VT: I dare Pacifica to play patty cake with Bill..... Then murder that illuminati Dorito!!
Pacifica: How do you kill a corn chip?
-6 hours later-
Pacifica laid in bed after the bad movie marathon. It may have been bad, but the story line was still good enough to freak her out. She hadn't been scared in a LONG time. Well, a month to be exact. But, what happened a month ago was a biggy. Her eye's where plastered to the ceiling as her mind tried to play tricks on her at the corner of her eyes. She could have sworn that if she turned her head just slightly she could see the glowing blue eyes of reverse Dipper. (A/N: Not gonna lie. Up until this point, I was just going to wing it. But I got an Idea!) But she refused to let her mind defeat her! She knew there was nothing there.
Pacifica: I-It's just my blue cashmere sweater's buttons. Y....Yes. The buttons glistening in the light of the moon. Nothing more than- an illusion.
Pacifica whispered the last part. She was afraid that if she said it loud enough that the sweater would start moving. And she would become aware of it not being a sweater anymore. That's what she feared. She feared the knowledge of someone else being in her room. She didn't want to know someone was in her room. 'Take what they want! Just don't let them know that I know there here!' Pacifica thought to herself. Just as she did, her worst fear came true. She heard a small creak in the floor boards, followed by shuffling, which Pacifica could only assume was because of all of the cloths that laid on her bedroom floor. Maybe all of the cloth she had on her floor was a good thing. It would mean whatever was there would take longer to get to her. She took a deep breath as she realized how close the figure was to her bed side. She didn't dare look to see. Her eye's had shut moments ago, in hopes that the creature lurking in her room would come to the conclusion that she was asleep and had seen nothing. It was just a few steps away, and that's how close it was when she realized it wasn't an "it" at all. No. It was a "them". The foot steps where clumsy and didn't have a tempo to it. The foot steps went at the same speed, but at different timings. Making it so that when on foot step came, a second foot step shyly followed. It couldn't possibly belong to ONE person.
Pacifica: *snore*
Pacifica hoped that would buy some time. But alas, the figure's didn't slow down. In fact, it seemed they sped up. She wasn't going to let them get to her. She couldn't. So, she quickly came up with a plan. (A/N: Wow. These guys are taking FOREVER to get to her bed. Am I right?) By the time she had come up with the plan though, the figures where at her bed. So, she quickly took her plan into effect. The beings hands where straight above her, like a horror movie monster always does. She rolled off her bed as quickly as she could, not phasing the beasts in her room at all. She swiftly ran to the light switch in her room, with childish hopes that once the light was turned on, they would scatter like cockroaches. She was standing right next to the light switch and was about to flick it. But she didn't. She was still confused by the creates. She saw that they did not chase her like she expected them to. No, in fact, they barley moved from the position they had when they where about to grab her. All of there motions where slow. Even there blinks weren't as fast as they could be. She could slightly tell by there silhouettes that they had human forms. There glowing eyes were shown to have a half-open effect. Well it was the middle of the night, but it didn't look like there eyes where about to close. It looked more like the eyes were judging her. Like they where saying "you idiot" or "Your such a fool." The eyes seemed to shine like they knew all the answers even if they didn't.Pacifica had then come to a final conclusion. They where teenagers. But who? The questions made her want to turn on the light switch more and more, but she found that her finger appeared frozen in the air. Everything seemed to go in slow motion after that. She pleaded with her finger to just make on swift motion. But she then realized that she could barley run away as well. It appeared that her finger was not the only thing that was frozen. Everything was! So she decided to come up with the image on her own. Dipper had taught her how to investigate on these kinds of things.
Pacifica: W-who are you?
'Real smooth detective Pacifica. Like they'd tell you' Pacifica thought to herself.
Figure 1: You really don't remember who we are?
Pacifica was stunned for a moment. She heard that voice many times over but hated to think of it.
Figure 2: And me? Did you forget about me too?
Pacifica: P-Pines?
Figure 1&2: Close enough.
As they said that, her finger slowly quickened, as it flicked on the light, engulfing the room in light. 'Glorious light!' Pacifica thought to herself. She looked to the two figures and feared for her well being to see reverse Dipper and Mabel standing at her bed. There faces where still emotionless as always.
Pacifica: Y-You! I haven't seen you since-
Reverse Mabel: You tried to murder your boyfriend?
Pacifica clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She hated them with a thousand suns. Nothing could come close to how much she hated them. But she couldn't put the blame on them for Dipper almost 'kicking the bucket'. So she swallowed the words that tried to escape her lips like "It wasn't my fault" or "If Dipper hadn't jumped in the way-" Pacifica sighed at the thought of the selfish words she wanted to spit like venom. She simply stood there with eyes of hatred and anger.
Rev. Dipper: So. I suppose you don't remember the favor we did for you so I'll remind you.
Pacifica's ears quickly perked up as she looked to the blue Dipper.
