Chapter 4 : Assassin's son
Ben's POV ˚¬˚
I stood their looking at her blankly. Did she really just say she hated life? She's nuts, crazy, cyclo!
I just stood there looking at her eyes and midnight hair.
Sarah's POV •ˆ•
He looked surprised that I said that I hated life. That was sorta the reaction I wanted in a way. I didn't want to be mean or give him the wrong idea.
I told him so he would know I didn't care that I was kidnapped. I felt my heart beating faster. Oh no! It's starting to happen again........... I started to black out. I fell on top of the boy.
Ben's POV ˚¬˚
She started to take deep breaths. I looked at her confused. Is he having an asthma attack or a heart attack? What Is going on! She fell on top of me. I hit my head against the tree, everything went black.
Ben's POV ˚¬˚
I opened my eyes slowly. I felt something on top of me. I looked in front of me.
Sarah was on top of me! I felt something against my mouth. I realized that Sarah was kissing me passed out! I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.
Does this count as a first kiss? No. She passed out on top of me, she didn't mean to kiss me! will I get her off? I felt my heart beating.
I slowly pushed myself up. not waking Sarah. I leaned her against the tree.
What happened? why did she collapse?
I looked back at her. She looked so peaceful sleeping.
About an hour had passed the girl was still sleeping. Taking heavy breaths. We have no way of contacting the agency and we are lost. This is the worst day ever!
I saw figure in the trees coming closer. As it was close enough I saw it was a boy with tan skin, black hair the same color as Sarah's, light brown eyes, wearing a hooded shirt with a gray vest, and gray cuffs on his sleeve. He had sunglasses on, with a gray bag slung over his shoulder, he also had a bow.
He must really like black.
He looked at me then at the girl. "Are you lost?" he asked concern on his face. I nodded.
"Here I'll take you to my.......ummm......clubhouse?" He said picking up Sarah and supporting her. I ran over to help him.
We laid Sarah down on a couch. "Here" He threw me a soda. I opened it and drank it. I felt the cool, fizzing drink down my neck.
"So, how did you get here, in the middle in the forest"
I heard his voice it was deep of a older boy's voice. He's probably a couple years older than me.
I saw him looking at my pocket. The knife was sticking out. I pussed it back in trying not to cause a comtion.
"'re an assassin"
He said leaning on the couch. I felt the drink go down the way. I started to choke.
"you, okay" He raised an eyebrow "y..yeah" I coughed and answered horsely.
" did you know I was an assassin? Was it because of my knife in my pocket?"
"Nope, My dad is assassin too."
I choked again. Well that was unexpected. I looked at his face he had stubble that I hadn't noticed before. He was also smirking.
"How did you get lost?" He asked sitting down on the couch across from the one I was sitting on.
"I was supposed to assassinate a very dangerous girl. But 3 girls showed up instead of one. Two of them got away, I lost connection with the academy, and now I don't which girl was the right one so I just kidnapped this one, her name is Sarah."
I was out of breath.
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