Ask Miku: Akuaikoshion
(The lights come up as the audience applauds. The room is flooded with leeks. The Admin and Miku are sitting on top)
Miku: *picks up leek next to her and takes a bite* Hewwo, welwome bawk~! (Translation: Hello, welcome back~!)
Admin: -.-' Sorry about the state of the studio, we had a small...accident with a present one of our fans gave us. Luckily, no lives were taken that day but some of Rin's oranges became lost in the flood.
(Sad violins start playing in the background)
R.I.P Rin's oranges. *claps hands together and grins* SO! It's time for Miku to answer YOUR questions! *pulls out notecard* Today's question is from Akuaikoshion ! They asked: "Hi Miku-Chan! Aniki has a bear in his scarf? o.O Remind me to tell Akaito-nii.....anyways, I hope you don't mind but I have two asks.
1. What is your opinion on Gakukai, Akaikai or yaoi in general?
2. How do you feel knowing that your the main reason why Kaito hasn't been uninstalled?
Oh, and have some leeks too*Gives you 50 leeks* Have a pleasant day Miss Miku! ^^"
Miku: *GASPS* EVEN MORE LEEKS~!!!!!! *tries to shove all fifty leeks in her mouth*
Admin: !(◎_◎;) *pulls out most out of her mouth and throws them in the sea of leeks* MIKU!!!! DONT DO THAT!!! YOU'LL CHOKE!!!! ONE AT A TIME REMEMBER?!
Miku: *pouts* Finnneeeeee~~! (;゜0゜)OH~! THE QUESTION~! So let's see....*takes notecard from the Admin and reads it* ...What's yaoi~? ~(・・?))
Admin: ((((;゚Д゚))))))) CRAP!! I FORGOT YOU DIDN'T KNOW! *hugs Miku* PROTECT THE CINNAMON ROLL!!!!!
Random Audience Member: Uhhh....I don't think they meant THAT kind of yaoi. I think they just meant how does she like the couple together.
Admin: *lets go* Oh. Well why do you think about them Miku?
Miku: Hmmmm.....Well, if those two people are happy together than I'm happy for them~! ^w^ Okay and the next one was....*reads notecard* How do you feel......KAITO NOT BEING UNINSTALLED~?!?!? I DIDNT KNOW THAT~!!!!
Admin: Yeah...I didn't want to tell her about that because I knew she would be upset about-
Miku: IM HAPPY THAT I MADE HIM NOT GET UNINSTALLED~!!!! I wouldn't know what to do if I lost him~! ><
Admin: o.o Well that was different than what I expected. Well, I hope that answered your question! See you next time!
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