The Murderer Becomes The Murdered.
"So, how'd it go?" Vincent asked when Twitch and Mike walked back in.
Twitch shrugged.
"It went great," Mike said.
"Really?" Vincent asked. "So, are you two a thing now?"
"No," Mike and Twitch said together.
Scott looked up, "Why would they be a thing...?"
"Because Twitchy here took Mikey on a date~" Vincent purred.
"Really?" Scott asked, looking at Twitch.
"Kinda..." Twitch said. "It was a dare."
"Oh," Scott said. "So... you guys aren't, like... in love?"
Twitch shook her head, "I can't speak for Mike, but not me. I've always considered myself as aromantic asexual anyway." She held up her right hand, which sported a black ring on her middle finger.
"Hey," Scott said, "You know, that technically makes you LGBT, like us."
"Yeah," Twitch said, "Cool. Do I get in on the LGBT vent, now?"
"Did you do the second part of the dare?" Vincent asked eagerly, before Scott could answer.
"Not like it matters to you," Twitch frowned at him. "But... Mike took care of that for me."
"You kissed her?" Vincent asked, moving his gaze from Twitch to Mike.
Mike shrugged, "It wasn't like we made out or anything."
"So you do like her, then?" Vincent asked.
"I'd... I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel some attraction..." Mike mumbled.
((This feels really weird for me to write bc I'm writing about another person being attracted to me and it's really freaky like no I don't want you to like me like that bruh. oh well ))
"Welcome to the friendzone, mate," Vincent nodded, "Okay. You pass, then. Twitch, do your thing."
"Alright," Twitch said, and spoke up louder so everyone could hear. "Be prepared for some serious soul-swapping stuff. For a bit of fun, I'm not even going to tell you what this next dare is, I'm just going to do it."
"Uh-oh," Fritz said.
"I'm going to try to get some good matches in for people. Three... Two... One..." Twitch grinned and closed her eyes, and everybody fainted.
((Idk how to write this properly. I've always thought that the animatronics would see each other as spirits or human versions of the animatronics. It's a strange little headcanon I have, that because they're spirits, they see themselves and others as the people they really are. Idk if I should add that in here, but idk how else I'm going to write it... ))
The first thing Scott saw when he opened his eyes was his own body lying on the floor.
He yelped and jumped back, or at least, tried to. For some reason he felt a lot taller than usual (and that was saying something) and a lot heavier, too.
There was a slithering above his head and he looked up to see Mangle leering down at him.
"Agh!" He held up his hands in defence, only to see that one of them was a hook and the other a metal endoskeleton. "AGH!"
"ReLaX," Mangle's voice was broken and distorted as it usually was, and interrupted by static. She slid through the rafters to be head height with Scott. "iT's mE, tWitCH."
"Twitch?" Scott's voice sounded just like Foxy's did. He looked around to see other animatronics looking at themselves or walking in circles confusedly. "This is the dare?"
((Okay sorry but I NEED to try out this new feature))
((Okay I have a lot more awesome gifs but I'll spare you the pain.))
"YeP," Twitch said, slithering through the roof. "i TriED to GeT yOU a GoOd match. WHat dO yOu tHInk? dO yoU Like BeINg fOXy?"
"Yeah... it's cool..." Scott looked down at his own metal body. "I think. Why did you go with Mangle? She's broken."
"mANgLe iS uNDerEStimatED. jUsT bEcaUse iT hAs a broken bODy and bROKen voice, doesn't MeAn It's NoT DeaDLY. rEMemBer that ShE wAs tHE oNE wHo AlmOSt killed Vincent. PlUS," Twitch slithered through the roof rafters some more and scuttled down the wall. "sHE's PrETTy fReAKIng cOOl."
"I guess," Scott said.
Golden Freddy teleported into the hallway, "How come I'm not Mangle? I've seen the Fangle fanfics, thank you very much. Who is it, anyway?"
"Vincent?" Scott asked.
"Yeah, it's me," Vincent laughed at his own joke. "Seriously, though, who is that? If it's Mike I swear-"
"nAH, it'S TwITch," Twitch said, "aND i pRoMisE tHAt fANgLe didn't eVen cROss my MiND when I chOSe thE boDIes."
