NSN: I dare Pacifica to spy on Robbie.
Pacifica: Yah. Whatever. *Thinking* Oh no.
Dipper: This was a lot of fun. We should watch that movie again some other time.
Pacifica: Yah. It was pretty funny. *Yawn* Man. *Stretch* You need a new couch. That thing was really bad of my back.
Dipper: Yah. I'll see.
Pacifica: Well, I have to go.
Dipper: Yah. O.k.
Reverse Pacifica: I'm going out too!!!
Dipper: Are you sure? Remember what happened when Gideon went into town?
Reverse Pacifica: Yah. But she didn't try to kill anyone. Right?
Pacifica: Well, I did burn a house down once but it wasn't like that.
Reverse Pacifica: O.k. I'm going to ignore that and pretend you didn't say that. I'm just going to go to the pet store. Is that o.k.?
Pacifica: Yah. Whatever. Just stay away from Robbie. He's a jerk.
Reverse Pacifica: Really? He's such a gentlemen in my dimension.
Pacifica: well, your not in your dimension.
Reverse Pacifica shrugged and walked out of the door. Pacifica followed close behind and made sure she wasn't lying about where she was going. Pacifica followed her for five minutes before they arrived at the pet store. O.k. she was telling the truth. Pacifica turned around and began to walk home when she saw Robbie. She shuddered at the past memories of him and tried to avoid him. But something about him caught her eye. What was he wearing? His hair was brushed, his shirt was a clean blue, he was wearing a grey vest and he had on thin rectangular shaped glasses. Pacifica was shocked at his clean appearance and couldn't help but follow. Robbie went to the library and-
Pacifica: Wait. The library? What?
Robbie went in side and purchase a book. That surprised Pacifica since he usually just picks what he want's up and runs away before they can catch him. And he definitely wouldn't have spent his money on a book. He walked out side of the library and walked into the forest, sitting under a tree that was blooming white cherry blossoms. He took a deep breath, absorbing the fresh air and opened the book to the first page and began to read. Pacifica didn't know what he was doing but she couldn't help but to want to put what she was doing into action. She jumped out from the bush that she was creepily crouching behind.
Robbie: I knew it was a bad idea to come to this place.
Pacifica: What is going on?! Why are you dressed like that?! Why are you suddenly reading!? I didn't even know you could read! And why did you PAY for your book?!
Robbie: I should be asking you that. Calm down and I'd be happy to inform you.
Pacifica slowly calmed down and sat on the ground and looked at him with questioning eyes.
Robbie: There's not much to say. I was walking to my usual reading spot, when I saw a cave and I saw this portal. I had seen it in Pacifica and Gideon's journal before and knew it was a portal to come here.
Pacifica: What do you- Oh no! Your from reverse falls!?
Reverse Robbie: No. It's called gravity falls. Just like this place. There is no name difference.
Pacifica: O.k. But.... Do the twins know about this portal?
Reverse Robbie: of course not! I would never.
Pacifica: You need to leave. Your making me feel nervous.
Reverse Robbie: My apologies. I did not want you to feel uncomfortable.
Pacifica: No. You need to leave. If you don't, the twins could find this place or something. Are you sure you weren't followed or something?
Reverse Robbie: Quite sure.
Pacifica: O.k. I b-believe you. *Exhale* I hope I was right to believe though.
Reverse Robbie: You won't regret it. I'm 99% sure I wasn't followed.
Pacifica: what about that 1%?!
Reverse Robbie: Don't worry. I just heard some rustles in the bushes.
Pacifica: O.k. I feel sick.
Reverse Robbie: My apologize agai-
Pacifica: No! Just go! I can't have you ruin this place for me.
Pacifica and Reverse Robbie's ears perked up when they heard a quiet chuckle. They turned they're heads to see two people leaning on the opposite sides of a tree, looking straight at them.
Person: Yes. That would be-
Both: Awful.
Pacifica: W-Who are you?
Person: Should we tell them who we are, sister?
Person: As you wish brother.
Pacifica didn't have to see there faces. She knew who they where.
Reverse Dipper: Your such a fool.
Reverse Mabel: Agreed. You should have turned back after you heard us.
Reverse Robbie: How did you know where I was?!
Reverse Dipper: Oh Robbie. There's not much that goes on in gravity falls that we don't know about.
Reverse Mabel: Did you really think we wouldn't find this place?
Pacifica: Yah. Kind of.
Reverse Robbie: Go away! Me, Pacifica and Gideon know what you've been doing. The strange unsolved disappearances of gravity falls is because of you two! For your experiments, for your entertainment and for your missing ingredients. You use people just spells for your own needs!! Your sick! I know you killed him! I know you killed my father! He was the most resent death in gravity falls. They found him, his stomach cut open and burned up. I know you killed him!
Reverse Dipper: *Evil smile* He had information about where the journal was-
Reverse Mabel: *Evil smile as well* and he had seen too much anyways.
