(A/N: Just a little heads up, this chapter may be kind of gruesome to some people's extent. Just a little bit of info before ya start. Also, I forgot about how I left the last chapter off, but I started writing it and forgot about it. But I'll try to answer your question about what's going on in the next ask or dare chapter thing.)
Danger: I dare pacifica to ask dipper to dechip her
2 nights after the last chapter....
Preston: It's been over a week and he still won't let me inside the shack....
Preston paced back and forth across the room, his wife sitting on the couch.
Priscilla: We don't even know if she's in the shack.
Preston: No... We don't. But I know how we can find out.
Priscilla: No. You don't mean-
Preston: Yes.
Priscilla: Preston no! We haven't used that on her since she was small! The chip is probably broken by
now! Who know's what that will do to her!
Preston: It's the only chance we have! I have to get in that shack! And I can't get in without proof!
Priscilla went silent. She couldn't bare the thought of putting her daughter threw possible pain. But, if it meant they might find her...
Priscilla: Alright... If we must.
Preston: Yes my darling. We must.
Preston clutched onto his wife's hand and led her to a painting that was stitched back together after a certain someone ripped it to pieces. He placed his hand on the wall next to the painting to reveal a finger scanner. He pressed against the thumb screen, waiting for a moment until the painting swung open, revealing the secret room. He and his wife crept carefully threw the secret room, making sure not to touch anything too dusty. Not even the maids knew about the room and it wasn't very well kept.
Preston: Uh! Disgusting!
Priscilla: Preston... Are you SURE we have to do this? This room's stench is atrocious!
Preston: Yes... This is the only room we can track her in...
Priscilla and Preston continued tip-toeing threw the dusting room until they came across what they were looking for. A square that, unlike the wooden flooring, was made of metal. Preston bent down to pull up the metal square to reveal it had a whole other room under it. They jumped into the room, causing dirt to fly around the air as there feet hit the ground.
Preston: *Cough* *Cough* Now, where is it?
Priscilla: I believe it's-
Priscilla took her perfectly maintained nails and tapped her chin, thinking for a moment.
Preston: I suppose those children have seen this room before.
Priscilla turned to face Preston. She was stunned to see, on the wall covered in dust, the words "Property of Dipper and Pacifica <3" were written on the dirty walls.
Priscilla: What- How does she know about this room?!
Preston: I don't know. But I'm guessing that it has to do with that boy. Come on. I remember where the control panel is.
Preston walked over to a curtain, pulling it aside to reveal a video game- like machine. It had a joy stick-like control and a button that said 'start'.
Preston: I hope, after all these year, Mcgucket's machine still works.
Priscilla twitched, uncomfortable in the currant situation.
Priscilla: Just- Just turn it on.
Preston: Yes dear.
Preston walked to the side of the machine, revealing a button with a plastic case over it. He slowly flipped the case open, leaving the button bare to push. Preston hesitated, still worried of what would happen to her if he did. But, it appeared he had no choice. He HAD to get into the shack. And the police thought his theory of Dipper kidnapping his daughter was crazy. They began to call him things like "Crazy cash" and "Sherlock". The thought of people's lack of respect for him piled up inside him. His eyebrows furrowed, pent up rage about to boil over, as his thumb smashed against the button with anger. He stepped back from the machine, watching as it began to spark and an illuminating light emerged. On the screen, a computerized human face was visible. His voice was 100% computer-like, almost like the male siri.
Machine: He-llo.... Prest-on and M-rs. North-W-W-est. Wel-come back to- to- *Squeak* Who would you *Spark* to f-f-f-nd?
Preston stepped forward, clearing his throat.
Preston: Computer! Find Pacifica Elise Northwest!
The computer was silent for a moment before speaking again. It almost seemed to have a sort of worried tone in it's voice.
Machine: Chip N-Not accessible for- *Feedback* are-a. N-eed- wide-r spr-ead of -gr-ty f-lls.......
Preston: How do we get a wide spread?!
The screen of the machine went black for a moment. Then, suddenly, an arrow began to blink, pointing to the joy stick on the machine.
