Sleepover pt.1
Note, Holly/FlutterDie is in her teen ages. She grows up fast.
Holly: *talking with Anti*
Anti: Mabye we can have a sleepover.
Holly: Sounds great! Ill go invite mom's friends. *red phone apears in hand* Hello? Is this Pizza?
Rainbine: No this is a telephone
Holly: *laughs* Well i beg to differ! *pizza apears in lap* yes...
A Hour later
*Doorbell rings*
Me: Ill get it! *answers door to see Discord,Fluttershy, and ScrewBall* Hey guys!
Discord: Long time no see!
Fluttershy: Hey sis..
ScrewBall: Where's FlutterDie?
Me: She's upstairs with Ant- *gets cut off by something breaking upstairs and looks at stairs* What was that?!
Holly: Nothing mom!
Discord: *teleports in* Nice house..
Anti: KILL ME *laughs like dieing goose with tears*
Dark: *burst out laughing and rolls down the stairs*
Fluttershy: You still live them? *walks inside*
Me: Yeah..
Discord: *messes with computer*
Glitch: Oi! Get out of me fookin computer!
Discord: Fine... *gets on cotton candy cloud*
Me: He's dead to me..
ScrewBall: *playing Uno with Anti and Holly*
Anti: Checkmate?
ScrewBall: Wrong game.. *has one card left* OOHHH *puts down last card before Anti can* UNO!!!
Anti: FOOK IT!!
Cat: *watching Tv with Fluttershy* So.. Fluttershout..
Fluttershy: *looks over to Cat* What about her?
Cat: Was she always a killer?
Fluttershy: Well.. she was kinda mistunsderstood alot, so basicly she really doesnt want to try to kill people unless she gets mad..
Cat: Oh... *hears crash noise* WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!
Dark,ScrewBall,Me,Discord,and Holly: Nothing!!
Fluttershy: Dont mind Discord, he causes chaos most of the time..
Me: *eatting Pizza*
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