Sapphire: I dare pacifica to go all here favorite places with dipper and there free cause I'm gonna pay all of them AND LOVE UR FANFIC =)
Pacifica: Aawww! That's so sweet!
(A/N I just put the video up because I like it. It has nothing to do with the fanfiction at all. His name is Ryan Higa or Nigahiga as his Youtuber name is! He's my favorite!!! From now on, i'm going to put up videos that have nothing to do with the fanfiction unless I say other wise.)
Sapphire knocked on the door and holds her breath.
Mabel: Hey Sapphire! I haven't seen you in forever! We thought you got eaten by a bear!
Sapphire: No. I just relived that.... I left my little sister by herself.
Mabel looked at her oddly and then looked down at sapphires legs to see a little girl with long black hair and blue eyes clinging to Sapphires dress.
Mabel: Hello little girl! What's your name?
Girl: I'm Tulip....
Mabel: Nice to meet you! Sapphire, you never told me that you had a little sister. How old is she?
Sapphire: She's 8.
Mabel tried to give Tulip a hand shake, but that just made her cling on tighter to Sapphires dress.
Sapphire: She's a little shy. Sorry.
Mabel: It's o.k. What can I do for you?
Sapphire: Can I see Pacifica and Dipper please?
Mabel: Your in luck. This is the day they usually have game day.
Sapphire: Don't you mean game night?
Mabel: Nope! Come in!
Sapphire and Tulip walked in slowly, as the looked at all of the attractions there where.
Dipper: Sapphire? I thought you got eaten by bears. And who's that?
Tulip: I'm Tulip.
Dipper: Cool. Nice to meet you. So what brings you here?
Pacifica: Dipper? Who's there?
Pacifica was upstairs. There where bumps and crashes as she came down.
Dipper: Pacifica. This is Tulip. You already know Sapphire.
Pacifica: Oh. I thought Sapphire was eaten by a bear.
Sapphire: Why does everyone think that?! Whatever. I was wondering if you and Dipper wanted to go shopping.
Pacifica: Yah. Sure.
Dipper: I guess.
Sapphire: O.k. let's go. Come on Tulip.
Sapphire, Dipper, Pacifica, and Tulip walked around the town for a while until they came across a mall. They began to buy some clothes when they got hungry.
Dipper: You guys want to get something to eat?
Pacifica: Yah. Sure. Where?
Sapphire: Tulip's never been to the diner before. Maybe we should go there.
Dipper: Yah. O.k.
Time skip
Dipper: Man, That was good.
Pacifica: Yah. I almost never get to go hear.
Sapphire: It was pretty good. What did you think of it Tulip?
Dipper: O.....K?
Pacifica: Let's go. My legs are starting to fall asleep from being crammed into this booth.
Tulip: *Whispers* There coming....
Sapphire: What was that Tulip?
Tulip just sat there and looked down at the dirty plate and began to mumble something under her breath in gibberish.
Sapphire: Are you alright Tulip?
Suddenly, a blast of light showed up out of no where, blasting a hole through the diner. Out of the smoke, was a giant hairy monster with with yellow eyes. It began to turn tables and shriek in anger.
Monster: Where is Dipper?!
Pacifica and Sapphire looked at Dipper with a shocked look on there faces. Dipper and Tulip, on the other hand, had expressionless faces, staring at the monster. They didn't look scared. They looked like they where ready to fight. Then, out of no where, Tulip began to levitate and sing. Suddenly, thorns and roses began to sprout and cover the beast. The monster began to scream in pain and tried to fight it, but the vines where so strong. The monster was just about to give up when a fleeting bit of strength surged threw it's body and it broke free from the thorns. The monster bolted towards Tulip and for the first time, Dipper saw a different emotion. It wasn't nervous or confident. It was overwhelming fear. The little girl had a tear roll down her cheek. The monster was about to smash her to pieces when Dipper ran in front of her and blocked the giants balled up fists with his hands, struggling to keep his arms from collapsing from the weight of the monsters fists. The monster began to howl in anger and lifter his hands up, only or them to come crashing back down. Before the monster could destroy them, Dipper grabbed Tulip and rushed her to the corner of the diner.
Dipper: Stay here. I don't know what you did, but it would be great if you could do that again.
Tulip looked at him with large, watery eyes as she saw him run off to defend the people from the monster. Dipper then took out a cube. It didn't look like much. It was jet black and once he smashed it on the floor, a black cloud quickly lifted from the cube, blinding the monster. It howl once more in frustration, when Dipper pulled out another cube. But this one was silver and much thinner.
Dipper: O.k. Let's hope you don't jam up again.
Dipper pressed a button on the cube and a thin blade, sharp enough to cut threw pure steel, slid out. Dipper jumped to a height that was unnatural for humans and jumped into the black cloud of inky blackness. The was one last screech of pain from the monster when suddenly pure red blood rushed onto the blood. The black clouds cleared, showing Dipper standing onto of the beast with a sword stuck in it's chest. The monster was more than gone, and the diner showed dead silence.
Dipper: *Panting* Come on. We should... get out of here. I don't want any more monsters.
Tulip:.................... Thank you.
Dipper looked shocked at the girl who usually didn't talk unless she was spoken to.
Dipper: Ha.... I should be thanking you. What was that?
Sapphire: Yah. You never told me you could do that.
Tulip: I don't think it's time. Let's just go. I'm tired.
Tulip grabbed Sapphire's hand and, without warning, Sapphire picked her up and began to spin her around and hug her.
Sapphire: Your wonderful!!!
Tulip and Sapphire began to laugh and hug some more when Pacifica walked out from the diner.
Pacifica: Where were you guys?! I thought you died!
Dipper: Oh yah! I forgot.
Pacifica: Oh man. Who's going to pay for this?
Sapphire:......Crap. O_O
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