Okay, so I wanna thank MigelGerrikoCruz7 for this. They helped me figure out if I should do a Sherlock and TSLOP crossover, in which I shall. I only have one problem. I have no idea what to call the story. That's where you guys are gonna come in. I'm gonna hold a contest for the story title while I do a little bit more research.
Each user can only post up to three suggestions. No more than that.
Nothing inappropriate please.
No repeats of the same suggestion.
I should have enough research by the weekend so the deadline will be either Saturday night or Sunday morning. In case if anyone is wondering, I already know who is gonna be Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, though they will not be called that. I still need to place everyone else. Hence the research. To help you with this contest, this takes place in New York City. The characters are either humans or anthropomorphic animals. The two main characters, in case if anyone is wondering, are anthropomorphic animals but I will not say who they are. You may guess who they are.
Whoever wins the contest will be given a shoutout when I release the book. Anyone who correctly guesses who will be playing Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson will also receive a shoutout. Good luck and I will see you all later, bye.
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