Awkward Questions with Awkward Answers
Hiro: Hey guys!
Wilbur: We're back!
Violet: (raises an eyebrow) You know that's the Dolan Twins opening..
Penny: OOH I love them! I'm on team Edward! 😍😍
Violet: There names are Ethan and Grayson.
Violet: I'm pretty sure that's Thomas Sanders..
Hiro: Oh.
Wilbur: Heyy brotherr!
Violet: (mentally slaps herself) SuperCarlinBrothers.
Wilbur: Whatever babee--I mean!
Hiro: (smirks) What was that Wil?
Wilbur: (turns scarlet red) Uh..--
Violet: (trying to save him) We have a few questions and dares for you guys today.
Penny: Oh yeh! What's the first one?
Violet: Wanna read it Wilbur?
Wilbur: (smiles at her) Sure.@hiccanna08 said: Hiro, How many % do you miss Tadashi?
Hiro: Well, I don't really miss him since I see him everyday at home so.. But when he isn't, probably 45%.
Violet: Wow that's a lot, I sing hallelujah when my brother leaves.
Penny: You sing Violet??
Violet: (suddenly nervous) What? No...
Wilbur: Oh my gosh, you do!!
Violet: No I don't shut up!
Hiro: Whoa calm down! I'm gonna read the next question.
Wilbur: Okay.
Violet: Fine.
Penny: Let's hear it!
Hiro: Okay @TSMG_Inc writes: Question: if there's no Willet or Penniro, are you throwing in Wilenny and Pennilbur? (Gets a knot in his stomach) Uh..
Pennilbur: WHAT?!?!
Wilbur: (makes a disgusted look) Nuh uh nope! Ew that's just gross!
Penny: Yeah um that's gross..(feels slightly offended)
Wilbur: She's disgusting-OW!(jabbed by Penny in the side) Sorry.
Penny: Whatever; besides..(looks over at Hiro and blushes) Wilbur isn't my type.
Violet: What's your type?
Penny: (heart pounding) Umm..brainy, funny, adorable..(twirls her hair)
Hiro: (hoping its him) Well so much for Pennilbur!! Definitely dead! Nope. Not good.
Wilbur: Wow, someone's being weird.
Hiro: (face burning) L-Let's go to the next question!
Violet: (takes the iPad) This ones for specifically Penny from @BrayceReal saying: Question for Penny, Penny if you find Riley and Hiro kissing what would you do?
Penny: (turning scarlet red) Uhh..what's with all these creepo questions? Like of course I'd be the good friend and encourage the relationship. Whatever makes Hiro happy, I'm happy.
Hiro: (bright red also) T-Thanks, Pen. know I don't like Riley, right?
Penny: (unsure) Really?
Hiro: Yeah I like--(stops)
Wilbur: (grinning) No no Hiro. Please continue.
Hiro: (heart beating fast) Uhh ok. I..would like to hear the next question please!
Willet: (groans)
Violet: (rolls her eyes) Whatever Romeo. Let's see..ooh this is good! This is from @weird_pants1. They write: They should tell each other their life stories.
Wilbur: Ooh yeah that one sounds good! Me first!
Hiro: Go ahead weirdo.
Wilbur: Well I went back in time to find my dad to protect him from "the bowler hat guy" and-
Penny: Wait, "the bowler hat guy"?
Wilbur: Yep anyway and he was actually his orphan roommate and I took him to the future--or present and he met my--or our family.
Violet: That..that is pretty cool, Wilbur.
Wilbur: (rubbing his neck sheepishly) Thanks, how about you go next.
Violet: Well there's not that much to really say. I am a super with the power of invisibility and force fields. And I've protected the world fighting against Sydrome and now my identity isn't as much of a secret anymore.
Hiro: You go Pen.
Penny: Okay! There's not that much to say but I was a tv actress and I started in a movie or two, with my dog Bolt. But then I decided I wanted to not be in the spotlight anymore and I retired to become just a regular kid.
Wilbur: Awesome!
Violet: Last but not least Hiro.
Hiro: Ok so I am a kid genius and I got ahead in my grades so I've been taking colleges classes right now at school. I am an inventor and I work with Tadashi sometimes and his friends and I've been getting better at it.
Penny: Yay Hiro!
Violet: Next up is for Hiro.
Hiro: Ooh yes hit me up!
Violet: Okay this question is from @-MeridaDunBroch saying: Question for would you feel if you found out that Honey Lemon and Tadashi had DATED? XD
Hiro: Wait..WHAT??? Why wouldn't they have told me??
Wilbur: How would you feel I they did Hiro?
Hiro: ..Welp I'd be happy for them because Tadashi deserves a girl like Honey Lemon an I bet they'd be cute together. WHY WOULDNT THEY HAVE TOLD ME??
Tadashi: (walks in) Hey guys what's going...oh am I interrupting? Sorry I'll just go-
Penny: Wait Tadashi! We need to ask you something.
Violet: (with hearts for eyes) Hey Tadashi....😍😍
Tadashi: Uh..hey Violet. Um what did you guys wanna ask me?
Wilbur: Did you ever date Honey Lemon or would wanna date her?
Tadashi: (a blank stare and sudden nervousness) Uhh...--you know what? I just remembered I had to feed Muchi! Sorry gotta go! (Zips away)
Hiro: Well that was awkward...
Wilbur: Yep.(glances at Violet) Why were you acting so weird a second ago Vi?
Violet: Um..well that's all the time we have today!
Penny: Make sure to vote and comment down below any questions or dares you wanna ask us!
Hiro: So until next time-
Wilbur: See ya guys gals and non binary pals!
Hiro: PEACE!
Violet: Ugh!!
By the way everyone, Hiros life story is really different because I made Tadashi live so he doesn't need to go make Big Hero 6 but he still loves to invent. And also Violets super power isn't a secret anymore. But anyway see ya guys later! Love ya! :)
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