Yay Questions!
Ash: You guys!
Misty: What?
Ash: We got questions!
Dawn: Finally!
Leaf: I guess I'll ask the questions since I didn't get any. First two questions and one dare is from super_pokegirl . First question, "did you forget about this book?"
Roses4may: I promise I didn't I've just been super duper lazy.
Leaf: Second question is for May, "Do you know the meaning of red roses?"
May: Uh Yeah, they mean blood because the person who gave you one is a vampire. Duh! Does everyone think I'm an idiot?
Drew: Yes, yes they do.
Dawn: May, red roses mean love!
May: oh . . . I didn't know you felt that way Drew.
Leaf: and the dare is for Dawn.
Dawn: Ooo goody! what is it?
Leaf: Your dare is to dress Paul up as a girl.
Dawn: Okay! Come on Paul follow me!
Leaf: While they're doing that the next questions are from Laura_Haruna . "Serena do you have a itty bitty teeny weeny crush on calem? not ASH!"
Serena: well kinda . . .
Leaf: "Gary have you always been a playboy or just doing it to get attention from your dear Leaf?" what?!
Gary: Well yes I've always been a playboy,*whispers* but I am also trying to make Leafy jealous.
Leaf: What are you sayin?
Gary: Nothin Leafy.
Leaf: Whatever. Moving on, "Misty do you like someone?"
Misty: Well yes, I sorta like two people but don't you dare think I'm telling you who!
Leaf: " May do you know why Drew always gives you red roses and says it for your beautifly?"
May: Because he's a poor sport.
Drew: Am not!
Leaf: "Drew have you asked May to join you in your Jhoto Journey? If not then do it.
Drew: yes I have asked her and she just couldn't say no to the Drew Hayden.
May: Yes I could've! You just got lucky!
Leaf: "Ash, why do you have to be so dense?"
Ash: I love fries and hamburgers, they're m- oh um I don't get it.
Dawn: We're back!
Paul: Please kill me.
Serena: Love the pink dress Paul! Haha
Misty: yeah and you beautiful giant pink bow in your hair Hahaha!
Leaf: Now that your back Dawn, here is your question," Dawn, do you know what ikarishipping is?"
Dawn: Um I've never heard of anything like that.
Leaf: Finally I'm done!
Ash: please comment more questions below please!
Dawn: Don't mind him he's grumpy today.
Misty: Until next time,
Everyone: BAI
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