Merry Christmas
Mendy:*setting up camera *why won't it focuses?..maybe if I just fix the lenses...*camera falls on the ground*AW COME ON!*picks up the camera and wipes off the snow*great,just great,that what I needed the camera to fall on the ground*puts the camera back on the stand* stay....stay...good camera*backs away slowly and find a spot to stand* alright, hi guy it's me Mendy and I just want to say-*camera and stand falls at once to the ground*SON OF A-
???:what were you going to say,Mendy?*leaning on the door-way and has her arms crossed*
Mendy:*slowly turn around*umm....nothing,Alice heh,heh,
Alice:*looks at the camera then looks at Mendy and slowly walks up to the camera*you know Mendy, if you want help you've could've just asked *picks up the camera and press the off button*
Mendy:I'm sorry Alice,please don't tell my papas.
Alice:heh,heh, I won't *pat Mendy's head* here, how about I hold the camera and you do the talking,okay?
Mendy:ok *fix her little green shirt that shows her shoulder and her scarf as well* you ready?
Alice:only when you are *wipes off snow on the lenses and walks back to where the stand is*do you want me to move this?
Mendy:yes please
Alice:ok then*picks up the stand and place beside a tree to it can lean on it*alright ready
Alice:and *press the on button and then the start button*go
Mendy:hey guys it's me Mendy and I just want to say Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all and I hope you all had a good year cause I know I did well,sort'a anyway let just hope that next year will be better then this year that all I got to say for now,bye!
Alice:*press the stop button*alright we're done with you little video now come on let's go inside and help Mickey and Bendy with the cooking *walks up to the stand and grabs it*...well,are you coming Mendy? *holds out her free hand*
Mendy:ok I'm coming *grabs Alice's hand* you sure you won't say anything about the word I was going to say
Alice:don't worry I won't now come on you cheeky mouse-creature
Mendy:HEY,I'm not cheek,I'm cute
Alice:yeah,sure you are
Alice:heh,heh,heh I'm just kidding
(A/N Merry Christmas my friends also total words:416)
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