Dare #17: Crossover time!
Admin: Morning, everyone!
Chrom: Or whatever time it is where you are.
Admin: Just so you know, I'm really looking forward to doing any dare you give us, so keep them flowing!
Chrom: Speaking of which...
Admin: *pulls out paper* Yup! Today's dare comes in from @TheMasterPanda!
-Can we get a Fire Emblem/SAO crossover?
Admin: *eyes light up*
Chrom: That face scares me a bit...
Ricken: *innocently walking past, unaware to my freakout attack*
Admin: *runs up to Ricken* I NEED HELP WITH A SUMMONING SPELL!
Ricken: AHHH! Oh, Admin... You scared me! But summoning spells are dark magic. I can't quite do that yet.
Admin: Okay, I'll get Tharja!
Tharja: Hmm... It's going to be difficult. I'll need another ma--
Henry: *suddenly sitting there*
Admin: Yikes! How did you... Never mind. Okay, let's do this! Tharja, you're the leader.
Tharja: *nods* *begins chanting*
Henry: *joins chant, just off time of Tharja*
Admin: *joins*
All: *begin chanting in time*
Room: *filled with lights sprouting from the middle of the table*
*sudden bang*
Kirito: Huh...? Where are we...?
Asuna: I... Don't know.
Admin: *internally screaming*
Admin: OH MY NAGA OH MY NAGA OH MY NAGA IT'S REALLY YOU!!! *externally screaming*
Kirito: Hey, where are we? Who are you?
Admin: You're in the world of Fire Emblem: Awakening! Welcome! I'm Admin, this us Tharja, and this us Henry. Ooh! You should meet the rest of the camp!
Tharja: We should get out if the tent now.
Admin: Huh? Why?
Henry: All the rest of the people are coming through! It's about to get really CROWde--
Tent: *nearly rips from being too full*
Admin: Gang's all here! Owww... Klein, your elbow is in my back!
Admin: Well, it isn't a very large camp, and the army will be more than happy to help if you get lost, so you guys can wander around and meet the people if this world!
Kirito: Sounds good! See you back here later!
Chrom: *practicing with Falchion*
Kirito: *walking up*
Chrom: *accidentally knocks over and breaks a practice dummy* Dang it... *notices Kirito* Oh, you must be a part of that SAO thing that Admin was summoning earlier.
Kirito: Yeah. Hey, nice sword! Do you mind if I...
Chrom: Huh? Sure, but it's pretty heavy.
Kirito: Thanks! *takes Falchion and tries it out* Hmm... I'm used to heavier swords.
Chrom: WHAT?!?
Asuna: *walking around, wondering what to do first*
Admin: *hiding behind tent* Oh my Naga, it's really her.
Admin: *casually walks out as if I wasn't just being a little creeperish* Hey Asuna, can you teach me how to use a sword?
Asuna: Hmm? Sure! But... *checks side of vision* It says you're rank A in weapon proficiency.
Admin: Yeah, but that's with big swords! I wanna learn how to you small ones, in case I have to go fast, like WHOOO and YAAASSSHHH and BOOM BOOM! *gesturing and posing wildly*
Asuna: *slowly backs away*
Egil: Hmm... Maybe I could get something good for my shop here... I wonder where the mercha--
Anna: Hi! How can I help you? *shop has magically appeared by the powers of Anna*
Egil: Whoa! *spots swords* Hey, I bet the players back in ALfheim would love those...
Anna: These? Ah, I'm having a special! Buy two for the original price plus half, and get one free!
Evil: *dazed by how quickly she's talking* Uh... Okay.
Anna: Fantastic! Now, do you have any wares to sell to me?
Egil: *back to normal* Yup! Here! *unpacks bags and lays stuff out on a blanket*
Anna: *internally screaming*
Egil: See anything you wa--
Anna: I'll take everything. (In head) Oh yes... I can't WAIT to sell these!
Nowi: Wooow! Pina's so cute!!!
Silica: *smiling* You think so too? I think she's just so adorable!
Nowi: Yeah! Hey, wanna see what I can do?
Silica: Yeah! *excited*
Nowi: *transforms into a dragon* See? I look like Pina!
Silica: *jaw drops*
Pina: *snuggles into Nowi as if she were her mother*
Nah: *walking by* ... I'm not asking. *walks faster*
Kirito: Okay, let's go!
Lon'qu: *nods*
Admin: Oooh! I can't believe I'm the referee for a match between the two fastest!!! Okay, one, two, three, BEGIN!
Admin: Eh?!? Where are they?!?
Kirito and Lon'qu: *too fast for Admin to see*
Egil: Hey, wanna buy something?
Basilio: Huh? Lemme see what you got...
Flavia: Oh gods, there are two of them now.
Klein: *swinging around, a little panicked* Ehh? Where did I...
Morgan: *exiting tent nearby* Hmm? Are you lost?
Klein: Yeah. Phew, I was getting worried! *looks closer* Huh... You look kind of like that Admin girl.
Morgan: Yup! I'm her future son!
Klein: ... Huh?
Morgan: *smiles* I'll explain it on the way.
Admin: *casually buys all of Egil's wares* *walks away* EEEE I HAS HIS MERCH!!!! (<--Egil fan)
Egil: ... Thanks for buying?
Stahl: *bumps into Klein* Oops! Sorry!
Klein: No problem. Hey, that bread looks good.
Stahl: It is!
Stahl and Klein: *walk away, talking about food and stuff*
Admin: *fangirls aggressively*
Admin: GAIUS!
Gaius: *looks up from candy stash* Yeah?
Admin: *drags Gaius close* I need you to do something for me.
Gaius: H-hey, we're both marri--
Klein: *runs hand through hair*
Klein: ...
Klein: Where's my headband?
Admin: GOOD WORK! *showers him in candy*
Gaius: You have issues.
Klein: Nice clothes!
Owain: Many thanks! Yours are truly worthy of a hero of your mettle as well!
Klein: ... Huh?
Liz: Okay, how many do you want?
Anna: How many can you make?
Admin: I can't tell if this is a good or bad idea...
Yui: Hee hee hee!
Nowi: Yaaaay! I finally have a play friend! Wheeeee!
Kirito: Hey, we'd better be getting back home. People might be starting to wonder if the SAO incident is happening again.
Admin: Right, that's reasonable. *not coming out from behind a tent*
Tharja: Henry and I can handle it so you can...do whatever you're doing behind there.
Admin: Great! Thanks! It was really awesome meeting you guys!!!
Kirito: Right. See you around!
Admin: *sticks out one arm and waves as they leave*
Vaike: Hey, nice headband!
Admin: *wearing Klein's headband and specialized armor from Egil*
Chrom: You might have some problems, Admin.
Admin: I know! *cheery* Anyway, ask, dare, and comment! I'm on a roll with these!
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