Ninja: I dare Pacifica to ask to be train like dipper
Overadventurefalls12: Sure.
Pacifica, Dipper and Mabel began to walk around in the forest.
Dipper: This is fun.
Mabel: Not really.
Dipper: It's weird how we're so similar and yet we have nothing in common.
Pacifica: I never did notice that about you guys. You guys are just so in sink. So, what are we looking for again?
Dipper: There amulets. They're supposed to be like what Gideon had. It is said that only the chosen one may wear it.
Mabel: What happens if your not the chosen one?
Dipper: You disintegrate.
Pacifica: Hahaha! Your funny Dipper!
Pacifica continued to laugh, but it faded when she saw Dipper's serious look on his face.
Mabel: Your serious!?
Dipper: Of course. It's not a big deal though.
Mabel: WHAT!?
Dipper: Look! There it is.
Dipper ran to grab the amulet when Mabel grabbed his other arm and tried to pull him away.
Mabel: Dipper! Stop! Your not the chosen one!
Dipper: Oh, come one! It's not that bad! I just want to see!
Pacifica tried to pull him away by grabbing onto Mabel's sleeve to try and help her. Dipper wasn't very effected by the pulling though. He took his arm and slung them forward, past the amulet and onto a tree. The tree cracked and you could see a very big crack on the tree.
Dipper: Dang! I'm sorry guys! I didn't mean to.
He ran over to them and helped them up.
Mabel: it's o.k. *Hiss* man! That hurts!
Dipper: Yah. I can feel it a little.
Pacifica: What are you talking about? WE got thrown at a tree. Not you!
Mabel: No. When your a twin, you share a lot of things. Close, rooms, thoughts, and nerves. Since we where born from the same genes-
Dipper: If I where to pinch myself hard enough-
Mabel: I would be able to feel it.
Pacifica: Hmmm.... I didn't know that.
Suddenly, they heard a crack from the tree. It was beginning to fall. Dipper grabbed Mabel's hand and pulled her away from the tree. He stopped suddenly and relived he had left Pacifica. He ran as fast as he could and pushed Pacifica out of the way.
Dipper: Why didn't you freak'in run!!!
Pacifica: I didn't notice! I'm sorry!
Dipper: You didn't notice a 200 foot tall tree about to kill you!?
Mabel: It's actually 199 feet tall.
Dipper: Mabel?
Mabel: Yah?
Dipper: Shut up.... Please.
Pacifica: Mabel didn't notice either!
Dipper: Whatever. You just-
Dipper was cut off by a sudden crushing sound. He looked towards the stump where the tree used to be to see a hole in the stump. It was 10 feet wide. Dipper leaned his head forward and was about to look down the hole when a big hairy hand grabbed his arm. Dipper tried to put on a poker face while the girls when scared. He didn't even show a little bit of fear. The hand began to pull him down. Dipper quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin cube, pressed a button and a blade shot out of it. Dipper sliced the fingers of the monster off and the monster shrieked.
Monster: You trespassers are not welcome here! I am the protector of the amulet and you are-
Before the mobster could get another word out, Dipper slit it's throat. Pacifica and Mabel stood there, wide eyes and there mouths gaping open.
Dipper: What? He would have killed us if I didn't kill him first. Plus, I kind of like that rush you get after you kill someone.
Pacifica: O...K? I think you need to see someone about that.
Mabel: Yah.
Pacifica: But how do you do that?! It was awesome! Minus the death thing. Could you teach me?!
Dipper: Finally! I've been waiting for you to ask that for so long!!
Pacifica: Why?
Dipper: You'll see.
Dipper grabbed Pacifica's hand and rushed her to a stone. It was twice the size of them. Dipper took his hand and brushed off some dust on the stone to reveal a slot. Dipper took his sword, put it up to the slot, and pressed the button that showed the blade. The blade went into and out of the slot as if it was an ID card. Suddenly, the floor of the woods opened up and they fell threw.
Pacifica: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
30 seconds later
Dipper: it just takes some time. Calm down.