Pacifica: Wait a second-
Reverse Dipper: Yes. He was the man that Dipper showed you on the video of us.
Pacifica: How did you-
Reverse Mabel: We knew you had been watching us. You really thing we wouldn't figure it out. Our Dipper does the same. We've always been watching.
Reverse Dipper: Ever since we found these amulets. We never stopped watching.
Pacifica: Your monsters!
Reverse Mabel: We do what we have to. It's just business.
Pacifica: Well- Then what are you waiting for?!
Reverse Robbie: Pacifica?
Reverse Dipper: She means why aren't we killing you guys.
Reverse Mabel: It's very simple. You see, we're doing what your Gideon did.
Both: Getting close.
Reverse Dipper: We'll open there eyes to our magic-
Reverse Mabel: And get them to trust us before we attack.
Pacifica: Well, you just made a mistake! You just told us what your doing and I'm telling Dipper!
Reverse Dipper: That's sweet.
Reverse Mabel: But we don't intend to let you.
Reverse Dipper and Reverse Mabel put both there hands up and aimed it towards them. Pacifica didn't know what to do. She knew she couldn't get away from them. Even if she tried to run away, they would attack her from behind. Reverse Robbie stood there as well. He was thinking the same thing that she was. They're hands began to glow bright turquoise, as did there eyes. Pacifica cringed, knowing she would get hit either way. But something shocked her. She looked at them, seeing a tear roll down both there cheeks in perfect sink.
Pacifica: What?
Both: *Whispers* I'm sorry. We can't control-
They where cut off as there faces turned back to the usual emotionless face. The twins where just about to blast them to pieces when they heard foot steps. The twins finally let the power that built up in there hands out on Pacifica and Reverse Robbie, but was blocked by Dipper who jumped in the way.
Pacifica: DIPPER! How did you-
Dipper: My alarm went off.
Pacifica: Why aren't you dead?
Dipper: Invisible armor. Remember?
Reverse Robbie: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!
Dipper: I had to get the armor.
Reverse Dipper: Enough talk.
Reverse Mabel: We must get ready.
Dipper: No! I won't let you leave.
Reverse Dipper: Oh. I think you will.
Dipper stood up straight as reverse Dipper walked up to him. Dipper didn't know what he was doing, but knew it had to be something he/Gideon would do. Neither of them spoke. They just looked into each other's eyes, waiting for one to make a move. Reverse Dipper suddenly smiled and quickly took a bluish green powder out of his pocket and blew it into Dipper's face. Dipper began to cough and wheeze, trying to get the powder out of his lounges. Dipper fell to his knee's unconscious, breathing softly.
Pacifica: OMG! Is he-
Reverse Mabel: Heavens No! I wouldn't let anyone hurt my big brother. No matter which Dipper.
Reverse Dipper: I tried talking her into it but she wouldn't budge.
Pacifica: Leave us alone!
Robbie: Yah! We'll tell everyone! They'll believe us and then you'll be sorry!
Reverse Dipper: Oh really? You think they'll believe the boy who's a jerk in this dimension-
Reverse Mabel: Or the girl who burn down Wendy's house?
Pacifica: Hey! That was out of context!
Reverse Mabel: Never the less-
Reverse Dipper: If you still insist on telling everyone....
Reverse Dipper stepped over Dipper and walked right up to Pacifica and Robbie.
Pacifica: Get away! Or I'll-
Reverse Dipper: You'll what? Dipper's always fought your fights and protected you. And when he wakes, it'll all seem like a bad dream. You've lost.
With that, Reverse Dipper grabbed Pacifica's wrist to make sure she wouldn't run away and blew the same chemical in her face. Everything slowly went black. The last thing she remembered was hearing another thud, which was from Reverse Robbie who had the chemical blown in his face as well. Before she went unconscious, she looked over at Dipper lying on the dirty ground unconscious. She reached her hand out and grabbed his before everything went dark.
Pacifica: I- won't- *Grown* Forget this. *Gasp* *Cough* *Cough* Cough*
Pacifica's head shot up as she looked around to see Dipper's room again. She was laying on Mabel's bed and turned her head to see Dipper sitting on his bed.
Dipper: Pacifica! Your awake! You've been out for three weeks!
Pacifica: What!? How long where you unconscious?
Dipper: Same. Mabel just told me.
Pacifica: Yah. Hey, does it feel like we're forgetting something?
Dipper: Yah. Did you have any weird dreams while you where unconscious?
Pacifica: More like nightmares.
Dipper: Nightmares are a type of dream.
Pacifica: Whatever! Geez!
Dipper: What's wrong?
Pacifica: Sorry. I'm just stressed. I dreamed that-
Dipper: They came?
Pacifica: Who?
Dipper: If we dreamed the same thing, then you'll know.
Pacifica: Reverse Dipper and Reverse Mabel?
Dipper: It wasn't a dream.
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