Preston: Oh.... I see...
He reached for the joy stick, palms sweaty from the tension. As his hand wrapped around it, there was a sudden shock of nerve that passed threw his arm. He had a bad feeling about it. But he had too. He pulled on the joy stick, ready to find his daughter...
Dipper: So... Maybe if we switch the compound of the mermaid dust we can increase your self-awareness and sustain your willpower.
Pacifica: What?
Dipper: *Sigh* Never mind. It wouldn't work anyways. It was more of just wishful thinking.
Pacifica: Nah man. We'll get this. Trust me. This is going to solve it's-
Pacifica stopped speaking for a moment, her heart racing with fear and shock.
Dipper: Pacifica?
Suddenly, Dipper's ears perked up. He could hear a slight beeping sound.
Dipper: What's that sound?
Pacifica:... Oh no.... Ah!
Dipper: Pacifica?!
Pacifica: My parents! They must have turned on my chip! Do you know how long this chip's been in my neck?!
Dipper: No?
Pacifica: Long! OW!
Dipper: What happened?!
Pacifica: *Grunt* D-don't worry. It's just- This chip's been in my neck since I was a kid. It's just really old...
Dipper: Are you going to be o.k.?!
Pacifica: I'll be fine as long as my father doesn't increase the searches wide spread too much.
~Back at the mansion~
Preston pulled at the joy stick, slowly increasing the wide spread to make it possible for them to find her location.
Priscilla: Preston? What will happen to Pacifica if you give it 100%?
Preston: All we can do is hope it give's us a better idea of where she is.
Preston then, without warning, SHOVED the joy stick as far forward as it would go, making the machine spark in disagreement.
Machine: T-Too F-f-f-f-ar... W-w-arning. W-wide spread h-has found e-rros in search...
Priscilla: What?! Preston! What's going to happen to her?!
Pacifica laid on the floor, almost as if she was having a seizure. Dipper bent down to her level as quickly as he could, lifting her head to his.
Dipper: Pacifica! What's happening?!
Pacifica: 1-1-100%...... T-he chip-s t-oo old- *Gasps* T-ke it o-ut. E-electric curren-ts- M-y bod-y is-
Pacifica cut herself off by giving a shrilled scream. Her body was no longer twitching. It was flinging itself around in Dipper's arms, writhing in pain.
Pacifica: HELP!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!
Tears began to fill up in her eyes as the current became unbearable. She tried not to cry though. She feared if she did that would make the electric current even stronger. But, at one point, she couldn't take it anymore. As the tears came down her face, the current seemed to follow everywhere the tear went, extending the pain threw even the smallest cracks of her body. Her mouth expanded open past it's opening point, realign her head back as her neck rested on his upper though. Her scream's volume did not change, since it was already as loud as she could go, but the imagery of her face became worse the longer it went on. Dipper couldn't handle it either, it seemed. He needed help.
Dipper: MABEL!!!!!
*No response*
Dipper: MABEL!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!
*No response*
Dipper: *Whisper* Where is she?
Dipper looked down at his poor Pacifica. He wanted to take her chip out, but she was moving around so violently there was no way he could even flip her onto her back to get a clear look of the back of her neck. Then, something caught his attention. Smoke. It was rising up from the back of her neck. The chip must have been overloading.
Dipper: Oh God... Your chip can't take anymore... If it doesn't get taken out of your neck soon-
Dipper stopped himself, choking back a slight sob. No. He had no time to cry. Not when she was in so much pain. He stood up, putting her on his shoulders, and carried her to the mind swap room where reverse Pacifica and reverse Gideon where. (A/N: I just had to add them so you guys would remember they where even in the fanfiction. I bet at least one person here forgot, so, yah.) Dipper searched the room, only to find it was empty. Or, at least it looked that way. Dipper was about to rush to grunkle Stan's room when he saw a slight squirm under the bed. He quickly rushed over to the bed and flipped it over to reveal R. Gideon and R. Pacifica under the bed.
