Dare 3 - part one
Me: this one comes from me. *lights another cigar and places it in mouth* i aperently want to challenge Anti and Dark to see who can drink the most shots and fly up the highest after it. *takes out cigar and breathes out smoke*
Dark: Bitch im gonna beat you.
Me: Says the person who cant drink more than 1,200 bottles of beer in a day. *points to empty beer bottles in my room*
Anti: She has a point Dark.
Me: yeah *puts cigar in trash*
Dark: *teleports infront of me* Listen here your lucky your dumb cat friend saved you.
Cat: HEY!! *throws brick at Dark*
Dark: *gets hit by brick and falls unconsious on the floor*
Me: Thanks cat.
Cat: Your welcome!
Me: Alright Dark is out, literaly, so its me and the bitch Anti.... *claps hoofs together and 20 beer bottles apear*
Ten for us each...
Anti: Alright.. *take ten beer bottles*
Me: *smirks and takes ten beer bottles*
Anti: You ready bitch?
Me: To beat your ass? Yes. To drink some shots. Fucking yes....
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