Guest and puppet
Jerome:*hears somebody knocking on the door* *open's the door*
Jerome: *gasp* Seto?
Seto: Hi Jerome, Mitch called me.
Jerome: oh come in! It's been so long.
Seto: Yeah i know but why did Mitch call me?
Jerome: I have no Idea... wait in the living room and say hi to the guys i will go ask him!
Jerome: *run's upstairs*
Seto: *walks into the living room*
Everyone but merome: * looks at seto*
Preston: Who are you?
Seto: Hi I'm Seto Mitch called me over.
Lachlan: You know Mitch?
Seto: Yes and Jerome.
Rob: How?
Seto: We where all in the same old group TeamCrafted.
Vik: Oh well hi Seto i'm Vik.
Lachlan: And i'm Lachlan.
Preston: and i'm Preston and this is Rob *points at Rob who is still on Preston lap*.
Rob: *Blushes* H-hi...
Seto: Why does he have a dress on?
Preston: well darude! can't he wear a dress if he want's too.
Seto: Oh sorry... Rob?
Rob: *nods* It was a dare...
Seto: A dare?
Vik: Yes Rob got a dare too wear a maid dress in 4 chapters and Mitch had to eat 5 ghost peppers so he's in bed sick right now...
Lachlan: me and vik got dare's too but we can't do them.
Seto: Why?
Vik: because It's impossible to just turn into a puppet or a penguin...
Seto: So that's why Mitch called me.
Jerome: *runs downstairs* Hey guys be ready for the dare's.
Preston: what dare's?
Jerome: Vik and Lachlan's Dare's!
Vik: *smirks* but we can't.
Jerome: Yes you can why do you think Mitch called Seto.
Vik&Lachlan: *speechless*
Seto: Im a Sorcerer.
Vik: What no!
Lachlan&Preston: What's a Sorcerer?
Rob: It's like a wizard without the wand.
Lachlan&Preston: Oh
Vik: Nooooo! Why! I don't wan't to be a puppet!
Jerome: well It's a dare Vik.
Seto: So should i just do it?
Jerome: Yes!
Vik: No!
Seto: * some kind of purple fire glows from hand's *
Vik: * turn's into a puppet *
Lachlan: V-vik?
Vik: *quiet*
Lachlan: Vik!
Rob: by the way Jerome we got one more dare and question...
Jerome: to who and what?
Rob: you and vik.
Jerome: great i finally got a dare! Who is it from.
(Lachlan is freking out in the background)
Rob: Spella123
Jerome: Right! What's the Dare and question.
Rob: the Dare is for you to kiss Mitch on the lips and the question is if Vik has a crush on Lachlan.
Jerome: wait but Mitch is sick...
Preston: Do it anyways save you're princess from the poisen by kissing him on the lips!
Jerome: You know what i will! * run's up the stairs*
Seto: So just tell me when I'm going to turn him back because you're friend is freking out *point's at Vik and Lachlan*
Lachlan: *shaking Vik* Please come back!
Puppet Vik: *queit*
Rob&Preston: Right...
~To Mitch And Jerome~
Jerome:* slams the door to Mitch's room open* I'm here too save you!
Mitch: Jerome?!
Jerome: * jumps up on the bed and kisses Mitch on the lips* Did i save you!
Mitch: *blushing* ...
Jerome: Mitch?
Mitch: *faints*
Jerome: Mitch!
~Back Too The Living Room~
Rob: You should turn him back...
Seto: Okey * the same purple fire appears on Seto's hand's*
Vik: * turn's back to normal* What happend?
Lachlan: *crying*
Vik: Lachlan?!
Lachlan: * looks up* Vik! You're okey!
Lachlan: *hug's Vik*
Vik: *blushes*
Rob&Preston: *whispers Vikklan*
Jerome: *come's back downstairs*
Preston: Did you kiss him?
Jerome: Yeah i think i killed him...
Rob: what?
Jerome: i kissed him and he fainted.
Everyone but Jerome: *laughs*
Jerome: So Seto *point's at lachlan*
Seto: Oh right... * His hand's have a purple fire again :p*
Lachlan: Wait wha- *turn's into a penguin*
Preston&Jerome: awwwww! He's adoreble!
Vik: * pick's him up * ...
Jerome: perfect time for the question!
Vik: * look's at Jerome* what question?
Jerome: Spella123 asked if you have a crush on lachlan.
Vik: *blushes speechless*
Preston: Vikklan is true!
Vik: *blushes even more* I-i mean he's c-cute and all but w-where just f-friend's.
Rob: That's one of you're Biggest lies vik.
Vik: F-fine Maybe i have a tiny crush on him...
Preston&Jerome: Vikklan!
Lachlan: *still a penguin*
Jerome: well i think That's all for today... hope you guys liked this chapter and Seto thank you for comming.
Seto: It was fun Being here too just call me again if you need me i guess.
Jerome: okey thank's!
Everyone but Lachlan&Mitch: Bye!
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