Rev. Dipper: The day you tried to off reverse me, my sister and I helped you bring him back to life by showing you how to use the object Bill gave you. Now you owe us. Simple as that.
Pacifica: What!? No way! I would never-
Reverse Dipper took his hand and pressed it against her mouth. If she got loud enough, she would wake up her parents and there whole "operation" would be ruined.
Rev. Mabel: Then again, we could just kill you and do it yourself.
Pacifica made a muffled scream before pulling rev. Dipper's hand away from her mouth.
Pacifica: Then why don't you?!
Pacifica whispered this because, as crazy as it sounded, she wanted to know what it was they wanted her to do.
Rev. Mabel: *Giggle* Because Dipper-
Rev. Dipper: Mabel dear. Please don't. Not tonight.
Rev. Mabel: O.k. Fine..........Dipper likes you.
Rev. Dipper: Mabel!
Pacifica: What?
Rev. Dipper: Reverse you. Not you-you.
Pacifica: Whatever. But why me?
Rev. Mabel: Because he wanted to prove that you are still valuable. And we shouldn't kill you. So, we hand picked you to do something VERY important.
Reverse Mabel slowly walked closer to Pacifica with glowing blue eyes and smiled a cracked smile, almost as if she was on the verge of madness. Or, more so, past it.
Pacifica: *Gulp* what do you need me to do?
Rev. Dipper: We need you to kill Bill.
Pacifica: B-But that's impossible. He's a dream. He can't even be touched!
Pacifica began to breath in and out heavily. She had never killed someone and it was all giving her a head ache. She couldn't handle it any more than she wanted to. She was seconds from passing out. Maybe she was light headed or maybe it was Reverse Dipper slightly squeezing her neck, but she began to topple over onto the floor. She was still conscious, in a fetal position on the ground, slightly shaking.
Rev. Mabel: Oh stop being such a drama queen! It's not that bad!
Rev. Dipper: Yes. There is no need for such wienie behavior. A mere stab to the triangular heart will suffice.
Reverse Dipper slowly reached into a hidden pocket on the inside of his cape and pulled out a glowing purple dagger.
Rev. Dipper: We made it especially for you. Don't lose it.
Pacifica: H- H- How d- do I find H-im?
Rev. Mabel: You and I both know how to find him.
Pacifica: But I don't have the right material to summon him.
Rev. Dipper: You simple minded girl. He's a dream demon.
Pacifica: Yah. So?
Rev. Dipper: 'Dream' demon.
Pacifica paused for a moment. She took a second and thought about what he was talking about, and then it all clicked.
Pacifica: Ooooohhhhhhh.
Rev. Dipper: Yyyyaaaaaahhhhhh.
Rev. Mabel: Alright! Let's get this started. Get to bed.
Reverse Dipper handed Pacifica the dagger and she held it sloppily. She had never really had a weapon of her own. It wasn't in style all that much until Dipper came. There was a pause in the room as she peered down at her murder weapon, hypnotized by it's glowing power and comfort. Then, without warning, the twins flicked off the switch. It was so weird for Pacifica. She hadn't even laid down to go to bed. In fact, she was still standing when her eyes closed and her senses between reality and fantasy dissolved. She was then standing in her room. Colorless. Like many of the movies Dipper, Mabel and her had waked just hours before. But there was no man in a fedora and trench coat. No damsel in distress. No police officer or cereal killer. There was just her room. Not even Bill was there.
So, she decided to find him. She looked in her hands. It was still there. The dagger. It laid menacingly in her hands, meant only to swiftly take away someone's life. With or without reason for it's built purpose. Perhaps the twins only wanted her to kill Bill for his own power. Perhaps they just wanted to mess with her head. Whatever the reason, it wasn't good. Pacifica opened the door to her dream room and walked through the halls of her dream mansion. It wasn't quite so strange to see her house gray and lifeless. It always seemed to look like that threw her eyes.
Pacifica: If I was a corn chip, where would I hide?
Suddenly, there was a slight high picked laugh. She DEFINITELY knew that voice.
Bill: Haha! Try the pantry.
Pacifica: Bill!
Bill: Calm down kid. I'm not here do destroy you tonight. I don't know why I'm here really.
Pacifica looked at him questioningly. With a voice like his, it was hard to tell when he was serious or not.
Bill: Walk with me.
Pacifica didn't know what to do. She hid the dagger in her pants pocket, ready to grab it at any time, and walked up next to Bill's flouting body. He walked with her for what felt like hours. Then.... Nothing. He was gone in an instance, ripping away even the fabric of her dream world, leaving nothing. Not even the floor boards. No walls either. It was just grey, painting her dreams 'til it drove her mad.
Pacifica: BILL!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!
There was silence. She waited a moment for him to reply before screaming once more.
Pacifica: I SWEAR! If I find you, I'm gonna stab you in the heart you little son of a-
Pacifica paused for a moment. She didn't want to be yelling for no reason. But, something struck her senses and opened her eyes. She realized that if she failed this mission, that would prove that the twins DIDN'T need her. And that wouldn't look very good on her part. She had to find him. Whatever it took. Pacifica took a deep breath and sat on the grey nothingness, almost as if there was still a floor on it. She thought for a moment, and then it came to her.