"Yeah, right," Vincent said. "I've heard your muttered little comments about dreamy Scott-senp-"
Pretty much, what happened next is this.
Golden Freddy teleported away just as Mangle's jaws closed on his head.
There was a little awkward silence, and then Scott cleared his throat (well, tried to. He couldn't really.) "Well, I'm going to find the other guards..."
"I won't tElL YoU who's WhO, sO hAvE FUn wITh tHat. MEaNwHile i'LL gO cHEck oN thE sPIriTs- i MeAn- oUR bODiEs." Mangle raised her head and slithered into the roof, slinging like a spider-fox towards the Office.
Scott glanced back at the Office and could have sworn he saw his body move slightly. But that was impossible, right?
He looked back at the end of the hall. Chica was walking out of Party Room One. Deciding to try his luck, Scott called out, "Fritz?"
Chica turned to look at him, "Yeah, I'm Fritz. How weird is this? I'm in my girlfriend's body." He paused and blinked his metal eyelids. "That sounds so wrong."
The Puppet's box opened a little, and the Puppet peeked its head out a little, "S-S-So I'm n-not crazy? T-This is r-really h-happening?"
"Dang straight, Jer," Toy Chica said. "Ayyy, look at me! I'm a hot chick! Buk, buk."
Golden Freddy teleported back into the room, "You know Mike, you're even more attractive as a girl than a boy."
"That means a lot, coming from a gay guy," Mike/TC said.
"What happened to our bodies, anyway?" Vincent asked.
"They're still lying in the Office," Scott said.
"Well, yours is walking behind you right now," Vincent pointed out.
Foxy spun around in surprise, seeing himself look back at him, looking sulky.
"Daaaaaaad," Scott complained. "I was going to surprise him!"
"Dad?" Scott, Mike, Fritz, Jeremy and Vincent all asked at the same time.
"oH yEah," Mangle slithered into the light. "AlSO, thE sPirItS of ThE kIDs have bEEn transported INTO yOur bOdIEs."
"So, you mean this is..." Scott looked at Scott. "This is Vincent's son? My step-son?"
"That's me," Scott said, grinning. "I gotta real body now. I'm a real boy!"
"You mean they're in my body, too?!" Vincent screeched, "They'll try to kill me!" He teleported into the Office to be greeted by four very, very happy-looking guards. Mike, Twitch, Jeremy and Fritz.
"Why hello," Fritz's body spoke. "Looks like one of them decided to join us. Tell us, how does it feel to have your soul trapped?"
The rest of the guards laughed unkindly.
"What have you kids done to my body?" Vincent demanded.
The spirits stepped aside a little to show Vincent knocked out and bleeding on the ground.
"Don't worry," said the spirit in Twitch with obvious distaste. "He's still alive."
All the guards spat at the ground.
Vincent relaxed, "Right. Because my fate's already set. I can't die before then, no matter how many times you kid try."
Vincent's body twitched a little and he groaned and sat up, grinning. "Pain... feels so... good. Haven't felt... human pain... in so long..."
"Okay, I'm not easily freaked out but that... that's messed up." Vincent felt a little uneasy.
The guards giggled.
Vincent stood up and then made an impression of himself dying slowly, clutching a hand to his throat and struggling for breath. The other guards encouraged him, cheering him on.
"That's what you get, purple man~"
Vincent teleported out of there before he saw any more. "Alright, Twitch," he said as he arrived in the party room, "Put us back in our bodies. Now."
"What happened?" Foxy asked.
"They've totally wrecked me. I think I've got a few broken ribs at least, and I'm bleeding from several wounds." ((OH MY ACTUAL GOSH I ACCIDENTALLY WROTE SEXUAL WOUNDS HELP ME I AM DYING RN))
"That's pretty bad," Sammy said. "Yeah, switch us back, Twitch. Nice to properly meet you, step-dad."
"Nice to meet you too, Sam," Scott said.
"aLrIGHt EvERY bODy, gET rEadY," Mangle said.
For the second time that day, everybody fainted.
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