Im still bad at naming things
catsaresoooooawsome asks
Henry what is your favourite thing about Goldie and Freddy
Henry: well freddy helps keep everyone under control (that's a fucking lie lol) and Goldie....uh well...
Goldie: Henry what about me? HENRY WHAT ABOUT ME?
Freddy what is your opinion of Foxy
Freddy: I think of him as a friend but he needs anger management
Cassie: you do aswell,remember when you slapped Goldie because he reminded you that you're brothers?
Freddy: how do you even know about that you? weren't there!
Cassie: Cassandra was there and I can see her memories
Henry I dare you to rock goldie to sleep
Henry: Goldie come here
Goldie: hmm? *Henry picks up goldie* hey what are you doing?
Henry: it was a dare
Goldie snuggles into Henry's chest
Goldie: *yawns* okay dad
Goldie falls asleep
Henry puts Goldie in his bed/shelf
Freddy: were so going to hold this over his head aren't we?
S freddy: yep
Henry comes out of the matinence room with a familiar short blonde haired child
All: Cassandra!
Cassandra: Hi everyone!
Bonnie: good to see you awake
Cassandra: where's goldie? I want to suprise him
Henry: he's in his room
Cassandra telaports onto Goldie's bed
Cassandra: Hi Goldie!
Goldie: omg Cassandra you're awake!
littlemonkeytoes asks
To springbonnie: hey does Glitchtrap get these nightmares a lot or on somedays also you look adorable today.
To freddy and Goldie: *POOF* you are now cats well you are Freddy but *look down* Goldie is an adorable kitten bean X3.
To Foxy: Foxy don't push your luck today trust me unless you want to be turned into a baby Foxy >:)
Springbonnie: he does occasionally but they're not usually this bad, I'm worried for him
Glitch: aww so you do care about me
Spring: ahh! You scared me you big idiot and of course I care about you you're my big brother
With Goldie and Freddy
Freddy: ahh! This isn't permanent is it?
Me: nah I'll make it last for 5 asks cus this is funny as hell
Goldie: *mew* Calm down Cassandra
Cassidy: aww someone get a camera this needs to go in the photo album
S chica: ehh dogs are better (course you would say that susie)
With Foxy
Foxy: raagh she can't do that right?
Me: technically she can lol so behave biatch
To tc and mangle: who are your crushes and you both look adorable and beautiful today
Tc: aww thank you I think I make who my crush is very clear
Mangle: I don't have a crush on anyone here
1/5 of goldie and freddy as cats
Goldie: I am not CUTE Cassandra I am dark and evil and YOU know that!
Cassandra: aww pretty kitty!
Cassie pulls out a laser pointer
Freddy: Ahh red dot must catch it !
Cassie points it at Foxy's face
Freddy jumps onto Foxy
Cassie: *WHEEZE*
Cassandra: ha ha lemme try!
Cassandra points it at Goldie
Goldie: CASSANDRA WAI!- crash Freddy smashes into Goldie
catsaresoooooawsome asks
Micheal who was your favourite Chris or Elizabeth?
Michea: Got to be Elizabeth Crybaby over there is so annoying
2/5 of Goldie and freddy as cats
Freddy I dare you to cuddle goldie till he falls asleep
Freddy: *Freddy wraps his paws around Goldie's waist and hugs him*
Goldie: heyyy get off of me
Freddy: Go to sleep
Goldie: NO
They fought in the end Freddy lay on Goldie to get him to stay down
Chris I dare you to tell goldie "you're a fluffy cub"
Chris: heeey Goldie you know what you are? A fluffy cub
Goldie: I'm starting to not regret biting your head off
To everyone: cookies or brownies?
Goldie: cookies
Freddy: brownies
Cassandra: I haven't eaten in 10 years but I think cookies tasted better?
Cassie: I like both
S Freddy: brownies
S chica: Same as Cassie my grandmamma made amazing cookies and brownies
S bonnie: never had either we couldn't afford them and I doubt birthgiver would let us have them anyways
N bonnie: same reason as Him our "mother" wouldn't let us if we could afford them
Chica: ehh I like both
Everyone else said cookies
Goldie and Freddy have fallen asleep
Glitch its Charlie Emily thats bothering you isn't it?
Glitch: yeah I still see her,I didn't know
Freddy and goldie transform back still asleep
The 6am bell rings
Henry: Freddy,Goldie wake up its 6 am
Goldie: oh! Cassandra let's go
Cassidy: hey I'm going to the mall anyone want to come?
Calypso: I'll come
The rest of the spirits and Calypso walk out the door of the pizzaria
Yay Cassandra is awake! Just going to say something bad will probably happen to Cassandra and let's just say it has something to do with Goldie next chapter
Kitten goldie
Goldie and Freddy as cats
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