Mike looked back up to the question board and smiled, seeing that the askers were back and at 'em again. "Oh..! A question for me, again?" Mike said under his breath. "Mike! How did you get your job at Freddy's?" the board read in its usual female robot voice. "Uhh..lemme think real quick. Oh! I saw an ad on TV for Freddy's, said there was an opening for a night shift guard, and I needed a job...after my wife left, I hadn't really done anything with myself, hell, I didn't even eat or shower. But, the first week in this office, in this place, with the robots and the Manager..I never felt better since then. I had thought of quitting the first time I saw the robots come to life, but they were kind..and very patient with me and my fear of them. They make me feel like I belong here with them, like they were long lost friends I once knew, but forgot years ago. And the Manager, oh where do I even start, he's so patient with us all, he pays us under the table stealing away my money, no saying things behind closed doors, nothing at all. He's a humble man, I have to admit, and I salute that greatly.." Mike spoke to the board and to the ceiling. And onto the next question. "Hey Goldie! How do you keep your fur so shiny while in that dirty backroom? It looks GREAT! 💛" Goldie jumped, not seeing the board. "I WASN'T SCARED. YOU SAW NOTHING." Goldie protested, not actually admitting that it scared him very badly. "Oh. Why, thank you fellow asker! I do have my secrets, y'know~" Goldie laughed. The board read off another. "Oi Goldie! Do you know who Winnie the Pooh is? Cause you remind me a bit of him..hmmm." the board read in a suspicious voice, then chuckled afterwards. "NO. I WILL NOT ADMIT IT. I SHALL NOT." Goldie yelled. "I kinda do.." Mangle said from the ceiling above Goldie, Mari came over to see what was up a few seconds after they began to argue. "What in the world are you two yapping about?" Mari asked, rubbing her eyes..6 AM was on the horizon. "Tell Goldie he looks like--" Mangle was saying until Goldie cut her off, yelling at the top of his lungs, "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE WINNIE THE FRICKING POOH. WE LOOK NOTHING ALIKE DARNIT!!!!" Mari nearly spit out her Kool-aid. Instead, she choked on it..coughing and smacking her chest in attempt ton unclog it from her throat. Mangle and Goldie weren't slow to help their friend who was choking. Mangle was smacking Mari's back in hope that would work, nope. Goldie took matters into his own hands. He picked up the smaller female puppet animatronic, held his hands by her stomach area, and started to squeeze and shake her violently. Mari was nearly done choking, Goldie had to try a tiny bit harder than that. "C'MON MARI! STOP DYING AND BREATHE ALREADY!!!" Goldie yelled at Mari, who was coughing with no sign of stopping. She finally stopped and thanked them both, and headed to her box for sleep before they had to open up the restaurant.
I know I didn't get everyone's questions in this one, but I will MOST DEFINITELY put them in the next part! I swear on everything I love amigos! There will be more to come!! Peace!---Karmel
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