Insecure Goldie and mad sister in law chica
It was fine in the Beginning I didn't feel bad I actually felt great till the comments started each day they got worse fat,chubby, stupid,you need to lose weight, you shouldn't eat , they got worse every day I stopped eating then she noticed chica: goldie you want anything to eat , Goldie: no , foxy: ha why should the bilge rat eat he's overweight, chica: no he isn't if anything he's under weight ,Goldie:I'm good chica, chica: you sure if your hungry I'll make you something, foxy: the bilge rat is far chica he doesn't need anything to eat, Goldie: ..., Foxy: and besides why would he want to he's just overweight, chica: now dang it foxy if you say one more blasted thing about Goldie weight I'm going to beat you over the head with this rolling pin , Goldie: I'll be back I have to use the rest room , in the bathroom, Goldie:* crying* w why c can't I lose weight, chica pov: I'm going to beat this fox!😡
Goldie: I need to go back so she won't think nothing happened, few minutes later, chica: you ok Goldie?,Goldie: yeah I'm fine,
Chica: you sure ,you look hungry,Goldie: I im-,foxy: aye the bilge rat doesn't need to eat chica he's fat he could use to lose so weight and that's why Bonnie doesn't like him because what he is a child killer, chica: goldie pls go in the other room pls,Goldie: * crying a little * ok,chica:* hits foxy with a rolling pin *, foxy: ow! Mattie why ye hit me head,chica:because you are being mean you shouldn't talk about Goldie like that!,foxy: it's true,chica: and you need to stay out of Goldie and Bonnie conversations it's non of your business what they talk about,foxy: but the bilge rat likes him!,chica: yeah and it seems Bonnie likes him, now either you quit being mean or I'm going to beat you,foxy: whatever!
,chica: you ok Goldie? Goldie:*crying* no I I'm not I want freddy, chica: he'll be done in a bit,Goldie: o ok,chica: in the meantime you can stay with me in the kitchen,(in the kitchen),chica: here Goldie, Goldie: yay a coloring book!😃,foxy: haha that's childish the bilge rat likes to color, Goldie: nevermind I'm not in a mood to color,chica: no Goldie you color I'll take care of foxy,* gives foxy the death glare*,Goldie: ok ,chica:* drags foxy by the ear * what did I tell you!!!😡,foxy: I can't help it Mattie the bilge rat is just a good person to pick at ,chica: well you better help it if Freddy comes out and sees he's crying your screwed you know that!,foxy: no I ain't captain won't do anything to me over the bilge rat,meanwhile, Goldie:* is coloring a flower*, bonnie: hey Goldie what ya doing,Goldie: I'm coloring, bonnie: ok hey wait have you been crying?!?, Goldie: a little,bonnie: what happened, Goldie: nothing really just foxy making jokes about my weight, bonnie: don't worry I think your amazing the way you are but I have to go ok, Goldie: ok,chica: alrighty Goldie now that is took care of do you want me to make you something to eat, Goldie: yeah some chese sticks,chica: ok , chica: here you go Goldie, Goldie: thanks , Freddy: hey baby ,hey bub g Goldie have you been crying!?!, Chica: yeah foxy said some pretty bad things don't worry he got what he deserved, Freddy: I'm sry I wasn't around Goldie, Goldie: it's ok bubby, freddy: now let's get you to bed,Goldie: ok
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