Finn x Dottie
Well I have Officially made a fool of myself in front of her I tried flirting but I screwed it up I embarrassed myself I knew I should of kept quiet tho I would love to be with her I love her but oh why would she like me I'm a Klutz and I get too nervous I just wish I had the courage I'm not good enough for her anyway dottie: finn?,Finn: y yeah , Dottie: what's wrong you seem upset , finn: it's nothing , Dottie: really cause it doesn't look like nothing , finn: I'm just h having a bad day , Dottie: heh you were very cute looking yesterday when you were trying to flirt Finn , finn: * blushes* I I was , Dottie: yeah you were brave , finn: t thanks , Dottie: so what do you want to do,finn: I don't know,Dottie: we could watch a movie,finn: ok * they started watching a movie*
Dottie: this is great, finn: yeah,Dottie: * lays her head on Finn shoulder* Finn:*blushes* ..., Dottie: you ok finn , finn:yeah, Dottie: I'm having fun what about you, finn: y yeah dottie: * snuggles finn's shoulder* Finn:*blushing* I I , Dottie: you what
Finn: I'm having fun too , few hours pass Dottie and Finn:*sleeping Dottie is laying on finn* finn:* having nightmares*Finn: * whimpering* Dottie: oh my Finn hey it's ok calm down, finn:* wakes up* * breathing heavy* * crying* I it was a accident I I didn't mean to I , Dottie: hey no it's ok I know you wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose your too sweet ,finn: I c can s still see it, the kid, the blood everything , Dottie: it was a accident Finn the kid is fine now,finn: y yeah b but it s still h happened,Dottie: your too sweet Finn to hurt anybody and I love you for that, finn:*blushing* y you l love m me ,Dottie: yeah
, Finn:* smiles while blushing* I I love you t too, Dottie: I know, finn: how d did y you, Dottie: when your sick you tend to spill your secrets,finn: oh my gosh I can't believe that*blushing*
Dottie: hehehe aww Finn it's cute ,finn: maybe to you but I don't think so,Dottie: hehehe I figured you would say that but no matter what Finn your safe with me , finn: I know and your always safe with me Dottie,Dottie: you silly puppy, finn: hehe I'm glad I met you Dottie,Dottie: and I'm glad I met you finn,Dottie and finn:* blushes* , Finn: um we should Probably go to bed,Dottie: can I stay with you Finn my room is kinda cold , finn: yeah ,in the room, finn: night,Dottie: night ,Dottie: finn I have a confession
Finn: yeah , Dottie: my room was plenty warm I just wanted to be with you,finn: I don't mind I like having you around
Dottie: really?,finn: yeah I do your really special to me and well hehe I love you,Dottie I love you too Finn
Dottie kisses Finn
Dottie and Finn : night
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