Goldie: Today is the day!
Cassandra: The day for what?
Goldie: The day we finally escape this hell and go on stage
Goldie: seriously that's all you can say?
Cassandra: would you like me to say something else?
Goldie: it's fine let's go
At the vents
Goldie: so do you remember the plan?
Cassandra: yep!
At the vents
Goldie: you can stay here while I start
Cassandra: okay Goldie
Goldie runs off to start his plan
Cassandra dances around for awhile before crashing into someone
Cassandra: oh! Who's there?
Henry: Cassandra? What are you doing out?
Cassandra: Hi Henry! Im waiting for Goldie while he starts his plan to get on stage...oopsie! I wasn't meant to tell you that
Henry: it's okay Cassandra I'm glad you told me now go wait at the backroom door until I get back
Cassandra: oki!
Henry: Golden Freddy Fredbear Fazbear just what do you think you're doing?
Goldie: oh! Henry fancy seeing you here I was just doing uh well...
Henry picks up Goldie
Goldie: heyy put me down!
Henry: no your going back to your room
Goldie: how did you even know?
Henry: If you're going to escape then atleast don't leave someone like Cassandra in plain sight and dont tell her your plan
Goldie: *growls* Cassandra
Cassandra: Hi Henry hi Goldie
Henry boards up the vents and locks the backroom
Goldie: *growls* we were so close
Cassandra: yeah well there's always a next time!
Cassandra: goldie you're scaring me!
Goldie could feel his anger rising Purple electricity came from his hands he saw red
There was a scream,small sobbing and then silence Cassandra lay on the ground sobbing,her hand up to her eye
Goldie: Cassandra I'm so sorry....
Cassandra sat on the stage playing with her doll she now had a eyepatch on her face
Bonnie: why are you wearing an eyepatch?
Cassandra: (lies) no reason I just thought it looked cool
Bonnie: you're lying *pulls eyepatch off* oh my god!
Bonnie: how could freddy be so careless?
Cassandra: oh no bonnie you got it all wrong
goldie did this.
Bonnie: what did you say?
Cassandra: it's a funny story really,goldie got mad that I ruined his plans today and I said that we can try again next time and of course that set him off
Bonnie: set him off? What are you talking about!
Cassandra: he didnt mean to hurt me I was standing too close to him It was all my fault
This chapter was based off of what happened to pink Pearl's eye in SU and this goes to show Goldie isn't an angel he can be really abusive towards Cassandra sometimes
Also Cassie and Calypso were out shopping so they don't know about this
Got the last bit of dialogue from this:
Unrelated but Charlotte Emily is open for asks now :D
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