Hello guys, I'm Roxanne Weasley! I'm here to answer your questions and complete your dares! I was much kinder than Prongs, Draco, and Hermione, and actually agreed to this without being forced! This actually sounds like fun; trust me! Unfortunately, Claramond chose the worst cousin of mine to help her: James. James is such a prankster, I'm sure he'll post everything on Snapchat. It's really embarrassing, that's for sure, my friends follow him on Snapchat just for embarrassing videos of the family! Albus does that too, just not nearly as bad. James is like a pranking monster! Why James?! And Fred's helping to, great. Thanks, Claramond. Anyways, thanks so much for requesting I do this! This is going to be so much fun, as soon as I get my brother and annoying cousin out of here!
Have any questions to ask me? Comment them here!
Have any dares for me to complete? Comment them here!
Thanks so much and happy reading!
~Roxanne Weasley
Hi! I'm Claramond Lovegood! I'm the child of Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom. I'm a Ravenclaw; interested in many unconventional forms of art, science, and literature. I'm the host of HP Next Generation: Ask Or Dare. As FanFicWriterGirl3 requested, I brought my friend, Roxanne, here to answer your questions and complete some dares! Thanks so much and happy reading!
Hi! I'm James Sirius Potter, you know me pretty d**m well, I'm sure. Now, I'm Claramond's partner in crime, since Albus is too kind, and of course I'm the second choice. *rolls eyes* Anyways, I've come to make sure that Roxanne does all dares, every dare, and answers all the questions that come her way! Now, don't be mean to my dear cousin, if you even try, I will slash your tires and break your wands. Yes, I'm Sirius. Anyways, back to Roxanne. I'll be here to make sure she doesn't chicken out. Also, we should go torture Albus! That sounds like fun! Right after Roxanne, of course. This is going to be so much fun, Fred the second might join me and make sure Roxanne's dares are recorded and live streamed. Enough with the rambling, Siriusly, James, what's Ron with me? Puns Roxanne my world. Bye!
~James Sirius Potter.
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