Chapter 5: Meet the blue haired guy, John.
Ben's POV ˚¬˚
He told me his name it was Walter. I told him my name too. He looked at my broken communicator.
"Ya' want me to try to fix it?"
He said raising his eyebrow.
I hesitated. Can I really trust him? I looked at him again. He looked like a thug. I heard moaning coming from Sarah. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes yawning. When she finally gained full conscience she started to ask , " Where am I, what's going on?"
Her face full of worry. I saw her eyes go big as she looked at me.
"Now..... I remember......."
She said in awe. I saw Walter start to walk over the communicator in hand. He looked at Sarah.
"So you're finally awake Sarah, I'm Walter", His voice calm and sweet.
"Ben, I got your communicator to work, but It will only last for a few minutes"
He continued on. Sarah looked at Walter then back at me.
So..... you're Walter and you are......." She pointed at me. It's no use. I'll just tell her my name.
"Ben" I said calmly. Looking at her.
"Ben......", She paused " Earlier I said that I hated life.... by that I meant I don't care you kidnapped me...... I'm used to it......." She said slowly pausing in between words.
I heard the commentator make a buzzing noise. I swiftly grabbed it up and put it to my ear. I heard Mr.Carrier's voice ask what happened. I explained quickly. About Walter, the three girls, Sarah and the big problem. He told me to meet him at a secret location and bring Walter and Sarah. I told Walter the plan.
Walter, Sarah, and I walked through the forest towards the meeting place. I dragged my feet across the ground.
Ben's POV ˚¬˚
As we walked into the abandoned looking house I felt a rush of fear go through me. What if I'm in trouble! Again! I looked around the inside of the house it was clean and white. Definitely not abandoned.
We went into the living room. There were 2 couches and 3 chairs. I saw Mr.Carrier sitting in one of the chairs, holding a beer in his hand. And on the couch was John. John! Why is he here? I hate him! I looked at him with hatred. He had blue dyed hair parted on one side with his black rimmed goggles pushed up on his forehead. His black jacket over his red shirt and a pistol near his pocket.
John's POV *
When I saw Ben walk through the door I felt jealousy hit me. He sat down on the couch across from me.
"Ben, since you couldn't assassin all three girls you kidnapped one."
Mr.Carrier gave a sideways glance at the girl. She's so pretty. I looked at her dark emerald green eyes and her black hair. She twitched a little bit at the word assassin. If she was a cat I would imagine that her ears would of twitched.
"Assassins? I thought you were just a kidnapper!"
The girl said loudly at Ben.
"I was lying, okay." Ben looked back at Mr.Carrier about to talk again.
"But you said you were just a kidnapper not an assassin!" She was starting to yell at Ben. Did Ben really tell this girl this much? He messed up!
"Lying......", her fists were clenched "I HATE LIARS!"
She yelled a Ben.
"Be quiet! So what if I lied, you know what who has the advantage here, who has weapon? Me, so SHUT UP!" He yelled back at her. It looked like she was about to oppose but she closed her mouth and pouted. I started to laugh at how much Ben messed up.
"You messed up big time, idiot"
I said smirking at Ben.
"Yo-." Ben was cut off by Mr.Carrier's booming voice.
"Shut up! The both of you!" He face was full of anger.
"Ben, What was her name again and your friend?" He asked pointing to Walter and Sarah.
"Sarah and Walter." Ben replied.
"Do any of you know anything else?" He asked.
"Well....well if I'm correct you're looking for someone of the two girls I bumped into I know the name of one of them. Her name was..... Alex!"
Sarah continually said. Everyone looked amazed at what she just said.
"What?" Sarah shrugged when everyone stared at her.
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