"You know that what I'm about to do breaks almost every law of interdimensional travel..." Twitch said, looking at the battered laptop on the desk.
"And what is it that you're about to do?" Scott asked curiously.
"Show you guys your future, and also how I know about you, and how your world appears to us in our dimension," Twitch said. Telling everybody that they were nothing but video game characters probably would have made them flip the flip out, so Twtich chose her words very carefully. "In our dimension, your lives are documented in the form of, uh, video games. Four of them. Based mostly on the animatronics and... well, one of you. You'll see who when we play it. The others appear only as side characters..."
The room was silent as the guards took that in.
"So... somebody got our lives, and turned them into a video game...?" Mike asked.
Twitch bit her lip nervously. "Uhm, something like that..."
"And now we're going to play that game?" Scott asked. "So cool! I wonder what it's like. And how I'm in it. I'd be so interested to see how they represented us."
Twitch coughed. "Well, we're going to play one of the games. Set... well it's 1987 now... and the game is... probably set in 2023... so a fair way into the future."
"Well, at least we know we're all still alive in 2023. Right?" Fritz put in.
"Heh," Twitch grinned sheepishly. "Let's just play the game, shall we?" She picked up the laptop and opened Steam.
"Five Nights at Freddy's?" Mike asked. "That's what they named a game about our lives?"
"More specifically, it's about working the nightshift. As you all know, surviving the nightshift for a week is no easy task." Twitch opened up Five Nights at Freddy's 3.
Springtrap appeared on the screen, twitching violently.
"Alright, who wants to play?" Twitch asked.
"Ooh, can I?" Scott asked.
Twitch moved out of the seat and Scott sat down. The others crowded around, and the game began.
"Fazbear's Fright, the horror attraction? Based on the 'unsolved mysteries' of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria?" Mike asked. "What mysteries? And how are we a horror attraction?"
Vincent, standing behind Scott, tightened his grip on the chair Scott was sitting in, but said nothing.
The first night, as always, was uneventful. It was the minigame, naturally, that caught everybody's attention.
"Woah... we can play as the animatronics?" Scott led Freddy down a corridor.
F O L L O W M E. Purple Freddy appeared in the corner.
Scott frowned slightly, "What's that?" He pressed a key and the little 8-bit avatar followed after the shadow. When it got to the safe room, the ERR came up in big red letters. "Well... I guess I'll just go back to the stage..." The little Freddy started walking off when suddenly there was a loud noise and a purple avatar ran out, dismantling Freddy.
There was only one person who it could have possibly been.
Everybody turned to stare at Vincent.
Vincent looked straight ahead blankly, not saying anything.
Night Two began.
Phone Dude's voice played out of the computer's speakers. "...i-it's in there somewhere, I'm-I'm sure you'll see it. Okay, I'll leave you with some of this great audio that I found! Talk to you later, man!" "
"Uh, hello! Hello, hello!"
Scott's eyes widened. "No way! That's me!"
"Uh, welcome to your new career as a performer/entertainer for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Uh, these tapes will provide you with much needed information on how to handle/climb into/climb out of mascot costumes. Right now, we have two specially designed suits that double as both animatronics and suits. So please pay close attention while learning how to operate these suits as accidents/injuries/death/irreparable and grotesque maiming can occur..."
"I can't believe it! I remember recording those tapes!" Scott grinned wildly.
Twitch giggled, amused by Scott's reaction. "Well, you star in every single game, Scott. Apart from the fourth one. Over in our dimension, you're technically referred to as 'Phone-Guy', because you call us up and help us along in every game."
"This is insane," Scott breathed, shaking his head.
"I don't remember those tapes," Mike frowned. "And I've had the misfortune of listening to almost every one of your tapes."
Scott nodded. "This was ages ago. Back at Fredbear's Family Diner. Remember that place, Vin?"
Vincent nodded dryly.
"Vincent and I were the only full time employees back then. Back when we had the suits... but we got rid of those after... well, after we realised how dangerous they were..."
"After 1983," Vincent said.
There was an uncomfortable silence before Scott continued. "Yes. After 1983."
The rest of the nights were mostly uneventful. Scott was skilled enough to survive most of the nights on his first try. The minigames continued, and Twitch made sure they played the secret minigames and got the 'Good Ending'. It was all mostly normal until Night 5.
"The Happiest Day?" Scott asked, looking at the minigame. "I'm really confused by all of this. What are with all the crying children appearing with the animatronics?"
Vincent tapped his fingers on the back of Scott's chair impatiently.
Scott walked the little boy in the Puppet mask to the end of the table, and the final crying child looked up and smiled. The spirits disappeared and the masks fell to the floor. "I don't understand..." Scott said. "It's like... the animatronics are haunted. With crying children... I... I don't get it. Is that why they move? Oh my gosh, are the animatronics really possessed?!"
"Shut up and play the bloody game," Vincent hissed.
Everybody looked at Vincent again.
"What?! Let's just get this over with, alright?!" Vincent snapped.
Scott frowned slightly, but continued. "Alright, here, let's just finish Night 5 and we'll be done."
The night passed quickly enough, and there was a final minigame. With what looked like the ghost of a child. Scott wandered around the pizzeria, and when the spirit came to the safe room, he realised it could go inside.
There was the sprite of Vincent, surrounded by five ghosts.
Scott's frown deepened, and he walked the ghost towards Vincent. The sprite ran away, looking extremely panicked. He walked the ghost towards Vincent again, and again he ran away. But on the third time, the sprite of Vincent gained an evil smile and ran towards the suit of Springtrap.
Scott took an intake of breath. "No..."
Vincent stood up in the suit and began to laugh. And then... SNAP. The sprite of Springtrap fell to the ground, Vincent bleeding out and slowly dying alone on the floor. The ghosts faded away.
Scott stared at the screen in horror. "No... oh my gosh..."
Vincent's voice was deep and calm. "So. That's how I'm destined to die."
Scott teared up. "No, I won't let you die like that!"
"Scott, it's already happened. Her dimension is in the future from us. This has already happened over there, and we can't change it." Vincent explained.
"No," Scott said quietly. "We can re-write the future, right? We can just... just..." Scott trailed off, starting to cry. "I won't let it happen. I'll protect you."
"Scott," Vincent leaned down and looked into Scott's eyes, wiping away the tears. "You can't."
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