Reacting to Finding Nemo
Hiro: (walks in) Uh...hey everyone!
Hiro: (slightly alarmed) Wow, has it really been this long since we've been in here?
Penny: (coming from behind him) Yep.. I don't even think anyone is listening to us anymore.
Hiro: (rolls his eyes) Probably because of the Willet fiasco-
Penny: (puts her hand over his mouth frantically causing her to blush) SHUSH! They could hear you!
Violet: (coming out of nowhere) Hear what?
Wilbur: (following behind) Yeah, what?
(Penny takes her hand off Hiro's mouth)
Hiro: Uh.. you know.
Willet: (looks at each other)
Violet: Oh, we're cool now.
Penniro: Really??
Wilbur: Yeah, (smiles at Violet) Vi and I talked about it and everything's settled.
Penny: Sooo Willet's official now-?
Willet: (cuts her off) Hey, so what's the question or dare today?
Penny: .......
Hiro: (looks over at his tablet) Well let's see..
(Hiro stares at the 1inch thick layer of dust on his screen and the others just stare)
Violet: (goes over next to him looking at the tablet) When was the last time you used this thing? A century ago?
Hiro: Noo. It wasn't made back then.
(Penny blows the dust off it accidently in Wilbur's direction, making him have a coughing fit)
Wilbur: (coughs) Penny!
Penny: (sheepishly) Sorrryy..
Hiro: (starts to power it up) Okay, here it is.
Violet: (impaitently) Uh, where is it, Hamada?
Hiro: It has to reboot itself, it's been a while!
(5 minutes later)
Hiro: (smiles) All done!
Wilbur: (lounging across a couch in the corner) That was the worst hour of my life!
Penny: It was only five minutes.
Wilbur: And it took FOREVER!
Penny: ....
Hiro: Okay, @hicanna08 said I dare Hiro and Wilbur to react to Finding Nemo... uh. What's Finding Nemo?
Penny: (not believing him) You gotta be joking.
Wilbur: What are you talking about? What is it?
(Violet and Penny look at each other)
Violet: (sighs) Its where a mans wife is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. In a turn of events, his son is kidnapped and he has to chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with a help of a mentally disabled woman.
(Hiro and Wilbur give her a blank stare)
Hiro: And this is rated G?
Violet: Yep.
Penny: ..You kinda ruined the movie for me Violet.
Wilbur: I'm kinda creeped right now..LETS WATCH IT!
(Hiro and Wilbur sit down in front of the TV with some popcorn)
Wilbur: (taking a bite of the popcorn then spits it out) Um, this is stale..
Violet: Deal with it (turns away to sit next to Penny)
Hiro: Wow your girlfriend is sassy.
Wilbur: (hisses) She's not my girlfriend!
Hiro: (holds his hands up) Okay, okay! Whatever pal.
Penny: I'm turning on the movie, and makes sure you give out all your thoughts. The audience wants to see your guys reaction.
Hiro: What audience?
Penny: ......(plays the movie)
Wilbur: Wait a minute, I thought this was a horror movie!
Violet: It's for children, it's not gonna be what it seems.
Penny: (frowns) Hey, I watch this movie!
Violet: Exactly. (smirks) I'm just teasing Pen!
Penny: (smiles a little) Okaay.
Hiro: (starts to analyze the first scene) Okay so there's two fish and they have roughly hundred or so kids.
Wilbur: Whoa, he just named the left side Marlin Jr. How does he know what gender they are?
Penny: ....Just watch the movie Wil.
Wilbur: It's Wilbur and-
Wilbur: (eyes widen) WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED??
Wilbur: HUH??
Hiro: Ugh..why does every Disney movie do that? They have to go kill all of the good characters before they could even start!
Violet: Yeah I wonder why they do that...
(10 mins later)
Hiro: Why do they have to call the boat "the butt"? Gosh.
Wilbur: What's the problem? It's funny!
Hiro: Yeah, but just because it starts with a b doesn't mean you putt butt in there.
Penny: Lighten up, Hiro. It's not meant to be overly analized. Just enjoy it.
Hiro: But-
Penny: (places her hand on his shoulders behind him and tur n her head towards him) ENJOY IT.
Hiro: (stares at her and gives a soft smile) Okay.
(Penny goes back to her seat and the two start blushing silently like crazy)
Willet: (murmur) Penniro.
Penniro: .....
(towards the end of the movie Nemo and Marlin reunite and the boys start crying)
Violet: Uh, are you guys crying?
Wilbur: No!
Hiro: We just got some dust in our eyes, that's all..
Violet and Penny: Boys.
(The movie ends and the guys were wiping their eyes.)
Violet: (pointing to the guys) Can somebody get these boys a tish?!
(Baymax walks in with a box of kleenex and the two guys blow their noses)
Penny: Sooo, how did ypu guys enjoy the movie?
Wilbur: I thought it was going to be more like what Vi said but it was way different than I expected--in a good way.
Hiro: Yeah and when I realized I should be trying to enjoy myself instead of trying to look over it all intentively, I saw more of the big picture than I thought. The importance of family,a sense of adventure and friendship was great and it didn't even need a romantic duo to be a good movie!
Violet: I think those are really good points you guys and I think that's a wrap!
Penny: Please be sure to vote!
Wilbur: and comment any questions and dares you'd like us to do!
Hiro: We love ya guys! See ya soon! (after film) Well that was good!
Penny: Willet?
Willet: (shakes their heads)
Wilbur: Penniro?
Penniro: (blush but shake their heads)
Hiro: Okay well this is awkward.
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