Pacifica: Wait a second.... This is MY dream! I can do whatever I want in here!
Pacifica put her hands to her head and scrunched up her face, thinking as hard as she could.
Pacifica: Give me...... *Grunt*..... Bill Cipher....
Suddenly, a door showed up out of no where. it looked to be connected to nothing. No room behind it and no roof above it. Pacifica looked to the door knob, seeing her reflection bounce off of the golden sphere. Her hand shook as it reached for the door and turned it. The door slowly creaked open, revealing a wooden floor board and a white bed. Pacifica poked her head in slowly, serving the room in hopes of avoiding any surprised Bill may have for her. She slowly stepped into the room, cringing at ever squeak the rooms floor made. She looked at the bed, there was no crease on it. No wrinkles. Almost as if no one had ever slept in it before. It looked rather familiar, but she didn't have much time to think of it when she heard the door shut behind her. And, just as she had hoped NOT to happen, Bill was right there.
Bill: Well, well, Llama. It appears you've figured out how to work this place. I'm impressed.
Pacifica said nothing. She needed a way to get close enough to him to use the dagger. Then, something came to her. Pacifica sat on the newly made bed and patted the right side of it. Bill floated over to Pacifica (A/N: I know what you guys are thinking! NO! That's NOT what's happening!!!)
Pacifica: Let's celebrate with a game. A human game I used to play when I was a kid.
Bill: Haha! Human games are dumb! O.k.!
Pacifica held up her hands to Bill and began to clap her hands and pat Bill's free hands.
Pacifica: Patty cake Patty cake.
Pacifica began to say this, slowly speeding up. Bill quickly caught on to how the game went. Pacifica was second away from the song being over, ready to grab her dagger. Finally, the last pat of there hands, the final word coming out too eagerly. The very second it happened, her hand rushed to the dagger, stabbing Bill's heart. There was a pause from him, until a scream came. But not a Bill scream. It was high pitched and woman like. But that didn't stop her. She pressed harder and harder with her dagger into Bill's heart, until finally, the screams stopped.....
It seemed like all of the time before had been cut off from time 'in the now'. Like everything after Bill dying was a movie that went black. Everything was cut swiftly into darkness after she stabbed his heart. It didn't fade into black. It shot into black. The second he died, she was in darkness.......
Pacifica's eyes shot open and she was shocked at her sights. She was not passed out on the floor like she thought she'd be, since she was asleep just moments ago. Instead, she was lying on top of a bed. It looked to be the kind of bed you would find in the hospitals. Cheap, white covers, and a white pillow. But it was not white any longer. No, but covered in the red blood- the red blood of a maid! Pacifica jumped up from the bed, realizing what had happened.
Pacifica: I- I was sleep walking........
She looked to her hands, covered in blood and shame as the dagger glowed ever brighter, almost as if it was boasting. Then she looked to the bed, seeing the maid that was once sleeping peacefully, which now held a permanent face of pure terror and agony. She looked to her knees, covered in blood. She had been kneeling over the maid in her bed, pressing both hands onto the dagger as it dug into the poor maids heart. Pacifica was instantly filled with shame and disbelief. Then, to much of Pacifica's dismay, the door to the room opened. Her heart pounded and her ears perked up to hear what she fears was her parents at the door way. She turned to see the door opening, but with none other than Reverse Dipper and Mabel at the door. Pacifica lowered her head, knowing they had tricked there.
Pacifica: The dagger..... It wasn't meant for Bill?
Reverse Dipper smiled at her, seeing how foolish she was to think other wise.
Rev. Dipper: See Mabel. I told you we still needed her.
That struck home with Pacifica. She felt as if a dagger had struck HER in the heart as well. Everything slowed once more. There was a pause in her, but she knew what she needed to do. She bolted out of the doors where the dead maid once slept, cutting between the two twins, out the door of the mansion and past the gates. She had to get help. She couldn't live in the mansion any more. They might find out that she did it. And she couldn't live on her own. There was no way she could live on her own without any money. Then it came to her. The one place she could go.
Pacifica: The mystery shack.
Pacifica made her way up the steps of the shack, knocking once at the door.
She waited for a moment before the door swung open to see Dipper in his red t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants.
Dipper: Pacifica? What are you doing here? It's 2 in the morning.
Pacifica didn't say anything. She rushing into his arms and held him tight, letting tears fall from her eyes.
Dipper: Pacifica? What are you-
Pacifica suddenly looked up from his t-shirt to show him her ruined make up, now plastered on him. He looked into her watery eyes for a moment. Her running makeup. Her baggy eyes. She was about to go back to his t-shirt and cry some more when him finger caught her chin and lifted her head to his face.
Dipper: Pacifica.... Is that- What's that red stuff on your face?
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