Monira: I date Pacifica to go to the "popular people party" (because she is one of the most popular people in Gravity falls and so is dipper) with dipper and every one she hates is there candy, her ex you get the drift
Pacifica: Ugh!.....Jack.....
Pacifica walked into the mystery shack very nervously, not knowing how Dipper would react. She took a deep breath. Pacifica knew how Dipper felt about the letters and how he didn't approve.
Pacifica: Well, he let me do it last time. Maybe....
Pacifica slowly trailed up the steps with worry in her eyes.
Pacifica: Man, Dipper's gonna kill me....
She slowly knocked on the door, waiting for a response. She didn't have to wait long before Dipper answered to knock with a tired "come it." Pacifica opened to door to see Dipper surrounded by several books made by different freaks who claimed to have seen a mermaid. Dipper, of course, was mumbling under his breath. Quietly reading every word aloud. Pacifica puffed out her chest, reaching for Dipper's shoulder. As her hand rested on it, she gave him a small shake to get him out of his trance.
Dipper: *Groan* Hey Pacifica....
Dipper turned around with a weak smile on his face, trying not to look quiet so sleep deprived. Though his dark brown eyes shine like stars, it was very apparent to Pacifica he hadn't slept for who knows how long.
Pacifica: Uh....Dipper? When was the last time you slept?
Dipper: *Yawn* Can't sleep.... Must... Fix...
Dipper's head began to nod up and down as he tried to stay awake. Pacifica looked down at him, sitting in his chair, still mumbling the words that spilled out of the book. Pacifica looked down at her hand, which balled up the letter she had just received. She looked at it angrily and sunk her nails into the paper as it began to shrink in her hands' powerful grip. Looking away from the letter for a moment and back at Dipper, she realized something. He needed this. Pacifica then looked up from him and at the window his desk was positioned in front of. The light coming in seemed to be dull and lifeless. Just as it seemed for Dipper. Once more, Pacifica but her hand on his shoulder. But this wasn't a kind and soft hand she had grown used to. This was a hard and serious grip. The tips of her finger nails began to dig into Dipper's shoulder as she turned him around in his chair. Dipper was still slightly in a sleepy daze as Pacifica stared in his droopy eyes.
Pacifica: Dipper! There's a party tomorrow and your going!
Dipper:........ Why? *Stretches arms*
Pacifica: Because your my boyfriend and it's your job to treat me to stuff I want! Now go to sleep! The party's in the morning and I don't want you to fall asleep in the punch bowl!
(A/N: I didn't know how to write the next part so I'm just going to skip to the next day.)
Dipper, Pacifica, AND Mabel got to the party when it was in full swing. Mabel, seeing every cute boy there, couldn't have been happier.
Mabel: OMG! I can't believe it! Sam Toddson is at this party!? Oh my gosh! Mike Andy! Hey! Is that Peter London?! Dipper!
Dipper, a little bit in a trance from all of the loud music, was quickly snapped out of it once he heard Mabel.
Dipper: Huh? Yeah?
Mabel: I'm gonna do my thang! You guys go have fun!
With that, Mabel sunk to the floor like she was under water and began to crawl her way to one of the boys like she was on a mission.
Dipper: O.k.! Remember! No tackling this time!
Mabel simply gave him a thumbs up, facing away from him and still on the floor.
Pacifica: What do you wanna do first?
Pacifica looked at Dipper who had a questioning look on his face.
Pacifica: What?
Dipper: Who's throwing this party anyways?
With that, almost on Que, the lights went off, only showing one spot light in the center of the room. Everyone turned there heads when they heard the faint sound of microphone static where the spot light was. Dipper's eyes widened to see the number one person he was sure was hosting this party.
Candy: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to my "freedom" party. Now, give a warm welcome to the man who made this a party in the first place!
Candy turned her head to a corner, as did everyone else, to see a teenager, about Pacifica and Dipper's age, leaning against the wall. Though the lights where off, Dipper could have sworn he could see the mans' smile glowing. He slowly walked closer up, past the crowd of people, while dragging Pacifica with him. His eyes, somehow, grew even wider to see someone he hoped to never see again.
Jack: Thank you! Thank you!
Jack, with his yellowed hair and evil smile, caught a glimpse of Dipper who was still holding Pacifica's hand from dragging her threw the crowd. Jack's whole face seemed to almost morph. His smile looked more angered and twisted, with a hint of revenge swirled into it. But it disappeared just as soon as he remembered he was still in front of a large group of people. There was a pause from him, looking around the room to see everyone staring at him. And he loved every second of the stares. seeing people whisper and look at him uncomfortably. He knew he had gotten them frightened by the silence. And he loved knowing they where confused. The thoughts race around there heads where hilarious to hear and there faces where even better. But, slowly, he opened his mouth, making everyone's ears perk up.
Jack: First, I would like to congratulate myself for being freed from prison so soon!
