*julie and luna walk in*
Julie-yo what up guys
Luna-sup *nod head up when she says that*
Ghost-hey babe, hey Luna
Ceaser-hey julie, h-hey lu-luna *blushes*
Leo,raph,donnie and mikey- hey sistahs
Rebel- sup julie, hey luna haven't seen you in a while
Luna-ya been off in my own world
Swift-sup Luna and julie
Julie- so we got some dares bro
Luna-what are they bruh
Julie- right here
Julie-They are from Kayla_Fancy_Sparkle the first one is for the boys
Boys- *read it*
Swaggies- we don't kill
Punks- we only kill people that hurt our love ones
Anthony - I dont kill
Ceaser- i don't kill any one
Luna- *takes phone* next one is for mikey
Mikey- *takes phone reads it* definitely my sis Julie and next one is for every one
*Everyone reads it*
Julie- i felt happy of what ghost said tbh
Anthony- i felt the same way as julie but when mikey said it
Swift and raph- trust worthy of my mate
Rebel and leo - awsome
Julie- again for every one what kind of pizza do you like well i like pepperoni and meatlovers
Luna- meatlovers
Mikey - cheese and meatlovers
Leo - Hawaiian
Swift- same as leo
Raph- meatlovers
Ghost- pepperoni
M.C.-any kind of pizza
Ceaser - meatlovers
Anthony- meatlovers
Luna-next one is for ghost
Ghost- *takes phone and reads it* bacause *pulls Julie into his lap* i know that she is loyal and loves me as much as i love her
Julie-aww ghost i love you too *kisses him*
Ceaser- last one is for mikey
Mikey - * reads it * i meant us having sex duh you me my bed tonight means Anthonyand i fu.. *gets cut off by julie and luna*
Julie and luna- ok wo wo wo enough of that
Julie-i got a question for ceaser
Ceaser-what is it
Julie - do you like luna
Ceaser-maybe *blushes*
Luna-ok well see ya guys next time bye
Julie-see ya
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