first kiss
Freddy x chica
Freddy pov: I really like chica but I don't know how to tell her
Goldie: Freddy?
Freddy: yeah Goldie
Goldie: you ok
Freddy: yeah Goldie I'm ok just thinking
Goldie: about chica
Freddy:*blushes* how did
Goldie: Freddy it's Obvious that you like her just make her dinner or watch a movie with her tell her
Freddy: aww thanks little brother
Goldie: your welcome freddy *purrs*
Freddy: I need this 🍖 and this 🍯 let's get cooking
Hours later
Chica: Freddy what's the surprise
Freddy: you'll see
The drink is a smoothie)
Chica: oh Freddy you did this for me
Freddy: yeah
Chica: awww your so sweet
Freddy:*blushes* thanks
While eating
Freddy,: so chica I was wandering if maybe if you would
Freddy and chica kids
Freddy: mhm! * kisses back*
Chica: hehehe aww your so sweet
Goldie in the background: yes finely
Freddy: goldie? What are you doing out of bed
Goldie: I was thirsty and came to get a cup of water and I saw you guys so I kept quiet
Chica: well now freddy he's not bothering us
Freddy: I
Chica:* kisses freddy*
Goldie:*watching happily*
Freddy: I guess this means were dating
Chica: yes teddy bear
Freddy:*blushes* I um I
Freddy: here Goldie " hands him a cup of water* now go back to bed
Goldie: night freddy love you big brother
Freddy: I love you too my little brother sleep well
Freddy: sry I didn't know he was awake
Chica: no it's. Cute the way you treat him
Freddy: oh really
Chica: yeah your a real sweetie
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