There was a slight groan of annoyance from everyone before they began to clap. Once the clapping died down, Jack, once more, made a pause. Just to get them eager to hear him speak again.
Jack: Next, I'd like to make a toast to Candy. The girl who gave us this wondrous party!
There was no groan this time, but there was a bit of hesitation before people lifted there soda cans and plastic cups in the air.
Jack: And finally, I'd like to thank Dipper Pines-
Dipper looked surprised at the sudden sound of his name. He had no idea what Jack was doing, but it definitely didn't look good.
Jack: Thank you for keeping my girlfriend entertained while I was gone!
This time, there was total silence. No one understood what he meant and people began to whisper as Jack walked up to Pacifica, the spot light still on him.
Jack: Thank you for keeping her safe for me peasant. I'll take it from here.
Jack slowly took up her hand and was about to kiss it, before Pacifica swiped it away from him.
Pacifica: What?! Girlfriend? We're not dating anymore Jack!
Jack looked at her, not even a bit surprised, and then at Dipper, who was holding back mounds of anger.
Jack: Oh! My sweet! Why must you toy with my heart so?
Jack put his hand over his forehead dramatically, almost like he was going to faint. People began to look at Pacifica with whispers going through the air that made her turn bright red from embarrassment and anger.
Person: *Whisper* Omg... Was she cheating on Jack?
Person: *Whisper* Do you think Dipper was in on it?
Person: *Whisper* No way. Dipper couldn't have known. How could he?
Person: *Whisper* I heard she's dating Robbie too.
Robbie: *Whisper* Yeah. It's totally true.
Dipper: Jack.... Get. Away. From. Pacifica... NOW....
Jack looked at Dipper, knowing how much rage was pent up inside of him. If only he could get him to let it out. Dipper looked at nothing but Jack's face. But then, he felt a tug at his flannel shirt and looked to see Mabel standing behind him.
Dipper:*Whisper* Mabel. I'm in the middle of something....
Mabel: *Whisper* Dude! Look at Jack! He's TRYING to get you mad. You said it yourself didn't you? He doesn't even like Pacifica as much as you do!
Dipper: *whisper* Mabel!
Mabel: *Whisper* Come on bro! Trust me!
Dipper stopped speaking for a moment, thinking of what Jack could be planning. Then, it came to him. At the beginning of the speech, Jack made people cheer for him. How cocky. All he cares about is his own reputation. And, of course, he think's that's all anyone else cares about. There own reputation. He's ruining Pacifica's reputation by creating rumors about her. And if Dipper ruffed him up at HIS OWN party, Dipper's reputation would be ruined as well. Dipper, looking into Mabel's eyes, mouthed the words "thank you" before turning back around to face Jack with the plainest face you could imagine. Like he had dressed up like reverse Dipper for Halloween. But, to his surprise, Jack wasn't there. And once more to his surprise, neither was Pacifica. Instead, he looked ahead of him to see Jack dipping Pacifica, right before he bent down and gave her a long kiss. It was obvious Pacifica wasn't enjoying it. Seeing Pacifica try to push away from him. Sadly, he held one of her hands in the air as he dipped her and the other was trapped by her side by his arm that held her lower back. Dipper, taking in a deep breath, kept the plain face. He slowly and calmly walked up to Pacifica and Jack, as he pulled away to the kiss to show a taunting smile, expecting Dipper to blow up. Pacifica, at the same time, was trying to hit Jacks chest to let her go. Dipper, still not showing any emotion, grabbed Pacifica by the waste, forcing her out of his grip. There was silence from the crowd as Dipper and Pacifica began to walk out of the crowd, only for Dipper, Still emotionless, to give Jack a quick punch in the nose. Just enough to knock him off his feet.
Dipper: Nice party.
With those cold words, coming out of his mouth sharply, there was silence.
Dipper: Everyone! This party is over! Go home!
No one disagreed with him. Everyone quickly grabbed there stuff and raced for the door. Along with Dipper, Pacifica, and Mabel, who where laughing there heads off about the whole thing that had happened.
Mabel: And I was all like "are you just gonna walk away?!"
Pacifica: Yeah! And then you where all like "Pow! Gotty!" (A/N: Honestly, I don't really like the word but I thought it'd be funny to see someone get punched at someone else say GOTTY! It's not as funny written out.)
Dipper: Ha! Please don't say that! It's not even a word!
Mabel: Come on guys. That party blew. You wanna have a REAL party at the shack? I've got some emergency Mabel juice in the fridge and old fashioned horror movies!
Pacifica: WOW! Bad movie marathon!? We haven't had one of those since you showed me ghost harasser!
Dipper: Yah! Let's do it!
The end.
(A/N: Sorry. I know this one wasn't very good but I haven't really been able to think of anything lately. I'm so excited for the new episode it's been clouding my brain. Or maybe it's just writer's block. IDK.
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