30 seconds later
Pacifica: Why are we st-
Pacifica groaned at the sudden hard ground she landed on.
Dipper: Rule number 1. Always be prepared.
Dipper: Please. You think you could fall for that long? It was just and air vent. I cranked it up to full blast.
Pacifica: You mean like on spy kids?
Dipper: Exactly.
Pacifica: Let's just do this. Where are the weapons?
Dipper: You have to learn the rules first.
Pacifica: O.k. but make it quick.
Dipper: It won't take long.
2,869 rules later
Dipper: And that's basically the basics.
Pacifica: What?!
Dipper: *groan* Just take this.
Dipper walks her over to a door and pushed his hand against it. They walked in to see a block of rectangular marble. On the marble was a bracelet.
Dipper: Wear this and you'll have an invisible armor.
Pacifica grabbed the bracelet from Dipper's and put it on. She became tense. She felt something crawling all around her body but she saw nothing.
Pacifica: D-Dipper. What is this?
Dipper: invisible armor.
Pacifica: Why is it invisible?
Dipper: So people come unprepared when they want to fight you.
Pacifica: D-D-Dipper. Your starting to scare me. What's going on? Why do you have this stuff?
Dipper: *Sigh* I guess your ready to know.
Dipper walked over to a lever and pulled it down. The wall began to move and a mirror showed.
Dipper: *Clears throat* Show me... Pacifica.
Pacifica looked at Dipper in an odd way like he was crazy. Suddenly, the mirror started to fuzz up and a picture started to show up. It was Pacifica. But not her. She had her hair in a pony tail and had braces. She was wearing a sweater and skipping around with Gideon. Gideon was reading a book but he had a pine tree hat on, like dipper's.
Pacifica: What is this?
Dipper: it's reverse falls. They're the opposite of us. That's reverse you. And from what it looks like, the opposite of you is Mabel. I guess the opposite of me is Gideon.
Pacifica: But, what does that have to do with having all of these weapons?
Dipper: Mirror. Show Dipper.
The mirror began to fuzz up again and it showed Dipper and Mabel standing in front of a man on a table, tide town.
Man: PLEASE! Let me go! I love my family! I love my kids! I love them! I love them! I love them! PLEASE!!
Dipper and Mabel: That's what daddy said.
Dipper: Mabel?
Mabel: Yes brother?
Dipper: Hand me the scalpel.
Mabel: With pleasure.
Dipper smiled at he dug the scalpel into the man's stomach and savored the wonderful howl's of the man's cries of pain. Dipper cut all the way down to the bottom of his stomach. Dipper began to dig into his intestate and pull out his organs.
Man: Ow!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!
Dipper: Mabel dear. Hand me the chlorine trifluoride.
Mabel: As you wish brother of mine.
Man: N-No! Please! Why are you doing this?!
Dipper and Mabel: You where home.
Mabel handed Dipper the chlorine and poured in into the man's open stomach and lite a match, holding it over the man's stomach tauntingly.
Man: Please! I'll do anything! Just stop!!!
Mabel: Well, we have heard that you know of a certain book.
Man: But I don't-
Dipper: We know you don't own it. We just want to know who is owning it.
Man: Then you'll let me go home?
Dipper: Of course.
Man:........It's that Gideon kid and Pacifica!!!
Mabel: See Dipper. I told you that my hunk was important!
Dipper: Mabel! Gideon's to young for you!
Mabel: Age is but a number. Once we get the journals, you can have your Pacifica and I'll have my Gideon! Problem solved!
Dipper: Yes. In deed.
Man: Yah! Yah! Now let me go home!
Mabel: Dipper?
Dipper: Yes love?
Mabel: What's that thing you used to say back when we where weak and didn't understand?
Mabel and Dipper smirked an evil smirk.
Mabel and Dipper: Home is where your soul is.
Man: What?!
Dipper looked down at the man, holding back a laugh as he let go of the match and the man was engulfed in flames.
Man: AAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!
Dipper: Don't be sad.
