Its going to be okay...again
catsaresoooooawsome says
Foxy BAD DOG BAD DOG!! go to your kennel
Foxy: grrrr tha Bilge mouse deserved it
littlemonkeytoes asks
To goldie I dare you to dress Foxy in the most embarrassing outfit you can think of and handcuff to a pole for everyone to see and have a note saying "I'm a big sissy kick me!" Soooooo have fun >:3
Goldie: hehe I know just the outfit and just the seamstress to fix outfits and possibly me if things go wrong Cassandra!
Goldie: oh...
Danny: how about I'll help instead
Goldie: hehehe
Goldie: hmm which one should we use This one? Picks up a lilac dress with gold trim*
Danny: how about this one? *picks up pink princess dress*
Goldie: HA ha that's perfect
Danny: ooooh foxy~
Foxy: what is it lad?
Goldie creeps up behind Foxy and puts the dress on him
He chased goldie around until Danny handcuffed him to a pole
Goldie: Danny will you do the honours?
Danny: with pleasure *tapes the note to Foxy's back*
Cassie: hmm whatever you say *kicks Foxy*
S bonnie: Yay violence *also kicks foxy* HEY LOSERS TRY THIS
The rest of the spirits: starts kicking Foxy
*the toys,Bonnie and chica join in*
Henry: I know I should stop them buttttt...this is so funny
catsaresoooooawsome asks
Henry how exactly will be Foxy be punished?
Henry: I think he's being punished here but he won't be allowed to perform for the week
He stood in a dark room in silence
???????: I recognise you, but I am not afraid of you, not anymore.
His shoulders stiffened he recognised that voice
Glitchtap: y-you
???????: Hi did you miss me?
Glitch: I'm so sorry I didn't know you were-
???????: so If you knew it was me would you still have done it?
???????: Fine I will
The dark room changed into a familiar room
His heart dropped when he realized where he was
Glitch: n-NO
The scooping room powering on said an automated voice
The scooper struck him 3 times before everything went black
Glitch? Glitchtrap? HEY LOSER!
Glitchtrap: what happened?
Springbonnie: you were screaming in your sleep silly
Shadow: are you alright darling?
Glitchtrap:y-you caused this
Shadow: was it about......her?
Spring: who are you talking about?
Glitchtrap: no one important go play with that weird ghost child
Yay I'm back lmao hmm wonder who's this mystery person? And I have a feeling it has something to do with Shadow
Blueprint of Cassandra
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