ooh he's pissed
Goldie stomps into the backroom
Cassandra: Hi Goldie...Nice necklace
Goldie: *growls* it's not a necklace
Cassandra: Okay
Goldie: I can't believe Henry would do this to me *growls* *punches wall*
Cassandra: *whimper* *hugs doll*
BlueMarshmallow121 asks
To Shadow Freddy: I dare you to sing the I'm a barbie girl song again but.... in front of everyone in the pizzaria!
Shadow: absolutely not!
Glitch: hahahaha please? Even though I wouldn't be able to see it because of spring
Shadow: It doesn't matter because I'm not doing it!
Glitch: *pouts* Hmmph
To everyone: if you were turned into a human for a day what is the first thing you would do?
Goldie: Run away
Cassandra: Jump off a cliff so I could finally die without everyone bringing me back
Everyone else: ....we need to get you a therapist...one that isn't Mari
Freddy: idk
Chica: Cooking Pizza
Bonnie: Marry Goldie!
Henry: You could already do that it's just Freddy would kill you
Tc: Also marry Goldie and if Bonnie gets in my Way i'll kill him *crazy laughter*
Tb: Become a rockstar
Tf: Uhhh that sounds dangerous
Mangle: Leave and never come back
Mari: Idc I just wanna sleep
Me: Sameeee
Foxy: Sail the 7 seas!
Shadow: Get revenge on everyone that wronged me
Glitch: leave and get away from Shadow
Spring: Idk I just want to get out of here
Henry how does Will make you feel?
Henry: Angry and nothing else don't listen to anyone that says otherwise
Charlie: Sureeee dad I believe you
littlemonkeytoes asks
To Henry: Hey don't be sad *hugs* he's just upset cause he got caught and had his powers taken away for the punishment he will need to learn that his actions have consequences. To freddy: Hey freddy *poof a cookie jar in his paws* for helping out plus good pun tho. to foxy: *poof girly outfit* have fun trying to take that off for 24 hours. to chica: here's an apron for your hard work as a cook
Henry: Thanks I needed that he just doesn't listen! I'm only trying to help him, I'm a good dad
Me: Hahhahaha yeah sure a "good dad"
Henry: What are you laughing about?
Me: you are far from a good dad firstly you weren't paying attention to Charlie which caused her to die second you ignore freddy and favour his siblings thirdly you threw Spring In a backroom for something that could have been easily fixed and don't even get me started on Fredbear and Springbonnie (Glitch)! You made FREDBEAR WATCH HIS PARTNER DIE!
Henry: ....
Shadow from the vents: Oooh bitch got called out
With freddy
Freddy: thanks *takes cookie*
With Foxy
* a pink princess outfit appears*
Foxy: ARRGH!
With chica
Chica: Thanks
S chica: Chi! The pizza!
Chica: Oh shit! *rushes to the oven*
catsaresoooooawsome asks
Micheal,Chris are you two close?
Chris: Kinda
Freddy go comfort goldie
Freddy: No he deserves this he just wouldn't behave!
Me: Shut up Freddy unless you want to be chewed out like Henry
Shadow who's your favourite person?
Shadow: *points to glitch and hugs him*
Glitch: grrrrr get off of me!
Shadow: well looks like I have to go I have plans to enact so goodbye~
Henry you screwed up you need to apologise to Gold you humiliated him
Henry: I didn't humiliate him!
Me: Yes you did
Goldie lies in his bed
Goldie: UGHH THIS IS SO UNFAIR I wish Henry would just dissappear!
Shadow: hmmm dissappear? That could be arranged
Glitch I dare you to kiss your crush
Glitch: I don't have a crush!
Me: Yes you do
Glitch: *sigh* Fine do I have to kiss him?
Me: normally you wouldn't but I just want to show who your crush is
Shadow: *telaports to glitch* Yes darling?
Glitch: it's a dare so don't think I'll enjoy this! *kisses shadow on the lips*
Shadow: *blushes* I-
Glitch: *also blushes* I-i got to go! *telaports away*
I wonder what shadow meant by a plan? And Goldie I hope you don't mean that
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