intro part 1
First a tiny bit of info
Alp: loves to swear and is married to undane is gay likes anima and training/training others is 21
Undane: likes anima alp and science is shy kind to new people clumsy and has big heart is good at singing is 20 she also is bit afrid of being hated or hatred
Sanya: loves papi like a sis has gaster blasters and bone attacks is protective and loving is big sister of papi is 18
Papi: loves sanya like a sis is VERY hyperactive VERY often is sweet innocent cute playful is 5
Flowei: a small Flower princess, daughter of asrealya and tor and only owner of half SOUL and sells you small trinkets and food is 10
Grillbia: a water elemental that runs Grillbias a bar she got from her dad and mom she has water and ice powers she's 25
Tor: The king of the underground and husband of asrealya and the father of friskta and Flowei he's a husband that he sees a human its dead. Is 30
Asrealya: The mother of flowei and friskta she's the kind caring sweet helpful funny queen of the underground is 25
Tempi: a evil temmie that tries to kill you many many MANY times... He Is 15
Friskta: the girl you play as in underswitch is 10
Char: the the boy your possessed by during a genocide run represents your greed! Is 14
Nabst: a famous cook in the underground and bff of Mette he is 20!
Mette: a small shy pink ghost who helps nabst she's 14
Muffin: the nice owner of muffins&mo Is 18
Anoni: the soul helper at Grillbias she is a surviver of a genocide run and now lives at underswitch she's not that fond of talking about her past before underswitch... She's 17 1/2
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