A discovery
catsaresoooooawsome asks
Foxy what do you think about Toy Goldie
Foxy: he be a Bilge Rat
Bonnie it was a dare it didn't mean anything
Bonnie: It still hurts
Toy Goldie I'm going to put it out there I don't trust you I get a bad feeling around you what are you planning with Goldie
TG: I'm not planning anything with Goldie I WAS planning something bad but that changed years ago so there's nothing to fear
Henry what was done with Toy Goldie
Henry: If you mean what Freddy did to him then I don't know but Cassie said that freddy asked where the knives were.
Henry: and if you mean what I did with his body was the scooper
littlemonkeytoes asks
To freddy: it's okay just retract your steps it will comeback trust me it helps alot. To bonnie: hey Bonnie it's okay it was just a dare here * gives feel better hugs and snuggles* don't be sad Bonnie Goldie still loves you
Freddy: hmm didn't goldie have box full of Tg's things somewhere maybe I should look there
Bonnie: thanks I know I just hurts so much
With Freddy
Freddy: hmm bowtie,Teddy bear,flower aha! Journal
15th of September 1968
The plan is almost complete soon I'll be the star and that useless golden bear doesn't suspect a thing
Freddy: oh my pizza ive got to show this to the others
To mari: how are you doing? Also you look beautiful today and who is your crush
Mari: aww thank you and I'm doing good and my crush is Toy Chica
catsaresoooooawsome asks
Mari how do you feel about Toy Goldie do you trust him
Mari: he seems nice but Freddy doesn't seem to trust him
Meanwhile at springs backroom
Glitchtrap: I still see her face everywhere
Spring: Glitch please this isn't healthy go to sleep
Glitch: I can't go to sleep
Shadow: I'll deal with this Now go play with your little friend over there sweetheart
Glitch: No go away it's all your fault
Shadow: it was 40 years ago forget about it
Glitch: no I can't we killed ch-
Shadow: shh just go to sleep
I think there's something up with Glitch someone should comfort him and I wonder what Tg's plan was?
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