Ask Miku: Len x Miku
(The lights come up as the audience applauds. Miku and the Admin are sitting on super comfy chairs center stage. Miku seems worn out)
Miku: ( ̄Д ̄)ノ *huffin' and puffin'* W...Welcome back to Ask Miku~! Where....I answer all of your questions~! *takes deep breath*
Admin: So. As you already know, Miku-chan usually answers questions from only ONE Miku fan every chapter BUT! Because SOOOOOOOOO many of you guys asked the same question, I had to make an exception of putting everyone who's asked this onto here. The people who asked this certain question were: @queenof_frozendreams, @WafflesAndCream, and @MissLlamaParty. In general, the question was: Who do you love more Len or Kaito? Some asked sparkly eyes, some yelled PLEASE BE LEN....But. *pauses* I need to put some facts straight with you guys first BEFORE she answers the question.
As you already know, Miku-chan is sixteen and Len-kun is fourteen. Now do you guys know how old Kaito is? Well, heh, when he was created, he didn't have an official age since Crypton didn't decided to make the Vocaloids have any age until Miku was made. BUT the person who did design Kaito said he had designed him to look like a middle aged man. Even so, the fan base didn't agree with that but after some research, I was able to come to find that the average age he looks to be (as well as if you look at the other characters who DO have ages such as Gakupo, Luka, and Gumi all being in their twenties even though some LOOK younger) around his early twenties which means, if Kaito and Miku were going to date, that would mean he would be breaking the law for dating a minor and we don't need ANYMORE Vocaloids going to jail at this moment!
So with that being said, let's figure out how Miku feels since it IS her show *turns to Miku* So! Miku, you seem out of breath there, can you tell your dear fans why?
Miku: OH! Well, I ran ALLLLLLLL over the place on this website to find my friends since I didn't know what all of this really meant~! It was long and treacherous but I finally found them~! *pauses* ALOT of them. Did you know apparently, when our creator made us Vocaloids, he made MULTIPLE versions of us~?!?!? CRAZY RIGHT~!?! I never knew I had so many sisters on here~! I told IA this and she confirmed it too~!
Admin:*huffs* So that's why you were having that major identity crisis early today. I thought it was weird that you kept going on about how you didn't even know if you were real or not since their was so many Mikus on here but now I get it -.-'
Miku: *ignores* Anyway~! I found Sakine_Meiko , @Vocaloid03_IA, @-_RinKagamine_-, and @_Kagamine_Len_02 and told them about this and about you guys~! *rubs back of the neck* I asked more Vocaloids but they never responded about it so that's why I didn't list them....Well, except @Kamui_Gakupo-sama_2 but I didn't ask him this~! OH~! Before I forget, YOULL NEVER GET MY LEEKS NOW @Chibi_Chan02 BECAUSE GAKUPO MADE A SUPER SECRET SAFE TO KEEP THEM IN~!!!! ψ(`∇')ψ
So anyway, I first I talked to Rin-chan and she made me realize that if I said I liked someone, then people would think I meant in a romantic way, not in a friendly way~! So then I realized, wait, what do boyfriends mean then because I've said before that Len, Gakupo, and Kaito were all my boyfriends because I thought it meant that they were my friends who are boys~!
I tried to ask a fan if that was true and she said no but wouldn't tell me what it actually meant no matter how much I asked~! So I asked Meiko-chan about this~! She said that they are "companions that are supposed to love on you"~! She's so wise~! That made since but I didn't know what love meant so I went around trying to find the answer to that but I couldn't find it ._. But I learned that someone you love is more special than a friend~!.....Though I don't how that's possible since I care about all of my friends so much >.>
And then apparently everyone knew about this, Len said, so I was in the dark about it all or what it REALLY meant~! ;^;
(Audience awes)
So I know for a fact that I don't like Kaito that way because he's too old for me >~< Besides, he's dating Meiko and Gakupo apparently~! But with Len....I don't know since I don't know what love is~! But I care about him very much like all of my friends~! Besides, he's also dating Piko and married to Gumi so even if I was in love with him I wouldn't be able to date him anyway~! I don't even think he likes me that way~!
(Some audience members do hand gestures by their heads)
Admin: (;゜0゜)That....sounds possible. What do you guys think? It's definitely something to think about! So there you have it guys, she doesn't really have an answer because she doesn't know what love is and thinks everyone is her friend! Join us-
Miku: *jumps up* WAIT~! I just wanted to say that even with all of this confusion, I had so much fun talking to my friends and I wouldn't have traded it for the world~! I'm so happy that you all liked my gifts and I'm so happy I was able to make them for you~! *mumbles* Or steal it from a construction site....So *bows* thank you for spending time with me~! I had a blast~! And thank you to all of my amazing fans who follow me with all of these crazy events~! Without you, this wouldn't have been able to happen~! It always makes me so happy that you guys genuinely like my music and myself for that matter and I'm so happy that I'm able to do this kind of thing all the time~! You guys are the best part of my day and are the best in general~! So again, thank you for supporting me and for being with me~! It means so much to me, more than you can ever imagine... *smiles gently* Well, bye bye~! *waves* (^∇^)
Admin: See you next time~!
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