she finds out from Germain that Justine was only a part of the Order due to her scandalous affairs, and he admitted to her, himself, that he had one with her and so did François, that Justine was 'the floor show that everyone wanted to have, and she took it all for attention and protection'. However in rage and disgust she was about this confession, she did not break her cover and let Arno do his work, which backfired when rubble from the attack he made had him trapped under it. Voilette and Élise would then rush to his side, but soon became annoyed at how revenge hungry Élise was to where she blindly followed and attacked Germain. Voilette, with strength that's compared to a boxer, easily helps Arno out from the rubble, and stays behind as Arno tries to save Élise.
However, when he did, Élise's sword was broken and the Sword of Eden became unstable to where it exploded and caused Élise and Germain to ricochet, with Élise dying from this and Germain to be mortally wounded. Voilette can only see what Arno's heartbreak looked like under his anger from a distance.
Following him slowly, she could only look around the room, the ancient wonders that are left in stone and rubble now. When she finally came to Arno's rescue, she didn't need to actually do it. His grief caused him to act, and end Germain's life. This was his story ending, with his vengeance set straight, but for her, this is only the beginning of the end.
Voilette followed Arno out of the temple with Élise in his arms, and the sword of Eden on his person, so he can use it as his personal weapon.
She and Arno parted ways, to her it was her last time seeing him happy and stricken with a cause for something. For now, she could only plan on taking down Justine, and, to her horror, see her brother, Lucas, be one of Napoléon's trusted friends, and saw his rise to be the Emperor of the French.
~~End of Assassin's Creed Unity~~
~~Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings~~
(She changes her necklace to this:)
Voilette met Arno again in her hometown of Saint-Denis, which very much surprised her, but she would keep it to herself.
For this time period, she wasn't with Arno much, mostly going on her way to assassinate Justine. From some close contacts of the Brotherhood, she found out that there is going to be a party in Saint-Denis, hosted by Justine herself.
On August 5th, she went to the party, and again, was surprised to see Arno there, even though he shouldn't be. In a private room, where there weren't any Templar guards, she and Arno have this conversation.
( Dialogue Text )
"Arno! What are you doing here?"
"I can only help you with ending your struggles, as you helped with mine."
"That was only because Germain was a problem. I know I shouldn't have come along when you had-"
She pauses before saying Élise's name, not knowing how Arno might react.
"It's alright. You can say her name."
"Now you're making me feel like shit, Arno."
"Désolée, Voilette. (I'm sorry) May I have another moment to talk? After this? Meet me at the Café."
"Alright. Au revoir. (Goodbye)"
Arno kisses the back of her left hand gently, then looks into her eyes before leaving. This has Voilette blush a bit though, but it quickly leaves her face as fast as Arno left.
( End of Dialogue )
Voilette manages to find Justine in a private bedroom, almost getting undressed with a man in the room. When she is finished undressing, she assassinates her and the man, being a Templar himself as she notices.
In a memory, Justine explains her intentions and what caused her to be this way:
( Dialogue Text )
"Voilette, Mon fille." (My daughter)
"Don't call me that. You never were there, you know. Just there to tell me to take care of Lucas."
"I was busy trying to take care of myself, first. The Templars helped with that."
"They only helped you become a whore, Justine."
Voilette whispers this out with gritted teeth.
"Yet I was taken care of in the process."
"By a bunch of fools who wanted Revolution, who wanted destruction."
"Your creed is no different. Templars and Assassins, what they're fighting for is worth nothing in my opinion. Your heart, as a mother, is more than that. I have seen you and Arno taking on the corrupt kingdom together, and besides, you two look cute together."
"Nows not the time to ship people."
"Well, when you're dying, what else can you do?"
Justine chuckles lightly, then lets out a heavy breath.
"Besides that, I was waiting for my end... from the doctor, he told me I was at risk for a disease that would kill me in the process. Something along the lines of a cancer."
"And now, your playtime is over."
"Indeed. Lucas has grown so much. Bonaparte and I are very much proud of him. He even made him a Marshal."
"Napoléon only wants more corruption. I'll see that he's gone before the new century overturns itself."
"It'll be the same, don't worry, darling. Now, you must be strong. I am proud of you, in a way. I only needed to give you two a roof over your heads, the rest was your own."
"Because I had no one else. I blame myself for father, for mother... you are not her and will never be her. But I know, all you wanted, was your own safety, your own money and contacts, more than a woman. But instead, you took the role of the other poor girls who have to make it into the world."
She shows her stomach,
"I had to fight. You had to serve. Requiescat in pace, ma mére."
( End of Dialogue )
Voilette then met Arno at the Café Théâtre, where Arno confessed that he loved her more than just a friend, and a relationship between them ensued, with her spending the night at his place. From there, she would get more letters from Arno, and would have her own room in the Café, where she can keep contact with Lucas, and even contact with Napoléon.
No other records come after 1805, except that she's still living with Arno, but not in a romantic relationship with him, more of a love between letters and a partnership between Assassins.
+ Voilette comes from the French name which literally means "Violet"
+ Eloise is of German origin which means "famous warrior" or "healthy"
+ Robideau comes from Frankish/Germanic origin meaning "bright"
+ Voilette has a faint 8 pack of abs from training so much, and she showed this to Arno, to his surprise and jealousy
+ She's a Virgin in the story, and probably lost it after 1805, or during her time with Arno after Dead Kings
+ Voilette is skilled in heavy weapons and a skilled marksmen. She's also skilled in stealth, disguise, and can charm or bribe people when she's in a dress outfit
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