It has been a terrible day a kid got hurt Finn malfunction were all scared I'm scared I'm worried about what there going to do with Finn he's so sweet he wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose I've got him up in my lap trying to calm him down and get him to sleep but I'm struggling * pete* Dottie come away from him*Dottie* could you keep it down Pete I just got him to sleep
" pete" he just about killed that kid Dottie you can't be serious!
Dottie* yes I am and I I love him I would do anything for Finn he doesn't bother anyone ever * pete* you love him then why don't you tell him before it's too late* boss of the boss comes in* well you three will be going to freddy pizzeria * pete* what why!* The big boss* cause your manger can't keep up with the bills this place is closed down for good I pack you and your friends to the truck* 3 hours later* * Dottie* he's still sleeping* pete* Dottie why are you so naive can't you see what happened was bad * Dottie* I know what happened was bad but I know it wasn't Finn fault
* Pete* how* Dottie* Finn loves the kids he wouldn't ever hurt them on purpose and in my dream I met this girl* pete * what did she look like*Dottie* she had brown hair blue eyes and she said Finn would have a issue I didn't understand what she meant but she said everything would be ok *pete* ok uh were here I think
* In the pizzeria* * Freddy and hang including Goldie* hi welcome* Dottie* thanks um is there any way we could rest were pretty tired* Freddy* yeah * pete* h hey Freddy* Freddy* hello Pete stay away from Goldie pls he can be trouble* Goldie* hey Freddy i- can show then to there rooms* Freddy* fine just don't try anything* Goldie* well Dottie here is your and Finn room sry that you have to share a room we don't have much room * Dottie* no it's fine I don't mind hey um is there a reason why there's fur over your eye * Goldie* I ah well* sigh* I have a black eye it's nothing I just ran into the door facing* which is a lie* Dottie* oh my , well I let you go on *pete* I've not seen you in awhile Goldie
* Goldie* t there's a a reason* pete* I know and I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen I didn't mean to hurt you i shouldn't of picked on you * Goldie* it's ok well here is your room night *pete* night * foxy* bilge rat! *Goldie* w what I is I it * foxy* stay away from me lad Bonnie *Goldie* ... *Freddy* Goldie has some of his fur over his eye * chica* is that strange?*Freddy* yeah he only did that when- he was trying to hide something* meanwhile in Dottie and Finn room* *Dottie* there we go sleep well Finn * finn* d Dottie *Dottie* oh your awake how do you feel* finn* terrible so we're at the pizzeria*Dottie* yeah don't worry we'll make it * Finn* *blushes* I'm sorry I'm putting you through this Dottie you don't deserve to have to put up with me*Dottie* now you stop talking like that I'm very happy to put up with you Finn your my best friend no matter what happens or what you do * finn* t thanks Dottie*Dottie* no problem Finn * Finn* Dottie I need to tell you something=Dottie* of course what is it I love you*Dottie* aww Finn I love you too*Dottie kissed finn
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