Epic Rap Battles of FNaF
Scott Shikoya!! VS Mike Schmidt!!
Mike: Yo short stuff! How's it going down there? Cause up here? You look so freaking small is this fight even fair?I fight giants for a living so I didn't see you there! My world is unforgiving your world doesn't compare.. *goes into rap* I've seen things that would only would only make you want to say your prayers! If you've seen what I've seen..kid they'd give you nightmares! Face it you've lost had a chance! So do us both a favour and quit in advanced!!
Scott: *raps* HOW DARE YOU DID YOU JUST CALL ME SHORT? You call me a bug and midget you *****!!! Who you calling a half pint tiny pipsqueak!? It's my turn now so listen up geek!! Boo-hoo! What a pity you saw some dude eat your mother! You think you've seen nightmares? How bout you talk to my brother! You wanna try out my world it's gonna tear you apart!...Oh and that spider man gear...let's not even start...SO! SHUT IT! We're on two different levels! I'm an ALCHEMIST! What is it you do? You whining crying masochrist I got some news for you pal! It's you I'll enlighten! It's not that I'm short..YOUR just a TITAN! *points at Mike and walks backwards*
Mike: Titan...? TITAN?!!?
Vincent: *walks out and snaps his fingers again and raps* Here I am! Alchemist of flame! You should know Vincent's my name now it's about to get hot in here thanks to me!, I'm your future FÜHRER! Don't you see? At ease Scott! I've got it from here! *walks over to Mike* Come now son..let's make his clear..your about to get your just desserts..JOIN MY ARMY OF TINY MINI-SKIRTS! *flails arms in the air dramaticly*
Mike: Oh that's just great two men of state!? That's not fair! WAIT! Don't care got the hottest guy in the corp, at my side to win this war!
Jeremy: *comes in and raps* MIKE!
Mike: *salutes* Sir!
Jeremy: What is this mess? There's dirt on your face and and this room is a disgrace! Your shirking your chores and fooling around! The floor is obscene! What ya doing?! Now clean!*points to floor*
Jeremy: *walks over to Vincent* NOW YOU!
Vincent: Me?
Jeremy: What is your game? You partake in such folly? Have you no shame? I'm sure a colonel is more ample now get over there and set an example!
Scott: We're really not ending this with no violence? You do know he's a corporal righ-*has a cloth shoved in his hands*
Vincent: SILENCE!
Mike: Why, oh why don't I get to have fun! Two more second I would have won!
Jeremy: You know you'd get this job done faster if you actually shut up and clean ya bastard.
*Mike cleans the floor along same with Scott*
Vincent: *walks over to Jeremy* Well, Corporal Levi, I must admit! I think this is a start of a beautiful FRIENDSHIP! *slings one arm around Jeremy and throws the other in the air*
Jeremy: *pushes Vincent's arm off him and walks off*
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