15 Facts About Moi
I have been nominated by @Tash45 to write 15 facts about myself, so here we go.
1: I recently got a kitten from my neighbor and named her Pepper
2: I'm obesessed with the Avengers which is the reason I named my kitten Pepper
3: My pet peve is listening to one ended phone calls
4: I am the oldest child by eight and a half years (lots of babysitting)
5: I don't know how I have mentioned this already, but I LOVE THE LUNAR CHRONICLES...in case you couldn't tell by my fanfics and bio
6: My friends think I'm an arrogant asshole, when in reality I'm only mean to the people I care about most because I know someday they'll either leave or betray me
7: Playing off 6, I don't trust blondes, every blonde friend I've gotten close to has hurt me...I'm hoping the one I'm friends with now doesn't (I'm keeping my distance)
8: I love almost all food except vegetables (but I love potatoes and tomatoes), Chinese, and seafood. And if it's spicy, I won't eat it.
9: I love to write! I can get the most crazy but brilliant ideas from anywhere
10: I have yet to complete a fanfiction. Sorry guys.
11: I hate arrogant people. If you're going to talk to me just to brag and be an asshole, don't even bother, I get enough of that from my stepdad
12: I have been to six different countries: Jamaica, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia, and Italy (Venice only for a few hours)
13: I have this absurd dream of becoming a field agent, even though I know it will never happen
14: My slightly more realistic dream is to become an author
15: I am the product of a teen pregnancy
Okay, so there are 15 facts about moi. I now nominate these people to write 15 facts about themselves:
You have 24 hours...GO!
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