R. Gideon: See?! I told you he was crazy! He's torturing his girlfriend!
R. Pacifica: Make it stop!! Make the screaming stop!!!
Reverse Pacifica covered her ears as well as she could, trying to muffle the sound of her counterparts screams.
Dipper: I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!
R. Pacifica: What happened to me?!
R. Pacifica: Chip!? I don't know-
Dipper: Please!
Reverse Pacifica thought for a second, letting her counterparts screams drown out into silence for a moment while she thought.
R. Pacifica: F-fine!
Dipper was overjoyed as he plopped Pacifica to the grown, making a slight thump. But he didn't have to time set her down gently, he didn't know if he even HAD time.
Priscilla: What's happening?!
Preston: I think the computers finding her!!!!
Priscilla: How do you know?!
Preston: I don't! But, believe me, we'll get an answer out of this thing!
Machine: S-systems re-restoring... Will give lo-cation in- 7 mi-nutes.
Preston: See? We'll get our daughter back. Soon...
Reverse Pacifica and Gideon rushed to Pacifica's squirming body, fearing every kick and fist she threw into the air.
Dipper: Turn her body around and hold her down!!!! QUICK!!!
They did as he asked without question, turning her onto her stomach. R. Pacifica held down her arms. While R. Gideon, much to his displeasure, was being flung up and down in the air as he tried to hold down her legs.
Pacifica: AH!! SOMEONE!!!! KILL M-
Pacifica could no longer even express her yearn for death. She was at the verge of breaking free of the grip of the counterparts as she fought against the bonds.
R. Pacifica: DIPPER! You have to take it out! NOW!!!
Dipper: I need to cut threw her skin first!!!! And not while she's conscious!
Dipper:.... Hold on!
Dipper dashed out of the room, and was back within a second. In his hand held a cloth sheet.
Dipper: Here. Just... Bite hard...
Dipper shivered as he put the cloth into Pacifica's mouth, slightly paranoid of her closing her mouth on his fingers. Once the cloth was in her mouth, she instantly began chomping on it, muffling her screaming pain.
Dipper gulped as he sat on top of Pacifica, resting his legs on the sides of her stomach. He reached down to the back of her neck, hating himself for even bringing her into the shack in the first place. He took his nails, pressing down on a slight bump on the back on her neck. It must have been the chip. Dipper took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he went to work. He slowly broke threw Pacifica's skin, only making her fight more. She began to kick her feet harder, digging her nails into her counterparts arm.
Dipper opened his eyes to see reverse Pacifica's scared face. That was enough for him. He no longer went slow. He quickly dug his nails into her skin, tearing open the skin. He didn't see anything for a moment, so he began to poke around it, making sure not to hit anything TOO important.
Dipper: Jesus... WHERE IS IT?!
Dipper then to a leap of faith, digging his nails even farther into her neck, then feeling a small metal piece. He had found it. The only problem now was that Pacifica was going even crazier. She quickly broke free from there grip, trying to jump up from under Dipper's grip. But it was no use. Dipper reached into her neck once more, pulling out the chip as quickly as he could. Miraculously, (Ladybug) he didn't pull out anything important with it, even though there where multiple wires with spikes attached to them to keep it in place. The second he did that, the room went dead quiet. Pacifica's panting went still, her eyes slowly closed, welcoming a much needed rest.
Dipper: Rest now....
Pacifica looked up at Dipper from her position one last time to hear his words before she slipped into sleep-mode.
Dipper: My... Brave... Pacifica...
And that was all she remembered before she fell asleep.
Preston: What do you mean the location was lost?!
Machine: Info - Lo-lost Conn-ection t-to chip....
Priscilla: They must have removed the chip! What do we do now Preston?!.... Preston?
Priscilla looked over to his husband. He didn't move. He just stood there, staring at the screen that once knew where his daughter was. Only now did he realize that he was staring at a screen that could merely tell the location of a stranger.
Preston: *Whisper* I'll bring you back... I'll make you remember who you are...
As he stood there, the machine's screen slowly faded to black, leaving the room in complete darkness, just as Pacifica's sleep was.
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