Fish fish fish
Preston: *opens the mailbox for the tenth time that day* And here we have nothi- Mail!
Preston: *takes the letters and runs inside*
Preston: We got mail!
Mitch: Really? *takes the letters from him*
Preston: hey!
Mitch: *reads through them a little quickly and is about to read them out loud but stops*
Mitch: *gives the letters to Rob*
Rob: You want me to read them?
Mitch: Fish fish fish!
Rob: Okey? Well the first one is from Spella123 and she says that Vikklan has to answer the question.
Vik: What question?
Rob: Don't act stupid you know what question..
Vik: *blushes* I rather not as I really don't know how to answer that question...
Preston: Okey! what about you Lachy?
Lachlan: huh? Eh the same as Vik.
Rob: You know she wont really be satisfied with those answers..
Vik: Well thats all she gets.
Rob: *looks down at the letter before looking at Preston* Spella123 asks Preston how are you doing?
Preston: I'm doing pretty good!
Rob: Oh right! Mistress_Mitsukai dares you to dress up in a kitty suit and ending all your sentences with "nya".
Preston: We don't have a kitty custom though.
Mitch: th- Fish fish fish! *runs out the door*
Rob: ehm well then.. Mistress_Mitsukai asks Lachlan, would you rather be Vik's boyfriend or have all pokémon come to life?
Lachlan: Have all pokémon come to life?! Ah that'd be lit! But I will go with still having little Vikky here as my boyfriend. *hugs him*
Vik: *smiles* You better..
Mitch: *comes back with a bag in his hand* Fish fish fish *gives the bag to Preston*
Preston: *takes it looking in to see the kitty suit* Oh *goes away to put it on*
Jerome: We should have gotten it sooner.. or are there any dares or asks left?
Rob: Not really.
Lachlan: He can always wear it next time aswell.
Rob: True *walks to the front door*
Vik: Where are you going?
Rob: I have to go and get something *leaves*
Jerome: Oh well then I guess thats it! Bye and ask or dare us anything!
Mitch: Fish fish fish!
Vik: seriously why are you doing that..?
Preston: *siting down on the couch watching tv in his kitty suit*
Rob: *sneaking up behind him and carefully places the flower crown on his head*
Preston: *looks back as he feels the thing being placed on his head* Huh?
Rob: It's a flower crown.
Preston: Oh *turns around and looks at him* I'm cute right nya~?
Rob: *laughs*
Did I do good? ;w;
Sorry about it being so short again.
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