Ask Miku: KissKissBlaBla
(Audience applauds as the lights come back in)
Miku: OHAYO~!!!!!! *smiles and waves leek*
Admin: *facepalm* Miku, it's not even near morning time.
Miku: *looks at the camera and then to the audience. Looks sad as head drops* Oh....
Random Audience Member: It's okay Miku-chan! Everyone makes mistakes! Besides, if you say right now it's morning, then it's morning time! *pulls out pitchfork and the audience follows. He smiles evilly* Right guys~?
(The audience yells YEAH!!!)
Miku: *doesn't understand what's going on* Really~? *smiles and jumps around* YAY~!!! OHAYO~~!!!!!!
Admin: o.o Dear god...Guys down in the comments, I think you need to warn whoever is able to change the meaning of words because I don't think their future is going to be very bright... *coughs* Anyway! Miku-chan! Everyone has been wondering....WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR A WHOLE YEAR?!?!?
Miku: OH~! I have been on a journey to find the Magical Golden Leek that's able to make the holder control the world~!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA~~!! *crazy look and then looks innocent again* Oh, and can make leeks spawn out of nowhere~!
Admin: Miku, you're yandere side came out against I told you you're only able to act like that when you perform for Masa with Gumi!
*audience claps loudly and hollers*
Admin: Well I guess they know who he is! Can we see this magical leek you keep going on about? *mumbles* And can you make this crazy audience disappear?
Miku: Gomen...OH~! But I gave away the Magical Golden Leek to my biggest fan Mikuluv93 to thank her for being there for me and we sang Llevan Polka together with our leeks~! It was so much fun~! *grins widely and waves to camera* Hi Mikuluv93~!
Admin: OoO Y-you gave away the most powerful item in existence...TO A FAN?!?!
Miku: HAI~!
Admin: *face palm* Anyway, Miku! This weeks question is from KissKissBlaBla and she asked "Miku-chan? Would you let me take you home~?" *shoves Miku towards KissKissBlaBla* PLEASE!! PLEASE TAKE HER!! SHE'S TOO MUCH FOR ME!!! DO YOU SEE HOW CRAZY SHE IS?!?!
Miku: *sad* But wouldn't I leave my family all behind if I go with you~? And would you have leeks too~? I don't know....*gasps and eyes widen* I KNOW~~!!! We can have....A SLEEPOVER~~!!!!! We can watch movies, play my games, eat leeks-
Admin: I'm going to cut her short here since we have ALOT of questions to answer but to answer your question, yes, you may take her home but only for a sleepover!
Miku: I can't wait~~!!!! (⌒▽⌒)
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