7 Minuet In Heaven
This is a dare from @ArielaWeissberg. She dared Eren to play 7 minuets in Heaven.
All the attack on titan characters are sitting in a circle in Levi's house...er...mansion. All was normal, peacful, quiet, when...
Hanji: "HEY!! WE SHOULD PLAY A GAME!!!!!" . Hanji screames at the top of her lungs.
Sasha: *cough cough choke* She choked on her potato. -_-
Eren: O_O
Hanji: "Oops sorry guys..."
Levi: "..." -_-
Christa: That sounds great! But what should we play Hanji-san?
Hanji: Hmmmm....Oh Oh!! 7 minutes in heaven!!
Reiner: Whats that?
Hanji: You've never eard of it?!?! Well, its when 2 people get into a closet, and stay there for 7 minutes.
Levi: Tch, that sound shitty. Like you. Levi said pointing at Hanji.
Hanji: Shorty don't be so mean!! T^T
Levi: Tch.
Ymir: Let's play.
In the end everyone agrees...well except for Levi
Hanji: Marco, and Jean! Go first!!
Marco: Come on Jean. Lets go.
Eren: Taim your horse when your in there Marco!! Eren says, and starts to laugh. Marco''s face goes red.
Jean: YOU WANNA GO?!??!
Eren: Bring it on horse face. Eren says, and stands up.
Hanji: Guys stop. Just go in already.
7 minutes later...
Hanji: *opens the door* Oh! My...
Jean and Marco: *Sucking eachothers face off...very...hard....*
Eren: Eeeewwwww!!
Hanji: Na ah ah Eren. Its you turn next. And your with...Mr. Shorty Short Shorts over here.
Levi: SHITTY GLASSES! You little Bleep...Bleep ...Bleep ...Bleep ...Bleep ...Bleep ...Bleep (/-_-)/
Hanji: *running around* EREN ITS YOUR TURN!!!
Eren: O_O ~> O///O
Levi: *sighs* Fine, lets get this over with. *both get in, and the door closes*
They sit in silence for 3 min. Then Eren breaks the silence.
Eren: So uh...Levi-san. I have a confession to make. -///-
Levi: Oh? What? *internally screaming and fangirling*
Eren: Well I have come to relize that...Illoveyou!!
Levi: What? I didn't get it... -_-
Eren: I...l-love y-ou Levi-san...
Levi: *smirks* Me too, titan boy. *leans in and kisses eren softly*
Eren: *kisses back.*
Still kissing Eren pulls Levi onto his lap, and wraps his arms around Levi's muscular waist. Levi grunts in content and wraps his arms around Eren's neck. Then Levi slowly grinds on Eren.
"Ahh-nn! Lvi-san!!"
"Shh Eren they'll here us." Levi says. He pulls Eren in with his shirt, and kisses him. Eren slowly slipping his hand under Levi's shirt. He then pulls it off. Eren attaches his lips to Levi's neck.
"Ha-ah! Eren!" Levi moans out. Levi's hand grips Eren's fluffy brown hair. Eren makes his way down to Levi's bud. He attaches his lips to it.
"Oh my god. Eren! More!!" Levi moans out. He tilts his head back, as Eren made his way to Levi's rock hard abs. Eren was just about to take Levi's innocence when...
Hanji: HEY GUYS TIMES U-..." O_o OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone: WHAT?!??!?!?!!??! EWWWWW
Mikasa: LEVI IMMA KILL YOU!! SHIRMP!!!!!!!!!
Levi: *hugs Eren closer* No! He's mine!!!!
Mikasa: *lunges at him*
Levi: *Easily dodged* Come on Eren lets finish this. Everyone OUT!!!
When everyone gets out of the house Eren and Levi go back to what there doing. And that night, Humanities Strongest lost his innocence to Eren Fucking Jeager.
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