First Ask and dare!
Hey everybody sorry for not updating the last few days ago im just so busy at school i hope you understand.
Author:Hey guys we have our first ask!and its from my classmate FriskDreemur2
Asriel:What is it?
Author:Its for Sans.
Author:Hey Sans how do you know timelines and resets?
Toriel:Sans what is she talking about?
Author:Come on sans me and frisk even knows that too dont lie.
Sans:How did you know that i know about timelines and resets?
Author:You said everything in the judgement hall when it was genocide ruuuuun.......Oops i should have keeped my mouth shut.(*shaking and sweating intensifise)
Sans:(*left eye glows and turned back to normal )fine i know about it but still not talking.
Author:Welllll(*gets a knife and ketchup and puts the tip of the knife under the ketchup )if you dont i will destroy all of your ketchup.
Sans:Nooooooo!fine!just dont destroy my ketchup!
Author:Yay!(*throws the knife and gave Sans the ketchup)okay so how did you know about timelines and resets?
Sans:Okay...okay you caught me but i really dont know how the only one who knew okay.... but he fell into the void...(*tears)
Frisk:(*pats Sans' back)its okay Sans.
Everyone:(*trying to comfort Sans)
Sans:(*stopped crying when hugged by Frisk and hugged back)thanks Frisk....
Everyone except Sans and Frisk:Awwwwwwwww
The Author and Alphys:MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!
Author:Okay on with the dare!
Everybody:What is it?
Author:Its from my other friend Okay she dared you all to act like Undyne except Undyne of course.
Sans:Easy!(*talks with a girly voice)im Undyne and i love anime and Alphys!(*walks like a model)
Alphys:(*blushes deeply)
Sans:(*runs away before Undyne could finish)
Undyne:(*runs after Sans)
Author:Even though he has short legs he does run fast...heheheh
Everybody except Sans and Undyne:HAHAHAha...ha..
After a few hours and minutes Sans got tired so he fell asleep and Undyne found him sleeping on the ground and carried him back
Welp thats the end of the chapter sorry if its short and by the way i can only update every saturday and sunday cuz gadgets are not allowed at school so updates will be slow.
Have a Franstastic day!
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