Trancending Time And Space
@CarrotTop02 asks: How do you transcend time and space? Also, what's it like being an egg?
Flumpty: Oh, well, honestly, it's really complicated..
Golden Flumpty: OuR cReAtOr UsEd To MaKe FlUmPtY oNe Of ThE ChArAcTeRs Of HiS aNd HiS fRiEnDs' CoMiCs. I wAs JuSt PuT iN wHeN hE wAnTeD a RiPoFf Of GoLdEn FrEdDy.
Flumpty: Yeah. And being an egg? That's easy! It's just like being a human! It just feels like you're waddling around all the time..
Golden Flumpty: I dOnT tYpIcAlLy WaLk ArOuNd, ReAlLy. BeInG aN eGg FoR mE iS aBoUt ThE sAmE aS fLuMpTy ExCePt FoR tHe FaCt ThAt I dOnT wAdDlE aRoUnD. I tElEpOrt.
Melodywing: *From behind camera* Why are you guys always so boring?
Flumpty: I'm sorry I'm not exactly the most exciting person, Melody. I just tend to like to be quiet and laid back most of the time!
Golden Flumpty: YoUrE nOt ExCiTiNg!
Melodywing: Yeesh, okay, Goldy, calm down!
Golden Flumpty: *Teleports Away*
Flumpty: *Makes a freaky face and waddles away, angrily*
Melodywing:Well, I guess that's all they're gonna say...Ask and dare us and we'll answer them or do them..SEE YA PEEPS!...*Puts the camera down and runs after Flumpty to say sorry*
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