N.S.N: Dang. I dare Pacifica to stalk Dipper and wendy.
Pacifica: O.k.
Wendy: Come on! Lasers aren't going to laser tag themselves!
Pacifica thought about what Wendy had said for a while and began to get even more nervous. They had only left 10 minuets ago and Pacifica knew something was going to happen. She knew that they where going to become boy friend and girlfriend. Which was o.k. with her. But..... she just wanted to make sure he was able to do it and didn't get sweaty. Yah. That's why. Pacifica sat up from the bed, making up her mind.
Mabel: No. Lay back down. I don't think your well yet.
Pacifica: I'm just getting some fresh air. Don't worry.
Pacifica stood up and instantly felt dizzy from the sudden weight shift. She stumbled for a second but was able to sit up straight after a while.
Pacifica: I'll be back. Don't worry about me.
Pacifica walked out the door and began to wonder if it was a bad idea. But she couldn't stand the thought of Dipper being with someone else.... I mean- mess up and get sweaty. She walked around the town and didn't know where else to look. It was like they disappeared into thin air. She sat down on a bench and watched the birds walk around her, trying to find some crumbs in the cracks of the street. She smiled at the children, as they ran around, flapping there arms like they could fly too. Pacifica sighed and was about to go back home when she heard a familiar laugh. It was Wendy and Dipper.
Dipper: Yah! You where great!
Wendy: Not as great as you! You where doing back flips, shooting lasers at mirrors and hitting other players, and you pulled out some kind of a ninja Dipper! You where all like BOOM! Ninja Dipper! You're the only person I know who's ever beaten me in laser tag!
Dipper: I been out here gettin' dis paper!
Wendy: Hahahah! You watch Swoozie!?
Dipper: Yah! I love that guy! He's hilarious!!! What idiot doesn't?
Pacifica began to feel her face get red. She didn't even know who he was talking about. The only Youtuber she even knew about was Nigahiga.
Dipper: So anyways, where do you want to go next? We could go to the movie theater if you want to.
Wendy: Sure. I hear there showing horror films.
Dipper: O.k. Let's go.
Pacifica stood up from the bench and began to follow them. Once they got to the movie theater, the ran through the doors holding hands in excitement.
Dipper: Oh man! I can't wait. I hear there going to be playing the scariest movie of the year!
Dipper and Wendy: The pedestrian that got hit by a bus!!!
Movie guy: Could you keep it down? Some of us like to watch a movie in silence.
Dipper: What are you talking about? The movie hasn't even started yet.
Five minutes later the movie started and Wendy and Dipper cuddled up to each other. (A/N I hated righting this sentence!!! I never shipped them at all!!! I hated this shipping so much!!!) Pacifica took a seat behind them and tried to keep her eyes on them, but the movie started and it got distracting. The movie was almost half way in when suddenly a man ran up to the screen in the movie and began to laugh. That made almost everyone jump. Except Dipper. He's seen much scarier stuff than that so it didn't frighten him. Wendy, on the other hand, got surprisingly very scared. He didn't expect for her to act so scared at the movies. She began to cling to him like her life depended on it. Then, when Pacifica was able to peer her eyes away from the screen, she saw Dipper and Wendy KISSING!!! Pacifica couldn't take the sight of the person she cared so much for kissing someone else. Tears began to stream down her face as she ran out of the movie theater.
Dipper: Who was that?
Wendy: Probably some baby.
Pacifica sat on the bench where the birds where and she began to cry. She didn't like what she was feeling. Not even a little. She began to think about leaving Gravity falls when a hand laid on her shoulder.
Mabel: I'm sorry you had to see that.
Pacifica: M-Mabel? What are you doing here?
Mabel: I can tell when someone's lying, Pacifica. You wanted to follow them. So I followed you.
Pacifica: Oh. Well, let's go home.
Mabel: It's o.k. Don't cry. You'll find someone else.
Pacifica: Yah....... I guess...
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