Mabel: When we die-
Dipper: And see you again-
Mabel and Dipper: We can burn in Hell together.
Pacifica: Stop! Turn it off!
Dipper quickly pressed a button that turned the video off and ran over the Pacifica to comfort her.
Pacifica: What do they want?!
Dipper: They want to come to our world and take it over. That's why I have all of this. This world was created many years ago. The day me and my sister first came to gravity falls. The power we possessed was so strong it was able to do anything. Anything. It had the ability to create another universe. Our power was too strong so it created another universe to be contained.
Pacifica: So... When will they come?
Dipper: I don't know if they will. Maybe they won't. Hopefully they won't.
The room was silent for a few minutes when suddenly they heard foot steps.
Mabel: Hey Dipper! What are you- You showed her?
Dipper: Yah.
Mabel: What did we do this time?
Dipper: Mabel! We're so close! We actually killed a man! Before he died, he told us who owned them!
Mabel: O- Oh God! I think I'm gonna be sick.
Mabel ran towards Dipper and squeezed him tightly. She began to hide her face into his shirt and cry as hard as she can to get it all out. Dipper began to stoke her hair and shush her.
Dipper: *Shush* It's o.k. It's going to be o.k. We'll be prepared.
Mabel: And if we're not?
Dipper: We will be. I promise.
Pacifica: Dipper. Is there anything else you didn't tell me?
Dipper: If I did it's to protect you.
Pacifica: Dipper! I need to know!!! Why won't you tell me?!
Dipper stopped hugging her for a second to show her face. She was crying her eyes out. They where red and her nose was running.
Dipper: She know's what's going to happen, and if I could, I would erase her memory just so she didn't have to put a mask on every time she around someone and be able to sleep! I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU!!!
Pacifica: Dipper. I understand. Can we just go home now? I'm exhausted. That was a lot to take in.
Pacifica: What?
Dipper: I'm going to train you.
Pacifica: Really?!
Dipper: Yes. Let's start.
1 month later
Dipper: I think your ready.
Pacifica: Really?!
Dipper: Yes. At least your able to stay in the ring longer then 10 seconds.
Pacifica: Hey! You said 11 seconds was a record!
Dipper: yah. It is. For you.
Pacifica: So does this mean I can have a weapon now?!
Dipper: Absolutely not!!
Pacifica: But I'm ready!
Dipper: To fight people! Not kill! listen. When I killed my person, I had to learn to get used to the emotion. It's different for everyone. For me, when I killed my first person, I felt power, strength, and a strange sense of joy. I wanted more. I didn't feel guilt. I felt so happy that it was over. That person was going to do something unbelievable to Mabel at some party. I wasn't going to just stand there and let some guy do something so terrible to my sister. I barley remember everything but from what I DO remember, I pushed him out of a window. I was addicted. I wanted to feel the rush again. But I knew it was wrong. But I know that won't happen to you. Your not that kind of a person anymore.
Pacifica: Then what's the problem?
Dipper: You WOULD feel guilty. I once had a friend who killed himself after guilty like that.
Pacifica: I never knew this part of you.
Dipper: Go ahead. Leave me if you want. I won't hate you.
Pacifica rushed to him and hugged him from behind.
Pacifica: Dipper?
Dipper: Yes?
Pacifica: I'd never leave the one I love. Can we go back to the shack now? I'm so tired.
Dipper: As you wish mi lady!
They both laugh, which lightens the atmosphere and gives them a second to smile. The walk out of the training place and try to put it behind them..... for now.....
(A/N Sorry if this was too intense for you. I don't know. I was kind of in the moment. I don't really know how people will react to this. It's just Candy hasn't been in this chapter very much and I felt like the Wendy thing wasn't very doing much to add some action. So, I did this. Sorry if this is to much to take in. I don't know. I kind of like dark stuff like this. I know it's not as "romantic" as you guys would like and I don't know if the story is getting better or worse. You guys tell me! Did you like it better when I was starting or now? You guys decide! Don't worry! I'll try my best to make it better. Just tell me what's wrong with it and if you like it now or then better.)
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