231: I dare pacifica to summon both bills (bill and the other dimesion bill) then have deals with both of them to make their problems disspear
Pacifica: B-But Dipper said......
Pacifica, Dipper, and Mabel sat in a booth at the diner and began to eat.
Pacifica: Well, *Chew* I'm glad you guys made up.*Swallow*
Mabel: Yah. It had to happen eventually.
Dipper: Honestly, some of me was won over by the hat.
Mabel: Yah. It looks a lot better than your old hat. But for some reason, I think I still liked it better.
Pacifica: That scratched up thing?
Mabel: I think it was more the memories.
Then, suddenly, the door to the diner slammed open and the Gleeful twins walked threw!!!!!
Pacifica: *Whispers* Oh no. Dipper. What do we do?
Dipper*Whispers* Nothing. Not in front of everyone. We don't want them to worry.
Pacifica: *whispers* O.k.
Mabel: *Whispers* Why are you guys whispering?
The diner was quiet for a moment, when all at once everyone started cheering.
Person: OMG! It's them! Do a magic trick!
Person: Yah!
Person: Read my mind!
Mabel: Yah! Read my mind!!!
Dipper: Mabel!
Mabel: Oh come on. You have to admit, they are pretty amazing.
Dipper: Mabel. They're evil.
Mabel: Why would our cousins be evil?
Dipper: WHAT!?
Mabel: They came over 3 weeks ago and told us that they where our cousins visiting.
Dipper: Mabel. No. They lied to you!
Mabel: You would our cousins lie to us?
Pacifica: They lied to you. Me and Dipper already know what's going on.
Mabel: Well, while you guys act rude, I'm going to-
Dipper: Mabel!
Mabel: I know.... I just really didn't want to believe it.
Pacifica: Let's get out of here. They give me the creeps. Just look at them. *Shudder*
Dipper and Mabel looked at her angrily and crossed there arms at the same time.
Pacifica: No offence.
Dipper: *Sigh* Let's just go.
They where about to leave when the twins blocked there way.
Reverse Dipper: Cousins. How nice to see you.
Mabel: Don't play games with us-
Dipper put his hand over her mouth. He wanted to make SURE the town didn't freak out. It would really be bad for them.
Pacifica: Excuse us.
Reverse Mabel: See you again real soon!
Person: They're so kind to people.
Person: What awesome people.
Pacifica rolled her eyes and walked out of the diner with Dipper and Mabel following behind.
Dipper: You guys want to go to the lake board walk?
Mabel: Sure. Pacifica, you coming?
Pacifica: You guys go ahead. I'll catch up with you.
Pacifica walked into the woods and sat down. She looked around to see if anyone was watching.
Pacifica: *Whispers ancient spell* Excelletius. Montiousim. Leosum. Montuss. Tellum shu. Triangular twinious. LEAVANOUS!!!!!
And right on queue a bright flash of light appeared and a square appeared. Half of it was yellow and half of it was blue. The blue and yellow split in half to show two triangles. The blue one was crying unlike the yellow one.
Bill: What's going on llama?
Will: *Sniff* Yah.
Pacifica: I-...... I'm sorry. Why are you crying? I don't feel professional when people aren't serious.
Bill: He's always like that. So, what do you want?
Pacifica: First, a deal with you Bill. Can you get rid of the Gleeful twins?
Bill: I've already told you, there too powerful. My powers don't work on them.
Pacifica: Well, what can you do?!
Bill: Here.
Bill snapped his fingers and a vial appeared right before her eyes.
Bill: Drink this and you'll become more powerful. It won't make you more powerful then the gleeful twins but it will make a little more powerful.
Pacifica: UGH! Fine. I'll save it for later. What about you Will? Can you get them to leave?
Will: *Sniff* *Sniff* I-I'm so sorry! I can't! They've gotten too powerful once they came here. Since this is the original place of Dipper and Mabel's power, they got even more powerful. *CRY* I'M SO SORRY!!! PLEASE DON'T YELL AT ME!!!!
Pacifica: I'm not the one yelling. Well, since you can't get rid of them, what CAN you do?
Will: Well, *Gulp* I could make you stronger.
Pacifica: Bill just did that.
Will: S-Sorry. I couldn't hear over my crying. M-Maybe I could give you something.
Pacifica: Hmm. Like what?
Will weakly snapped his fingers, barely making a sound, when a small light appeared.
Pacifica: What is this?
Will: It restores life.
Pacifica: Oh. I guess that could come in handy.
Bill: So. Are we good?
Pacifica: Yah. Bye.
Once they where gone, Dipper and Mabel came out of the bushes.
Dipper: You never learn, do you?
Pacifica: Guys?! How did you know?
Dipper: I have alarms for everything.
Pacifica: UGH!!! I forgot about that.
Mabel: Why do you keep doing things like that?
Pacifica: I just wanted to help.
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