Swimming Ships
Jerome: Mitch! We got a dare!
Mitch: We do?
Jerome: Yes! *runs into the living room with Mitch*
Jerome: We got a new dare guys!
Preston: great...
Rob: i thought you liked dares?
Preston: Yes i do but i don't like broken arms...
Mitch: Anyways Jerome who is it from?
Jerome: It's from fuckinghelmetgirl
Vik: fucking helmet boy m8
Lachlan: you're just adoreble sometimes...
Rob: so whats the dare?
Jerome: we all have to jump in a lake and swim with our partners
Preston: but my arms broken!
Mitch: well i guess Rob will have to help you
Rob: how am i suppose to help
Mitch: i don't know something?
Lachlan: what do they mean with partner?
Vik: ships
Lachlan: like Vikklan?
Vik: yes
Mitch: let's go then!
Mitch: *runs out the door with Jerome*
Rob: but what about our... Nevermind
~At the lake~
Jerome: Guys what about this one! *points at a lake*
Mitch: 10/10
Vik: i guess this one is good?
Mitch: If it is-
Jerome: Where the first in! *grabs Mitch's hand and jumps in*
Mitch: *swims to the surface* Jerome!
Jerome: *laughs*
Vik: *takes Lachlan's hand and looks down in the water*
Lachlan: *blushes*
Vik: so can we just walk in our do we have to jump?
Merome: Jump!
Vikklan: *look's at eachother before jumping*
Vik: *get's to the surface* *looks around* Where's Lachlan?
Lachlan: *swims to the surface behinde vik* here!
Vik: *turns around* you scared me...
Lachlan: *chuckle* sorry
Merome: Poofless you're turn!
Preston: but my arm...
Rob: *jumps in the water*
Rob: *looks at preston*
Mitch: you don't have too jump
Preston: *slowly walks in to the water where it's not that deep*
Rob: *walks to Preston helping him to the deeper water*
Preston: I'm going to drown!
Rob: no you're not just calm down have you're good arm around me and i will help you okey?
Preston: *nods and does what Rob said*
Mitch: *already swimming around with Jerome*
Rob: *starts to slowly swim making sure that Preston is okey*
Lachlan: *swimming with Vik*
Vik: *looking at Poofless*
Lachlan: *looks at Vik* is something wrong?
Vik: *looks at Lachlan* not really...
Lachlan: okey you just look pretty dissepointed in a way...
Vik: oh...
Vikklan: *quiet*
Jerome: i will always be faster then you biggums!
Mitch: but i will always catch up!
Rob: You're doing great Preston!
Preston: Thank you but my arm and legs are getting tired!
Rob: and?
Preston: could i ride on you instead?
Rob: you're too heavy
Preston: oh come on! please for me!
Rob: *sigh* fine...
Preston: Yay!
Lachlan: *looks at Vik*
Lachlan: *stops and stops Vik too looking him in his eyes serious*
Vik: Why did you stop?
Lachlan: whats wrong...
Vik: nothing i'm fine really...
Lachlan: i can see something is wrong...
Vik: *quiet*
Lachlan: *sigh* we will talk later...
Vik: fine...
Mitch: do you think thats enough? I'm starting to get tired...
Jerome: yes we can stop biggums
Mitch: *swims with jerome to the edge of the lake*
Jerome: *gets up and looks at the others*
Vik: *looks at merome* i think where done
Lachlan: i think so to
Vikklan: *swims to the edge*
Rob: *swims to the edge with Preston*
Rob: *gets out of the water helping Preston get up*
Preston: so Mitch where is the towels?
Mitch: i thought jerome would get them!
Jerome: and i thought you would get them!
Vik: are you serious! we have to walk home and freeze to death!
Lachlan: Vik calm down you can have my hoodie i took it of before we went in
Vik: but what about you It's you're hoodie!
Lachlan: i don't care *gives Vik the hoodie*
Poofless: *already walking home*
Merome: *staring at eachother*
Vik: *puts on the hoodie* It's a little to big...
Lachlan: *laughs* well you're cute in it
Vik: *blushes looking down*
Lachlan: *grabs Vik's hand and starts walking home*
Merome: *notice everyone is gone*
Mitch: okey i know race home! And the loser have to...
Jerome: eat peppers!
Mitch: what! *starts running*
Jerome: Hey Mitch! You cheated! *starts running after him*
I'm sorry if this was bad and hope i did the dare like you thought!
Don't forget to ask or dare! Bye!
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