Mitch: *checks mailbox* *grabs a letter*
Mitch: * walks inside while Reading it*
Mitch: *blushes* oh no
Everyone: *look's at Mitch*
Jerome: we got dare's?
Mitch: *speechless*
Preston: *grabs the letter* *read's it* It's from Spella123 and she dare's Merome 20 min in heaven! And vik to drink a Love potion!
Mitch&Jerome: *blushing*
Vik: Wait you're free again!
Preston: *laughs* well Lachlan and Rob are free too.
Rob: I still have a maid dress...
Preston: Oh right.
Mitch: well i guess we have to call Seto again * walks out of the room to call Seto*
Preston: *walks too the closet and set's up a camera*
Preston: *walks in to the living room again*
Mitch: *walks in* He Should be here soon.
Seto: * teleports here and gives Mitch potion then teleports away*
Mitch: Okay... here Vik! *throws the potion too Vik*
Preston: drink it!
Vik: * look's at it * * drink's it *
Vik: * look's at lachlan * * smirks *
Lachlan: Emm... Vik?
Preston: Merome in closet! * pushes merome into the closet * * lock's the closet*
Preston: *sits down on the couch and turn's on the tv so they see the merome* Everyone sit down!
Rob: *sits down next to preston*
Lachlan: *sits down next to Rob*
Vik: *sits down on Lachlan's lap*
Lachlan: Vik...
Vik: * looks up and kisses lachlan* what?
Lachlan: *blushing*
Preston&Rob: Vikklan!
Everyone but merome: *looks at the tv*
~In The Closet~
Mitch: So Jerome Why did you kiss me... when i was sick?
Jerome: It was a dare.
Mitch: *look's disappointed * Oh...
Jerome: *kisses Mitch on the cheek*
Mitch: *blushes* Jero-
Jerome: * hold's arm's around Mitch * I don't like too see you sad...
Mitch: * blushes* I'm not sad...
Jerome: I can see there is something wrong you know you can tell me anything.
Mitch: *starting to tear up* but i don't want you too hate me...
Jerome: I would never hate you.
Mitch: *Cuddle's up with jerome* you promise...
Jerome: *kisses Mitch * I promise.
Mitch: *smiles* I'm not ready to tell you yet but i will because right now I'm going to explode.
Jerome: *smile* just relax then.
Mitch: but i can't.
Jerome: Yes you can.
Mitch: *think's* *kisses Jerome*
Mitch: * pull's away blushing*
Jerome: *smiles*
Mitch: *lay's down head on Jerome's chest*
Jerome: * still has his arm's around Mitch *
Mitch: * slowly fall's asleep*
Jerome: * play's with Mitch's Hair* Good Night Biggums...
~To The Other's~
Preston: That was adoreble!
Lachlan: I'm sure it was but i diden't see anything...
Vik: was it because you where looking at me Lachy?
Lachlan: kind of you are the only thing i see right now...
Vik: Awww you like me that much.
Lachlan: im serious you where in the way this whole time...
Vik: *smirks* *grabs Lachlan's hand and walks upstairs*
Lachlan: *blushes*
Preston: So we will let merome and Vikklan be alone for a while.
Rob: Bye everyone and don't forget to ask or dare us anything!
Preston: Why are you so happy?
Rob: because this is the last chapter i have to wear this!
Preston: oh really? * grabs rob's hand and walk's upstair's*
Preston: bye!
I hope you liked this chapter and i'm really sorry if you hate it, don't forget to ask or dare them anything Bye!
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