Kidnapped 5'year old Goldie and hero big brother freddy requested by Invaderzimfan1
Goldie sat there as he trembled not knowing where he was it kinda looked like the basement of the pizzeria so he looked around to discover it was the basement of the pizzeria
Spring trap: oh muffin your awake
Goldie: a spwring?
Spring trap: yes baby
Goldie: I awnit ywour bawby! * kicks spring in his crotch* yowu! Yowu huwrt bubbwy!
Spring: oh muffin you don't understand your brother and I well we had something special and I messed up it happens
Goldie: nwo! Yowu madwe bubby cwry!
Spring: oh baby I'm sry but I didn't want to
Freddy: * grabs pistol* I'm going for Goldie
Chica: Freddy what if spri-
Freddy: to heck with spring trap
Meanwhile with Goldie
Goldie* beating spring trap over the head with a rolling pin* lewt mwe gwo!!!!!!!
Spring: NO!
Goldie:* kicks the crap out of spring while beating him over the head with the pin* lewt! Mwe! Gwooooooo!,😡
Spring: no I will not!* Gets kicked in the face and knocked out*
Goldie: jewrk!
Few hours later
Spring: hehe rockabye baby in the tree too
Goldie:*sleeping fighting*
Spring trap: oh baby don't get all hostile
Freddy: I ain't your damn baby you lost that right when you attempted to attack me
Spring: oh well I can't let you go I have to have you ~
Freddy:* cocks pistol* LET GOLDIE GO! Or I will shoot your hind in
Spring: uh ok * gives Goldie to Freddy*
Goldie: yeawh! Bubbwy show hwim whawt youwr. Mawde owf!
Freddy: hehe yep I did
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